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Half forward flank

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Everything posted by Half forward flank

  1. He is a leading type forward, keep playing him to his strengths. That GC kid who was taking all the marks is a star.
  2. Its always given me the s..... that some supporters love their indigenious lads and then spew vile at other Clubs players and the Indigenous community outside the AFL. It is the indigenous lads who bring a smile to the face of supporters more than any other group. Imagine the impact indigenous people would have had on Australia is they had always been treated with dignity.
  3. Yes confusing. I may be wrong but it looks like he is just content to be in a little bubble with his mates earning an AFL income. The golf swing was either a little bit of posing, lack of focus or just stupid. I wonder what Joel Selwood would have said to a teamate who did that.
  4. Yes, surely the idea is to have an AFL ready tall as a dependable back up for just this occasion and if he hits a purple patch that is a bonus.
  5. Bemused watching him practice a golf swing during the warm up. No effect on his game but odd.
  6. My changes too but I think Melhksham may get another chance.
  7. Job will not be done until the first stone of a true Demon home is turned.
  8. Interesting to interpret Jennings body language. Jut a guess, Goody taking credit for Jennings work. Its like jennings is silently saying. Well thats what I have been telling you to do for a while now.
  9. Tt is obvious, glaringly so to a casual footy observer that you just sweat on our mids and they will cough it up. A bit like in nature, the lion gets the kill and the birds and hyenas grab the juicy bits.
  10. It was my footy experience that one of the best ways to get the respect of your teamates whether you were mates or not was to have good disposal by hand or foot. I never respected some highly rated teamates who could get the ball and either took little care or could not dispose of the footy well. It eats away at teamates, often unsaid but creates disharmony because it denies players downfield and opportunity to get a kick. Instead of getting a kick they have to chase the opposition player who who gets the stray kick.
  11. Nice insight into the Corporate world. I think the model for MFC is somewhere between boutique and big bus. Footy clubs sometimes kid themselves they are the equivelant of big corporating. My concept of boutique is simply being a family and sponsor friendly and accessable footy club. So first rate communication for supporters and good training facility for players and supporters to get involved. Keep it simple.
  12. I think he sounds like a good fella as well. However everyone knew PJ tenure was too short which then nleads me to believe we needed a similiar type to continue what he started.
  13. VDB and Melksham lucky but four changes is enough. I think we will win.
  14. The unhappy player playing out of position-Salem?
  15. We will probably put it on back to front.
  16. How much are the First Prize a Melbourne Flag raffle tickets?
  17. Imagine if the WB rule had been applied at inner Suburban pubs and Social Clubs over the past century and a bit. Gee, in the day you could get a smack in the chops for just standing in the wrong spot at a local, imagine saying to a bloke. You are out of order for criticising the Tigers or Pies? Pow, Wham, Zap, Lights Out.
  18. Come on, this is a professional supporters sporting club paying industry salaries. Everyone is under scrutiny and must be held accountable. Talk of taking pot shots siounds like you are having a crack at the Dimboola Under 13 volunteer coach
  19. I felt Bartlett was at pains to play down Jacksons influence.
  20. I think he was there to sign off on the extension for Goody
  21. Lets turn it around. Why are you not prepared to scrutinise his leadership compared to the respected jackson?
  22. No progress they are prepared to confide supporters in with Home ground. Beyond that he is another gun for hire. Boring as.....
  23. Fair enough, obviously I would not have said it if I had known, but that doesnt make it any less stupid.
  24. Come on Goody We all make errors, but time to get this one right and follow the concensus view And just name a team, none of this squad rubbish Finally please do not fire up the mids in a way where to make amends they go pack ball hunting.
  25. Maybe said that, all the while asking a hefty price to play.
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