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Posts posted by Demon_Tingles

  1. I think that is a bit over the top Tingles.. While I think he looked like a fair ye olde goose most "disrespectful, arrogant, worthless thing I have ever seen" is a bit of a stretch my goos man. I'd suggest Libba eye gouging and sniping Knights would top it, Matthews king hit on the Bruns, Solomon on Ling etc etc are worth of comments like that.

    Yes that is fair but I think to someone who has done nothing at all except offer his good luck to him, to not shake his hand or even acknowledge him is just purely disrespectful. I mean no matter who you are if someone offers you their hand you shake it. Chris Judd always shakes opponents hands who does McLean think he is. Fairly certain he didn't pull stunts like that at the dees. Clearly he thinks he is better than he is. It's nothing personal I just cant stand arrogant or disrespectful acts like that.

  2. I must say I was annoyed McLean left as I respected him highly but after tonight i couldn't give a rats. That is the most disrespectful, arrogant, worthless thing I have ever seen. What harm is there in shaking the hand of a champion player. Poor effort Brock. Not good enough regardless of who you play for. It is just common decency and apparently Brock has lost his.

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