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Everything posted by BDA

  1. For some reason thinking of Gawn and Grundy reminded me of this deadly duo. Random I know
  2. In: Grundy + 13 + Freo F1 + Freo F2 Out: Jackson + 27 +44 + 67 Time will tell ultimately but on balance i think we've done fine Just need to sort the back-up ruck spot and we're done
  3. Fills an obvious need if the Weid departs. DL whipping boy!
  4. It is possible to decide mid-season to leave but still perform as best you can until you leave. I think the injury he had was a much bigger factor in his average form than lack of commitment.
  5. A lot of posturing goes on as part of trade negotiations. I'm surprised so many posters get sucked in by it. This deal will get done today for pick 27 and maybe some later pick swaps. Pies can take it or leave it. I'm sure they'll take it cos they have no choice
  6. Posters for some reason posters can't tell when you're joking QD. I suggest you use the 😉 emoji
  7. That is the lamest montage you will ever see. Laughably bad.
  8. LJ was a great selection by JT. Nailed it. He helped us break a drought and netted us 2 more first round picks. He decided to go home. Can't be helped but in no way should that fact stop us drafting from the west
  9. BDA


    Dallas D sensational again. Offense keeping it simple. After watching Dak go down week 1 I was pessimistic about the cowboys chances for the season but the last 4 weeks could not have gone better. Huge game v the Eagles next weekend.
  10. Personally I bear no ill will towards the kid. I hope the move works out for him but he’s gone from an understudy at the dees where he could ply his trade away from the spotlight to the fishbowl of Perth where the expectations will be high. No guarantee he’ll succeed We’re smack in our window with our core signed up. I’m only interested in how we use our picks to improve the team. We’ll have new players to occupy ourselves with. LJ will fade in the memory soon enough.
  11. We got the best deal we could in the circumstances. Best to move on with our other business. We have a reputation for being fair to deal with. It's the right policy. Except when it comes to Freo. The next time we deal with them, and we have the leverage, we should screw them to the boards.
  12. Not sure why you're getting in such a lather. The discussion in the AFLW threads is far more respectful than on the mens board. and we have @WalkingCivilWar to keep us in line. You come across as a bore. Stick to the mens board. You'll have plenty to complain about over there.
  13. Our firm takes on graduates fresh out of uni every year. Maybe it's our recruitment processes, I don't know, but they are as hard working and switched on as previous cohorts. Definitely not snowflakes as they are sometimes portrayed to be. I'm in finance so might be different in other sectors The increases in anxiety could just be a consequence of greater acceptance in society of mental health as opposed to an actual increase. Having said that I can't see how social media and the pile on culture could be anything other than detrimental to people's mental health
  14. They have a similar game plan to us which teams had worked out by the end of the year. Very stodgy ball movement, forward half more dysfunctional than us They lose Mundy and a number of other players, they’ll have a harder draw Longmuir is a good coach. He may well tweak the game plan and improve them again. They’re every chance to play finals but I just have my doubts and won’t be surprised if they miss out
  15. We'll get a good player with 13. I think Freo will regress nest year so their F1 will be a good pick as well In Jason Taylor I trust
  16. This happened suddenly. Since when have Essendon been interested in the Weid? If he goes I wish him luck. The club will find a depth ruck from somewhere.
  17. Excellent performance. Moved the ball really well, forward connection and taking marks Good percentage boost. Left a little on the table but no matter Suns, Eagles and bombers to round out the season. Nice soft run into finals and hopefully we can finish top with some clinical performances Great to see Bannan finding some form Hoping for a draw next week between the Crows and Lions Go Dees
  18. Dogs keep turning it over in defence. Suicidal
  19. Bannan finding form. She's an important player for us Keep the foot on their throat girls
  20. There' a gulf between Crows, Lions, Dees and the rest. North competitive but can't score. this is the worst doggies team i've seen play in the ALFW since inception. Lost some players to expansion teams i think. not sure about injuries today
  21. This game is over but we need to keep our foot on the gas and try to pick up some percentage
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