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Posts posted by Demon_Tingles

  1. But hasn't been given a chance to settle. He would've spent a fair wack of his time on ground tagging, so his posession rate was never going to be massive.

    And one stat you left out.

    Disposal Efficency: 82%

    Not many in our team would be this high in this stat... Flash is only at 78%...

    The whipping boy for many around here, but unjustified for mine...

    Yes but it's not hard to have a disposal effiency higher than Davey's when he gets half the posessions Davey has. That means Davey has 15 more chances to make a mistake. That is a useless stat.

  2. This may sound stupid but I do not think that Melbourne Football Club is high on the list of player targets for the GC17 consortium. We are a rebuilding club with no superstars and a few players at the end of their tether. The most they could do is take a few of our kids but most are signed up and they could possibly unearth 1 or 2 in the draft that year. I think most of if not all of our players are safe from poaching.

  3. I think the expectations on Maric built up on Demonland were a bit ridiculous to be honest. He has played less than a handful of games, and while his kicking is meant to be his strength, better more experienced players often lose their brain in the heat of the contest.

    He'll get better the longer he plays. Just needs to find a feel for the speed of the game. He did seem overly keen to handball or kick to the next contest, when in reality he should have taken a breath and looked around for a better option.

    Very fair Jaded. Too many people talking him up when he has played 5 games. Looked soft today and I have a feeling he will be a good player but he just rushes too often and doesn't think. That is his main problem.

  4. Hmmm

    Morton .. good but generally annoyed me. Many many times he tried to break a tackle and was caught holding the ball or missed his handpass after being tackled. He is not big or strong enough to be breaking tackles.

    Maric.. Awful. Did not see him hit one target by hand or foot and there wasn't many times he got near it.

    I think for BOG it is between Davey and Frawley.

    Frawley IMO I have been a little harsh on but he is really starting to impress me, He played very very well.

  5. Does anyone know what is this "Dice Game" they were talking about in the media conference (the link is in the first article)?

    Something to do with shaving your head and $600....

    Penalties for being late to training.

  6. I do not beileve that Cale will be dropped. However I think when he has the ball in his hands he must rush his decisions sometimes as when he was playing wafl and under 18 champs he was an exquisite user of the ball and hardly every missed a target. Also a thought on our forward line, wasn't morton recruited as a centre half forward who could play midfield ? Why don't we use him forward for a while? I believe he will kick more than Petterd.

  7. Give Jetta A Rest.

    I agree with that even though I don't think he is doing too badly, I think he is starting to get weary. AFL football takes its toll on the younger players who aren't used to 1 the speed of it and 2 the physical pressure involved. We don't want to risk an injury to a kid because he is labouring and tiring because he is not used to it. Rest him for a week or so and get him refreshed.

  8. Well done to the kid she is stunning you wouldn'y kick her out of bed if she farted haha. Na Miller is a genuinely top bloke and will always stop for a chat no matter what. He always has time for the fans Millsy.

  9. Maric played in the wet last year vs Geelong and his ball use was a class above anyone on the field, including Ablett Jnr.

    In just his 3rd game of footy he had 23 classy touches, 5 marks and 4 inside 50's. This against a brilliant Cats team.

    Must play this week.

    He is being wasted at Casey.

    Without doubt YM this is the most intelligent thing I have seen you write on here top work.

  10. God I'm so over seeing this topic bob up. He was even in MX today.

    FACT Colin Sylvia has talent. If he didn't we wouldn't be so angry with him for not performing to his best ability.

    FACT He has not shown that talent for a couple of years now.

    FACT He seems to just not care too much about chasing and tackling.

    FACT At pick three there was always a lot riding on his shoulders and expectation was high.

    FACT He's probably got until the end of this year to prove he wants to play for this club.

    FACT His confidence is down.

    FACT Considering the other garbage on offer during the 2003 draft I think we did quite well.

    FACT Every player goes through a down period. Some more than others. Colin is the latter.

    FACT He hasn't been playing with a bunch of superstars the last couple years, lets face it. You're only as good as your team mates allow you to be.

    CONCLUSION He's got until the end of the year. You know it, I know it, the media knows it, I'm sure he knows it. Until then, just drop it!

    Good Reply leave until end of year.

  11. Well I now know how Robbo feels. I on training tuesday night stuffed my achilles .. I have never experienced pain like it. Minimum 8 weeks out more tests tomorrow could be 8 months out and lots of rehab. Bugger.

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