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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. But it wasn't, they would of been tested, I really shouldn't be wasting any more time of my life on on a goose such as Scott.
  2. I think he will be offered 3 to 4 years, but he may only want to extend for another 2 years taking him up until the end of the 2024 season.
  3. Unfortunately some people really have no idea the work it takes into building a successful sporting team or individual for that matter. Probably best to take no notice of them.
  4. That is not quite correct. A few weeks ago a fortune teller came into the Salvo's store that I volunteer at and offered to read my palm and she said I followed a team that wore red and blue colours and there was a tall black haired player who had played around 30 games, and was about 20 years of age that came from the west of Australia and that he would remain at the club for many years to come. True story.
  5. McGuire talks a lot of sh*t a lot of the time.
  6. I can the panic has set into some. Jackson will stay at MFC.
  7. So Jackson is the only player that belongs to a successful east coast side. My wifes second cousins mistress told me that can't be true.
  8. The original Ascot Vale Club was disbanded as I said many years ago, the Ascot Vale Panthers looks like it began around 2017, I left that area in 2010.
  9. HaHa ,You would have to watch Maribyrong Park or Aberfeldie, Ascot Vale football club was disbanded in the 1990's
  10. Not this weekend though, my son is supposed to be coming down to see me and his mother.
  11. Don't start on me Dieter, discussions can be made regarding the ramifications of the virus on the AFL without the inclusion of party politics and who is to blame for all problems that keep cropping up with the virus. I am quite happy to talk politics with anyone face to face.
  12. I am so glad you decided not to do a political post.
  13. I heard a couple of hours ago from a source inside the building industry that we would be going into a 5 day lockdown, Dan apparently coming back from his holiday. I take everything I hear with a grain of salt, it will be interesting to see if this actually happens.
  14. Yeah, I always have a laugh at people who smother themselves in sunscreen then light up a ciggie.
  15. Yes, bloody annoying isn't it, just like the anti vaxxers it appears some just don't care.
  16. Yeah, the same virus the bulldogs had in the last half of the grand final................. The Demon Variant.
  17. I couldn't get into their bedroom on those particular nights so I didn't get a chance to see.
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