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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. Judging by your last few posts I don't think you have got a clue.
  2. The world is full of hysterical clowns and you are obviously just another one.
  3. I don't care, I have no time for religion at all, if others want to be led like sheep in any area of religion that is up to them. This is the last post on this matter by me. I just don't wish to see any type of religious or political threads on a football forum.
  4. You may be joking, but just for the record I am an atheist, i actually detest any type of religion and have been a conservative voter all my life much to the disgust of all mates from Braybrook where I am originally from.
  5. I don't understand why we have to have this type of thread on a footy forum site. As far as I am concerned this is no place for religious or political topics. There are plenty of sites on the internet to discuss these matters if your so inclined. I realise that i don't have to open the thread but you can't help but see it when looking at the various threads and it annoys the crap out of me.
  6. Most of their quotes sound just like yours.
  7. That's a big mouth you have got. That's a big mouth you have.
  8. I am not going to engage in a slinging match with you or anyone else on this site, I will say my piece in 1 or 2 posts and that will be it. My final post on this subject is that I am ex army, my parents and uncles served overseas in world war 2, both grandfathers saw action in both world wars and I am grateful to the Americans for assisting Australia against the advances of the japanese during the 2nd world war.
  9. I was just trying to suss out whether you were one of those leftist/socialist/communist types who quote all the propaganda they can get their hands on to denigrate the western world to justify their own beliefs whilst conveniently ignoring the atrocities of countries such as russia, china, north korea and others, all of which are not european.
  10. If your going to bang on about different nations invading and killing others why have you not included anything regarding the russian's slaughter of the ukraine people or the russian invasions of numerous other nations after the 2nd world war.
  11. finally a post which makes sense.
  12. Poita I suggest you send another letter to Goodwin, perhaps the following may be appropriate. Dear Simon, I am a dill, I am a dill, I am a dill, I am a dill, I repeat another 500 times I am a dill Signed Poita
  13. Don't think missing one game is going to have any effect on his disposal in anyway.
  14. Very true, I would be staggered if the person had not already been chosen.
  15. Here we go with the hysterics again.
  16. It hasn't changed in that respect, probably gotten worse if anything.
  17. That is only your opinion and thankfully your not part of the footy department
  18. Good, My son in law played for parkside, my son played for them and has been their footy manager for the last 5 years.
  19. You don't drop a key position player for a midfielder ,fair dinkum some of you people should try and learn about aussie rules football
  20. You would have to be the most gullible person I have come aross
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