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Rab D Nesbitt

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Everything posted by Rab D Nesbitt

  1. The club have done really well in preventing leaks recently and I don't see why the announcement of our 2020 captain should be any different.
  2. When I saw this I thought exactly the same thing. The one point win against Gold Coast would almost fall in by default.
  3. More's the pity Ernest. It would be nice to have him around long enough to leave an indelible mark on our club.
  4. I'd have thought the media would have flogged the Arsenal (and Liverpool) angle to death by now.
  5. Maybe he'll go into writing full time. His two books to date have been big hits with 5 - 8 year old's and adult Richmond fans.
  6. In chronological order. Aaron Rodgers to win MVP in the Superbowl. AFLW side to see April action. Steven Gerrard to lift the league title. James Jordon to give in and change his surname to Jordan. Trump pee pee tape at the Moscow Ritz Carlton finally surfaces. Dees to see September action. Harley Bennell to win the Grand Final sprint (as an unused emergency on the day). Scotland to vote for self determination prior to rUK leaving the EU.
  7. Exceptions to be made for significant milestones of course (or should that be millstones?).
  8. I’ve never quite understood why so many people feel the need to share images of the membership pack they get in the mail on all of the mfc fb groups. Every member of every club gets the same thing every year. It’s not exactly a surprise. It’s a bit like sharing your monthly gas bill.
  9. I sometimes think it flies under the radar a little just how healthy a working environment the club have created in recent years. It certainly seems to be helping guys like Maysie get the best out of themselves.
  10. With both of our home marquee games next year coming in the first half of the season it's imperative that we are very much a live finals prospect when they are played in order to maximise our earning capacity.
  11. As he stated it's equally significant that the entire backline have been able to train together as a unit. He also appears to be in a good place both mentally and emotionally which wasn't necessarily the case at times last season.
  12. Yup, they're good points DP. Key injuries aside our biggest hurdles lie between the ears as the talent is there.
  13. If a preseason is all about a club instilling some belief and a sense of anticipation into their fan base then ours has done it in spades this time around I think. This is part of the short game that should stem any potential bleeding of members that could threaten our bottom line. The longer game will play out as our new recruits are bedded in to the game plan and draft picks begin to find their way in the AFL system. If I were to try and pick out an area of possible concern this far ahead it might be our two key forwards, one of which hasn't yet returned to full training and the other who appears to lack in self belief. If this proves to be unfounded however then I see no reason why we couldn't rack up enough wins to snatch a double chance.
  14. I can see the Head in the Clouds segment on the big scoreboard being the first casualty of this decision.
  15. Popped down for the first time in a while and was pleased with what I saw. The lads all look ripped and thought there was good intensity throughout. After all of the spectators had pretty much gone a group that had left training after the second match simulation came back out for another short session which included the 'roll over' drill described from Wednesday. Everyone looked pretty spent at the end. My only lament was the amount of missed shots at goal in the two match sims.
  16. Anyone serving up this load of cobblers deserves the boot.
  17. Is this what actually constitutes a story these days? Three or four unrelated facts cobbled together under the headline of an unspecified current year financial loss. At this rate my thirty free monthly online articles will be gone in no time.
  18. The tone and level of expression in a post is more a reflection of the writer than their intended target I think. I've seen many a scathing comment and thought, gee I wonder what's upset them enough to write that.
  19. Has there been any announcement on the club astrologer yet? The autumnal equinox falls on the same weekend we play in Perth whilst Mercury will be in retrograde. They still haven't reviewed the spring equinox debacle over there in 2018.
  20. Does anyone at the club still have Pedo's mobile number?
  21. The long and the short of it is it'll be Max & Jack.
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