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Rab D Nesbitt

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Everything posted by Rab D Nesbitt

  1. Tomlinson and Langdon? Winger, winger chicken dinner.
  2. Yeah, great minds and all that ha ha. Sure we had a few games where I thought we were truly hard to watch this year which you never want to happen. I do think though that a lot of everyone's angst and frustration lies in the fact that we're so capable of being really really good. Sometimes once I've got over the disappointment of a game I try and compare us with the times when we really did have nothing to look forward to and there's just no comparison, I think.
  3. Personally I don't think there's very much that separates most teams. Players executing their team role on a match day makes all the difference and as a collective unit we have as much talent as anyone else in this league. It's all very well to bemoan the lack of a plan B or C when things aren't working but first we need to make sure that our plan A is burnt into everyone's hard drive so that it becomes second nature.
  4. There's only so much interest you can wring out of forty blokes looking for a change of scenery. Horse racing however has the capacity to make almost anything else (apologies motor racing & golf) look exciting.
  5. A nice little insight into how he sees our young playing and coaching group. I'm almost more impressed about the fact he didn't say learnings once.
  6. Trades in and out are always subjective and I'm not in the Chicken Licken camp on this one. One swallow doesn't make a summer and all that...
  7. Just read the interview and am all clichéd out. If Gawny takes over I'd like to see him give all his post game interviews in haiku next season.
  8. Before we can start thinking about where we'd celebrate a premiership (open top bus down High St, Armadale ?) we have to become consistent finalists. Along with a franchise player or two (apologies for the Americanism) it's what will get the next generation of fans wearing our guernsey again in the schoolyards around Victoria. Get it right on the field and everything off it becomes just that bit easier.
  9. I'm tipping general apathy will make it back to back wins.
  10. I guess it's not unreasonable to think that all of them have been re-contracted on small coin so overall not a big outlay in the scheme of things. All are still quite young and one or two may still surprise and become a valued commodity over that time. In the absence of any more information it looks like a relatively small gamble on the face of it.
  11. Chelsea only became a big club when Roman Abramovich decided to park his oil wealth in SW6 and will stop being one when he finds a new favourite toy.
  12. Just to buck the trend I chose Melbourne because we were bottom and nobody at my school supported us. Whenever our team starts to eat me up emotionally I just look for a circuit breaker. A long swim or bike ride usually works or failing that just good coffee and conversation. If we're going to live long enough to see a flag people them we have to learn how to look after ourselves.
  13. Every team being called Mighty. (Mighty Demons, Mighty Blues etc) The Mighty MCG. Really? Every player being a Superstar or Legend.
  14. A part of me will still miss the opportunity to go up to the top end and play. Where else can you walk back to the airport after a game? If we still get to go occasionally but GC host then I'd be happy with that.
  15. It's just a little bugbear of mine, along with people that write would of instead of would've or draw when they mean drawer. I think our sportspeople may have picked it up from their American peers. I watch Packers games when I can and many of the pre and post game interviews are peppered with the 'word'. Perhaps I should go along to this members forum just to get some clarity on the situation and find out how the club intend to address this going forward.
  16. Someone's definitely taking the [censored] here.
  17. Learnings isn't a word. Still, nice of them to offer us their thinkings.
  18. Another one of those deals that requires 20 - 20 hindsight.
  19. Leaving with his sanity still intact. Time to turn the page and begin a new chapter for both he and the club?
  20. Whoever designs our new elite training headquarters will need to install a permanently revolving door out front.
  21. On balance it's probably the right decision. Whether Jonesy is good enough to be in our starting 22 is debatable but it's a moot point if our best 22 can't get on the park each week. If he continues to stay healthy and in reasonable form then it's likely he'll have a part to play in our climb back to respectability next year. A 1 year contract that's heavily performance based (if this is fact) looks like a good outcome all things considered.
  22. There's perception and there's reality and how we react to both is a choice of our own making. I'll leave the fugazi to those that earn a living from it for that's their choice and who am I to argue with that.
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