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Everything posted by 58er

  1. There will be days in the future when Clarry will get his disposal at a genuine 80% or more. BTW when he kicked on Sat he did a mountain of damage fur to the speed accuracy and low flight left or right. Handballs were a mixed bag no real hot potatoes though, And the critics cannot say how and how many players will get 30 plus possessions on each game to replace Clarry. That's 35 or 15 and 20 that the opposition have to get that WE ARE Benefiting from. I don't think some of you critics of Clarry appreciate or see all that Clarry does. All the experts including Caro saying ehy haven't we signed him up yet are jumping the gun, How long did we negotiate with Lever and Gawn No one knows Its just that Clarry and Trac are much more public and seeming much more important for our future.
  2. What will Melk bring after 2 lean years? only had ONE practice game and no form. Wouldnt make all those changes Not that necessary.
  3. All three were recruited for pace run and carry and the first two for elite disposal. Where they start off is up to the Club but all 3 could play on a wing at some stage or HFF and use Their pace and carry. Move on from Phillips we didn't grade for him or he rejected an offer He is not with us no good keeping on about it. Maybe as I saiD ANB might work as he runs both ways. He is not consistent enough at HFF so we lose nothing by trying him on the wing. Rosman is the best Long term prospect but we have to wait something you are not apparently prepared to do.
  4. Wait till the season is over and see how he continues his freakish form. At the moment he is worth along with May every bit of the draft choices we paid and Together we would have lost by 5 goals yesterday. Have to pay overs for the best and Jake has his confidence plus his ability like May to organise our defense. We desperately need onfield leaders with the same skills in the midfield and up forward.
  5. We recruited Bowey Laurie and Rosman but you guys are not patient enough. Give them time but if u must start a chorus for ANB as he runs both ways but disposal may be a bit dodgy now and then.
  6. You are aptly named poster MD. There is not an ounce of common sense in your post and didn't you see Jacko in the last quarter? Yes kicking was wayward but he had a real breakdown poor guy. He is a future star and 99% of Dees fans can see that. Please Crawl back into your burrow and go to sleep during the winter where you can't post such a cruel and inaccurate opinion.
  7. Get off Spargy's case Watch the game NOT Melksham in IN Viney Chandler Hibberd OUT Jones Hunt possibly Sparrow Love Bowey to debut but wait I guess
  8. And that for the naysayers is why "Spargypants" keeps getting selected each week Doing team acts silently and unselfishly.
  9. And the first gamer JJ who did some brilliant team plays yesterday and actually uses the ball very well!!
  10. Fact is you don't pay any more for a No 3 vs a 53 ( Oscar and Tommy Mac) but as we know we have burned a few first rounders in our recent time which has been a real waste along with our previous abject Fruitless development programs. Hi to Morton Toumpas Grimesy both the Scully's ( father and son) plus Trenners ( hurts me to put him in this group) . Our esteemed D/Landers still counting the cost of both 1 and 2 in the draft and the previously maligned Tigers hitting pay dirt with Dusty from the Bendigo goldfields still haunting Better sides than us in September ( or even October). Jacko at 3 and Kossie at 8 are stocks on the rise out of yesterday and no one will stop them when they fully get their act together!. ( NO matter What you say Dr D no goals yesterday from Kossie ) but plenty of pressure and brilliant team acts Made him a party act along with Jacko at the end well worth watching.
  11. The fact is he has been replaced by now our FULL BACK of the Century. Yes its an early crow call but perfectly correct and legitimate. Truth is we are a 5 goal better side with both now Maysie and Jake LEVER producing their very best and the only Quibble is from our bean counters of paying TOO MUCH for both. Well if you are to rise up the ladder that's what you have to do. The pieces will be filled in by Rivers Salem Hibberd and probably Bowey in the BP and Petty at CHB, who will join the A graders. Tommo again was pretty good and reliable. We have now got 2 defenders playing AGRADE footy in defence and they know where the pieces are to stand and man up etc.and direct accordingly. Contrast this with the mids and forwards who are random groups of players all trying but not a cohesive unit hence the Undoubted hit and miss Scramble of positions and unaccountability of each member of these potentially fruitful Team jigsaws. Far too many easy kicks from the well drilled mids and cohorts from the west Went forward only to butcher the ball On the money shot for goal or pass to an inexperienced Team mate. ( Familiar ? We do it almost in our sleep each week ) It was criminal by our standards and if Sonny Walters and heaven forbid The Big Pav had made a comeback yesterday the chocolates would have all been shared by all and sundry at the Border gates and beyond that Mark MacG has so ably broken all political records without even a show of ONE fancy party trick to seduce his Masses! In fact Dan and Annastacia are positively riveting in comparison with Gladys trying very hard to be Both the comedy queen and Mother Boss of all things Covid! We have bought BBB and now need another leader in attack to help arrange the pieces Kossie plus the well thought out other post today who is our leader of the mids? To gain maximum results both these areas need a master and we will not MAXimize our success until they emerge. As always pure talent is not enough without a General in charge and an efficient game plan to direct proceedings successfully. Over to you Goody Ooze and Staffo plus Choco we await the results of efforts and maybe another Pair of recruits like Stephen and Jake to Whip these Loose cannons into a premiership oiled machine like the Tigers are on the big stage. I am dreaming already Jason Dunstall seems to have some spare time perhaps he could drop in to the Team meetings with Hodgy as sidekick to assist!!
  12. Melksham needs to lift big time 2020 form not good enough.Not in my team . Petty for Tommo at CHB Bowey for BPocket and ANB for wing.Plus Tmac if in form for Interchange and Tommo on bench also with Harmes HFF and Hunt the medical sub. Sparrow or JJ on Intetchange! Probably wouldn't line up Trac and Clarry put Gus there' snd Trac on HFF. Would like Say Laurie or Rodman to be in 23 really.
  13. Enjoy your day. Am in Sect 4 in outer In Great Southern Stand. Getting 7.40 am flight from Brisbane to o by here on this iconic day which figuratively means so much for us. We must make a statement with a performance like vs Tigers in practice game. That would be good enough to win by 3/4 goals today I imagine.
  14. It puts a load on ALL players over a game!! You have been seduced by the inaccuracy of the text creating this rule. Think about it !!
  15. How do you know that? He played lady week hit the ball a fair bit. Or are you a clairvoyant or doctor?
  16. Sorry Turner aplogize sincerely but Elegt makes some outrageous statements mostly because he doesn't like the player or disagrees with the Club.
  17. That is a mis truth and you know it Turner. If you can't post the truth better not contribute because you don't rate a player.
  18. That is not the case 2018 Prelim he played injured and their record is almost total wins if he runs on fit! But the rest not so good.
  19. In Melkshams form last year he is nowhere near the intensity and skill for a senior birth without earning it.
  20. Why ?? Williams does not have a history of AFL one year stints!! Do you know his current contract??
  21. Normal for over 30 year olds but he is totally different from Nev who is in fast pace decline sadly.
  22. Was much more positive in last 4/5 games in 2020. Hope he starts the same way in 2021
  23. Salo less distance covered by a fair way.
  24. That's stating the obvious chook but Salo would make less errors but have greater distance covered no doubt.
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