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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. If your looking for something that describes pathetic, you can't go past your post.
  2. I seem to remember Frawley having bags kicked on him when our forwards and midfield applied little or no defensive pressure.Regardless if you using a zone defense or man on man, the back 6 players will always be in trouble if the rest don't do their bit.
  3. The people who appointed him as coach are more to blame than neeld.
  4. I know he is not going anywhere. If it wasn't on your mind why mention it at all?
  5. Anyone suggesting that we trade Hogan really has no idea.
  6. Rafiki, you just have to stay strong, I too have been suffering from severe depression since 2002 which led me on to the path of a compulsive gambling addiction until late 2005, which resulted in the loss of any moneys I had ever saved, my business and unfortunately my house but amazingly my wife stood by me along with my children and close friends. After a failed suicide attempt in late march 2006, I approached the salvation army in Bourke street for assistance from gamblers help. I received counselling from their Psychologist's free of charge. I later became a spokesperson for gamblers help until late 2010 which was a great help to me as I went about trying to prevent other's from going down the same path. Exercise is a fantastic aid to anyone suffering from depression and I strongly urge you to keep doing it, I did a lot of boxing over a 20 year period from my mid teens and kept it at times but since 2007 i still train 3 to 4 days a week. I also do voluntary work at the local salvo's store for about 20 hrs a week and I find this of great benefit as it gives you a feeling of worthiness. Take care of yourself.
  7. Any male that hits a female is usually the weakest of the weak.
  8. I am watching it right now Bea
  9. Better stick to golf as it is obvious you know nothing about football.
  10. That's why my wife calls me Robbie Right.
  11. If you are talking about the red center you are talking about Alice Springs only, and their weather is similar to Mildura's.
  12. Utter Rubbish, and everyone would rather those two games be played inn Melbourne but there was and is a very good reason why that is so. I don't know why people keep questioning it.
  13. Unless I actually heard Billy or anyone else for that matter say anything I just take it as hearsay, things get distorted quite easily. No more from me on this subject.
  14. My grandson who plays under17's for werribee districts tells me that they practice on both sides kicking and handballing. he is also in the western jets Brad Johnson under 16's squad and they do the same there.
  15. Kerry Lambert may have heard incorrectly
  16. Some people will believe anything that is fed to them.
  17. Do you know this or are just making an assumption?
  18. At first I thought what drugs are you on but on reflection I see where you are coming from.
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