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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. Yeah, but what do you really think of him. In your opinion he may be no good, but that is no reason to slag off at him.
  2. I can't stand that bloke commentating, he is the main reason I have the tv on mute when I now watch the footy, 13 year old schoolgirls aren't as hysterical as him.
  3. If I took it for granted I wouldn't ask the question in the first place, I would just accept it. Yeah I do know the family well, I have stated that before in some of the posts.
  4. You never know, someone might inadvertently slip up. I also don't take for granted anyone's inside info on this site or any other internet site as it appears an awful lot do.
  5. Yeah, I am sure Scully indicated he would, and I agree that Viney would most likely be more honest in his indications.
  6. Who is the senior member of the leadership group. Since free agency began I don't think any club has matched an offer to keep a player, why would you?
  7. Pretty hard for them to shed light on the matter when the so called info is fake news, {as the trump would say}
  8. I have this feeling that the words yourself and Lord Nev heard are the wrong ones.
  9. I'm not a hairdresser pal, I haven't snipped anyone.
  10. Well get ready for more disappointment because Goodwin is going nowhere either. Which coach said he is difficult to coach.
  11. Pretty sure this bloke of sh*t, I have crossed paths with somewhere a while ago.
  12. I know the immediate family, his diabetes has no effect on his fitness levels doc.
  13. His diabetes has not affected his fitness in any way.
  14. He will not play again, no matter how much he would like to.
  15. I think you may be stretching things a bit too far now, but you are likely to suck a lot in.
  16. You would, why would that surprise me, but it is not gunna happen
  17. I heard he is building a picket fence at his house.
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