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Posts posted by Demon_Tingles

  1. Re Scully: I remember watching the MFC Reserves back in the day and observing Rod Keogh tear teams apart and thinking to myself, "I really want this bloke to be smashing it in the senior side." I loved watching a midfielder crash in wearing 31. It meant something to me as a kid.

    I hope Scully's career resembles RDB more than Rod's and he makes the number famous again.

    Funny you should mention that .. rod keogh was my coach at north launceston :)

  2. Well I was one of the only ones from the start talking him up as I knew him when he was drafted and he is still a very good mate of mine so I agree with you but I hope that post wasnt aimed at me because I was the one who was talking him up from the start.

  3. FINALLY !!! now myself and others who feel the same can join in chorus and say " LUKE BALL F@C* OFF !!" I hope the two clubs chasing him realise that he is a money hungry attention seeking prat who would like to go to ..

    Collingwood: A team who will be there or thereabouts and yet never realistically challenge for a flag before ball retires

    Essendon: A team who in my opinion has as much chance of winning the flag before Ball retires as I have getting a phone call from Barack Obama and asking me to be the first aussie in the Whitehouse.

    At least we can stop wasting our time on someone who all along has never been keen on the idea of playing for Mlbourne

  4. they're going to have so many kids, they would be silly to ignore a player of thorp's quality in the rookie draft... anyhow, if we pass on him in the PSD, he's a massive chance to be snapped up in the psd by another club... if Ball doesn't enter the PSD, who do you suggest we use our selection on?

    Going over some archives on Bigfooty re: Thorp, there's no doubt the guy has talent, but for mine it seemed that Hawthorn didn't let him settle in any position... Given that they had Buddy and Roughead dominating, they were trying to turn him into a backman, and it would seem he doesn't have the versatility to play down back (given his alleged personality type, that's not surprising, would Wayne Carey ever been a great backman?)... If he can stay injury free, and we continue too give him opportunities as a forward, then it could be an absolute steal, and definitely worth the risk... we're not going to get another LJ in the PSD, not very often that happens, so at this stage I think Thorp looks like the best fit for us...

    Whoever posted that on Big Footy is an idiot. When Mitch played with us at North Launceston he was a forward and a backman and when he played for the Tassie Devils in the VFL he was a backman who could play forward so he is more than used to playing backman. The reason he got [censored] off is in the AFL this year they tried to make him into a ruckman and he hated it.

  5. I for one am staggered by some posts here. A lot of people are saying no to Mitch Thorp who has had injuries but is getting better and apparently attitude problems. But a lot of people here want Jesse Smith who is injured more often than Mitch and is an even bigger [censored]. Some posters here need to think before they post.

  6. Anybody have any updates re: Colin's progress? Looking forwards to seeing him in 2010.

    As some of you will remember I am very good mates with Colin knowing him from tassie and now both living in Melbourne as I posted in another thread his foot is coming along fine and he is happy with it and his recovery said he will be right.

  7. Unless they came to a settlement figure, I don't very much if Hawthorn saw the split as amicable. Any club would hate to be paying out someones contract and get nothing for it. I wonder if there is an agreement that if he does get picked up Hawthorn just have to pay him the difference if any. Nice win if Thorp gets picked up and the Hawks still have to pay his contract out.

    It was because he was not guaranteed game time. Any player over 195 cm who isnt getting game time and has talent should be wanting to move to a club who can give them game time.

  8. Go after him I say he is 25 had a year of recovery in the VFL and is no longer pigeonholed as a backman considering he kicked 5 goals on more than one occasion for Sandringham this year. Is only 25 and fits in with our youth policy. Would be silly not to look at him.

  9. I have just heard off someone who would know. Unless that person is trying to throw people off track, then that is how it will happen.

    Not to dispel your theory however any tom dick or harry could have made that statement and said they heard it off someone in the know. However i do think you are correct in your theory.

  10. Finally some common sense... WHO CARES ... ITS LUKE BLOODY BALL hes not that great anyway. Sure hes an experienced player and courageous and a leader but give our midfield of Scully Morton Trengove Grimes and others another two years and see that they will crap all over Luke Ball. If he doesn't wanna come here he can nick off to a premiership pretender like Collingwood. Id rather Mitch Thorp who is young and as i said in another thread the reason he left Hawthorn was he wanted game time. It was not his ego as they have Franklin who is the worlds biggest [censored] so it wasnt his ego that hes no longer there.

  11. I used to play with Mitch at North Launceston and Tassie when i trained with the vfl side. He is a very good player who unfortunately was surplus to requirements at Hawthorn because of Franklin and Roughead and did not want to play in the ruck. His departure was based on finding more game time and the split was amicable.

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