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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. Mud slinging by Just Between Us re: Lever and Adelaide offloading him
  2. Sydney at the G Port at AO Suns at the G (only half joking) Freo at Darwin (lose by 70 pts, Fyfe 100 possessions)
  3. Sad. You never know. We could have a major injury and he ends up playing in a winning GF (to be clear, I mean with us, this year)
  4. I will take him The point above about constant recycling is apt.
  5. Specifically states gets us into one MCG home game, by prior arrangement.
  6. Yep, Armchair member. I told them I wanted it to add to numbers and I understand it does. Our closest ground is Metricon (90 mins) and Gabba (2.5 hrs) so a 3 game and country are no good for me. Armchair I think gets us into one MCG game, so considering coming down from Ballina next year for QBW with son (4yo by then - Dees supporter against all odds, outlaws all CFC) and wife (Carringbush) for his first game at the G. Obviously tack a day Mt Buller onto that. Anyone know where to hire a Disco?
  7. Clearly you should be on Robbo's pay and the journo A much more balanced view
  8. Danger Will Robinson I can see it now "Careless swipe at squash ball by Hogan dismembers McDonald's golden goal kicking foot - retires from football" "Diabolical Demons Doubles Disaster: Misdirected Melksham Military Missile Serve Smashes into Brayshaw's head. Gus out for 10 seasons" "Cataclysmic Cluedo Clusterfk: Gawn dunnit in the loungeroom. Gawn's penchant from hilarity ends in acting out fictional crime. Accidental Cluedo shenanigans end in Oliver's magical meta carpals being snapped in half. Out for season" Shut this down now and wrap them all in cotton wool
  9. Brian told me, Brian told me so i like the Naylor version lots better
  10. Why has he inspired such patience and respect? There must be something about him? would love to know - sounds like he could be long term post career leadership material in some capacity?
  11. If Todd Viney knows why I would love for him to elucidate us if for no other reason to help us all avoid unnecessarily wasting time on baseless speculation
  12. Does the club have membership sign up booths at games? I don't recall ever seeing one (although the last MFC game I was at before moving 1800km away was a long time ago). If they don't, they should, and have sign up bonuses, like a free hat or beanie or scarf. "Paywave your card here and you're signed up and here's a hat if you do"
  13. I blame the quiet removal of the Demon from all logos etc. Bring back that 1970s Demon. (Though I do like the new MFC logo) http://demonwiki.org/show_image.php?id=648&thumb=1
  14. Are there any female posters here?
  15. Did I do it right? I went looking for a Roos image on the line I could make a crazy eyes gif with but there's only Fitzroy stuff and a few others
  16. It is an interesting notion that a footy club supporter would join or not join based on their draw. I get the idea of ROI specifically i.e. being able to attend games - but less so in respect of the teams being played (assuming a spread year on year across Kardinia, MCG and ES). I can't address the hypothesis that we'd sell more memberships if every game at the G as the idea is a non-starter and therefore does not bear consideration (leaving aside the fact it's self evident that it likely would). On the draw, well, I can't answer without any data and evidence upon which to draw conclusions. Unfortunately I am not aware of a data set that has had confounding factors (like performance of the team or snow depth at Spencer's Creek removed) so we can't look at that much further, can we. ATB
  17. On paper, sure. But in practice, we're a different team, don't you reckon Poita. Your name should be changed: it inevitably makes me think of Eric Bana doing his chook head Poita. Champagne comedy and most distracting
  18. I am only new to these boards and these little faces peppering comments have me both in mirth and mystified. Prithee, what is their genesis? (I get the roos crazy eyes one)
  19. After having an Oliver mach 4 handball magically appear in your hands. The Flash. Much better than Clarry sorry.
  20. They've recently seen a water buffalo cheese industry spring up Cambodian Water buffalo artisan cheese trail
  21. Hmm allow me to unpack this Does one buy a membership based on the games (ie who we will play) or does one buy a membership to a) support the club and b) go to the games regardless?
  22. Chop out Ablett for Hogan. Hogan interchange guffaw
  23. Interesting. What do you base that on? Are they school chums?
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