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Posts posted by Demon_Tingles

  1. How many people on here can honestly say they paid attention to his games at Brisbane?

    Actually I did as he was in my dream team. I enjoyed watching him at Brisbane and I was pretty happy when we drafted him. One, its round one FFS no one in our team had a good game. Two, he has decent foot skills but playing in our teanm where there is no one to kick to will not help him at the moment. For what it's worth I reckon he will be a good player for us. Apart from Grimes, who do we have that can create run from the backline consistently. I know Strauss is there but its only his first game and he was too scared to do it. MacDonald will be a good find once we get the ball in his hands and he has someone to kick to.

  2. I have been thinking about our continual insipid performances and it struck me .. You always hear of clubs using video replays to teach players what they were doing right and what went wrong. Now I have never heard of Melbourne doing this which could explain why we continually never ever learn from our mistakes. Either that or Dean Bailey drafted a bunch of absolute retards.

  3. I totally agree. I take the kickouts myself. Our system works pretty well. We have rover and ruck rover leading in frmo the 50 m arc. If that doesnt work we have two players on each flank one to block and one to mark and also we have as a last option our ruckman at 60 metres out with the centre half back and the centreman to rove.

    Last resort is the back pockets who are free, they receive it and then we switch and start the run. From watching Melbourne I can see nothing of note as to a plan. No run from behind, when someone does they do it wrong because they run right into trouble. Seems to me that the lack of a defensive game plan from kicking out is the reason we are horrendous at doing it.

  4. He doesn't appear to be in the squad. Care to explain?

    I am not on match committee I can only go on what he told me. Now there's two people who also spoke to him. I hope you are not criticising me because you know I am not on selsction committee he told me he was playing a half. Maybe why hes not in squad as he is only playing a half ?

  5. Yes he did when he played tac cup for the tassie mariners he kicked bags. He became a backman when he played on David Neitz in a practice match and ripped him up. I mean he dominated Neitz. Jayceebee I agree with that however I think he is destined to be a kpp. We have some damaging wingmen in morton/grimes/scully and even Sylvia. We dont need midfielders, we need backman and forwards. More forwards but its my knowledge that Col will be back in the backline.

  6. OK, I am going to say this one more time. STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM GOING FORWARD !!! he only just came back from a serious injury and he has played all his footy in the backline. He was drafted as a utility but has played backline ever since. He is not the answer to our forward problems yet. He needs time to settle in. I doubt he will play forward so please stop demanding it and saying it needs to be done.

  7. Just out of interest tingles, what happened with the hot spot that appeared a while back ? was it precautionary, as a lot of people feared the worst, seeing players like Egan succumb to foot injuries.

    To be honest I'm not sure. He just had a bit of pain and was wondering why the papers went to town on it. Its to be expected after a pretty serious injury. It wasn't enough to worry. I myself get pain there from constantly running and kicking. He just told the docs to make sure

  8. yeah he is hoping for round one. Not sure if he can though. As to positions He hasn't been told any difference in position where he is concerned. So I would assume they will ease him in through the backline. He cant obviously be a main target straight away and he is used to defence so he will need to get the feel and speed of the game back. He hasnt told me he will be a forward so I think we should cool down talk of him being our forward saviour for a bit.

  9. There has been some bad news about Jurrah and also some reports saying Colin Garland didnt pull up well. I spoke to Colin last night as most of you know he is a close friend of mine. He pulled up great, foot no longer causes any pain whatsoever. He will play a half Against the eagles and is aiming for round one.

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