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Everything posted by BDA

  1. There is rarely a need to re-sign coaches' mid-season. Unless there is a possibility that they jump ship (i can't ever remember this being the case) to another club it should never be done. wait until the season is over and then decide. Why do clubs fall into this trap so often?
  2. Good coach and a decent bloke. Getting the sack 2 months after extending is just amateur hour Did the best he could with the list available. Reckon their head recruiter should be getting the chop before him This is Yze's opportunity but you never know with this Saints executive. Tough gig but someone has to do it. And if Yze does leave we could do worse that Ratten as senior assistant
  3. Very good but not quite as good as the last banner with Maxy holding the Cup
  4. Geelong is a well-run club (as much as I hate to admit it) It's not their fault that the Suns are a joke. Equalisation can't change that fact
  5. Why didn't we get an A+. A flawless trade period imv. Grundy is an upgrade on LJ, in the short term at least and Hunter brings better disposal so addresses an obvious flaw. Pick 13 added and a suite of picks added next year to allow up to go big game hunting and hopefully add the KPF we badly need And Gold Coast should have got an F. A joke of a football club
  6. The doggies situation is very interesting. Odd that so many players want out this trade period How close is Hunter to Naughton i wonder. Could we get in Naughtons ear and try to prise him away. Long long shot for sure but you never know. Worth a try I also like the Georgiades link. I'm a big fan. Great hands
  7. I hope the Hawks crash and burn for an eternity
  8. I've come around and will embrace Hunter wholeheartedly. As soon as a pic is taken with him in a Dees guernsey I'll update my avatar photo
  9. In other words a salary dump
  10. According to Tim lamb it came about because the Weid requested a trade and the club decided to grant his wish. Fair enough I reckon. The Weid deserved a fresh start. it’s just a low cost, like for like depth acquisition.
  11. Very good business overall Hopefully the bed wetters can calm down now
  12. No mention in the media regarding us chasing a KPF. Strange
  13. Need to treat the suns with respect. They have their moments. be professional and get the win first and foremost.
  14. I have low expectations but you never know. Depth acquisition. Cost peanuts so no need for posters to get worked up best of luck Josh
  15. I'll have to put aside my dislike for the bloke. Best way to get on my good side would be a duck to win a free kick, and slot the goal after the siren to win it the game for us in week 1. that'll do it
  16. I wasn't going to pay too much attention to today but i'm genuinely intrigued now. There hasn't been a murmur in the press about us chasing a KPF so looking forward to see what unfolds
  17. What about the WA players that don’t want to stay in the West? Homesickness doesn’t impact everyone and I’m sure there are players that want to broaden their horizons and see more of Australia. If I was a young draftee I wouldn’t want to stay in Melbourne (unless it was with the Dees). Swans would be my choice, away from the fishbowl to a good club and city. Lions would be next. Perth and Adelaide I’d rather avoid. Not sure how I’d feel if I landed at the Suns.
  18. I really wanted the Weid to make it but not to be unfortunately. Keeping him in the ressies as ruck back-up when he has the opportunity for a fresh start is the wrong thing to do. Let him go. We can find a back-up ruck elsewhere
  19. She's such a sweetheart. Pity she can't be part of it this year but what a player to get back for 2023
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