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Posts posted by ucanchoose

  1. I would have thought it was because the ABC would sort out their tv schedule at the start of the season to make sure they cover all teams as much as they can under their charter. So it wouldn't matter who was where on the ladder.

    Casey don't play on a Saturday until the 27th of July and that's at midday so won't be on the ABC then 17th August and that is it for the season so don't expect any more

  2. My jumping the shark moment today was a 3rd quarter kick in. Dunn waving his arms like its some sort of set play. Kicks to himself, runs another 10m metres and proceeds to kick it straight over the head of every single one of our players straight down Jolly's throat. Nobody's on the same page. It's just rubbish and unwatchable

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  3. I don't see the problem. It's a job just like any other.

    I love my profession, but now we have a new boss, not my job. After my holiday I'm lickety split. Can someone please tell me why Jack Watts (or any footballer) is any different to any other professional in the workplace wanting to get a better deal whether it's money, job satisfaction or any other motivation.

    Answers gladly received

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