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Everything posted by Kent

  1. MCC 9.00am Monday Here we go again the lucky jackpot Grrrrrrrrr!!!!
  2. I have noticed this for years we must cause the congestion ourselves and dot start me on Max competing with BBB in the air surley they dont both need to jump at the contest
  3. Many on here said Salem shouldnt play and they were right!!
  4. This is entirely correct! Swans had all the space between the centre and half forward.The swans just moved the ball into this space and ran on. Our press is always to high in my view
  5. yes Parker got 9 great clearances At the game Goody made very few attacking moves Absolutely out coached again
  6. Mitch Brown knows how to play like a forward at least give him a shot I say and Dunstan to replace Brayshaw in the middle Gus back to half back / wing
  7. Salem was a high risk in a lot on here said so
  8. Smith for the umpteenth time is a very poor afl footballer in my view Cannot stay on the park and when on goes missing mostly
  9. I for one will be [censored] off if he comes back underdone and starts to do dinky kicks again Gotta love Bowey
  10. Have you heard him say anything about going? He has said nothing other than he will look at it at seasons end All the rest is subjective BS
  11. Indeed oldfart perfect scenario in my view
  12. There is still no compelling reason for Jackson to go in my view The reality is there are compelling reasons for him to stay I really hope he does and I'm as sure as I can be that he will Try to Remember Jacko has said nothing and is starting to play some good footy
  13. That is about as accurate a post as I have seen in 187 pages😁 Jacko to be with us next year
  14. Yes BBO just look at the LJ thread on and on and on and on with zero facts.
  15. LJ has said and done nothing about any proposed move He will consider his position after the season end I fully expect him, as I have from the start of this BS, TO RE-SIGN WITH THE DEES There is no compelling reason to do otherwise and many good reason to do so!!
  16. There is zero evidence for that !
  17. Freo will not have pick 14 More than likely 18 or so after father sons etc.
  18. Please define an ok player? Also Freo dont have two picks in the teens
  19. Jacko is currently contracted to MFC He has said nothing other than he will look at his position at the end of season to negotiate That is all we know!!!! Why that needs 185 pages of speculation rumour and BS is beyond me Lets enjoy our second premiership opportunity and worry about Jacko at the end Please????
  20. Acres good grief! So we get pick 11 or 12 this and next year and Blake Acres Great deal
  21. As said elsewhere Salem two weeks into a 3 week injury
  22. Yes agreed I'm meaning in few years?
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