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Fritta and Turner

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Everything posted by Fritta and Turner

  1. Irrelevant, hasnt even made the ABC news. I have a number of saints supporters which I would describe as tragic. But the footy club, blah blah blah
  2. I am so distraught by the trades that I am reduced to using this oldie : Is Slim Pickings any relation to Billy and Liam?
  3. Well there is some room within my heart for that secret joy when an an ex Demon plays well. I am using tiny writing to support my investment in spec savers
  4. We would have to change our clubs name to Mellong
  5. Well it is if all you have to do to put him out for most of the season is stand on it
  6. Just got an email from the MCC What a wonderful AFL Finals Series we had this year as we finally welcomed back September action to the MCG. Are they serious? It was a terrible series and the GF was a shocker. Someone obviously slept through September. FMSW
  7. Ah WCW, dont you love Demonland? Demonlander staggers out of bed and looks in bathroom mirror. DL ' I think I need a shave/ eyebrows plucked' Mirror 'No you dont, and i never said that, you totally mis repesented me' DL staggers into hall and looks in hallway mirror. Mirror 'You need a shave/eyebrows plucked, you igorant eff ing !@#' I love the 'sound' of Demonland in the morning
  8. Greg had been a faithful servant of the club and towards the end of his career we let him go to seek success. Not every trade can be judged on face value.
  9. Obviously not.....or we are and have just gone around in a big circle
  10. If this turns out to be the Dees only big trade then I am going to do my nut and eat my hat.
  11. You have to take what you can get when a player is leaving
  12. Thats so they will have ample good players to lose in 5 years time.
  13. This probably says more about me than anything else but not only is Blake not at the saints but has spent 3 years at Freo and is now at the Blues. Did I miss anything?
  14. Well he was a free agent? And we didnt offer much....
  15. Flat, I remember running down to the boundary line and yelling 'oi, the game actually started 15 minutes ago'
  16. On a similar vein, best mate grabs his footy travel bag for a spruce up the day before round 1. Inside was a paper bag containing 2 dim sims.
  17. Can I just say that in Qld the trade period starts at 8.00am and I am ready and in position.
  18. Did you go to that game too? I used to dread the last quarter against the Tigers, Rolls Royce would kill us. I have lots of memories of the strange, quirky and down right unpleasant events that happened outside of the playing of the game. 1. My nanna had a friend (extended irish catholic family) who worked as a Corps of Commissioner on the gate at the MCC. My nanna, 3 of her cronies and 5 grand children would gain entry using 2 ladies tickets. 2. Early in the first quarter Uncle Graeme threw his record down into the aisle in disgust, whereupon a young kid grabbed it and ran off. 3. It was so wet at Artic Park that I watched the game through a moth hole in my beanie. 4. As a young kid, at a packed out game, I stood up in an exciting moment for a better view. When I went to sit back down someone else was sitting in my seat. (weird sensation that) 5. Hot donuts - who doesnt have a story about them. After the game I purchased 6 hot jam donuts, placed them in my coat pocket with some effort, and headed to Richmond station. On the train (blue harris?) I pulled one out, took a bite, whereupon half a gallon of scalding jam shot out over my face and chin and down my hands. I stood there whimpering, covered in jam, trying to reach my hanky which was under the bag of donuts. Losing the car at Artic park, losing Father in the car park after a night game at the MCG, what DID happen to Aunty Jess and the very drunk blind man will have to wait for another day.
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