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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. I won't be satisfied until tmac kicks the first 8 goals in a GF and veryone comes in to high 5 him and he karate chops their hands away with a McEnroe-esque "you cannot be serious" with flint eyed steeliness and trenches of Gallipoli hardness and resolve
  2. I'm all for 80/20 simple footy but sometimes it'd be nice to cut to oppo coach box bewilderment with oppo coach doodling on his resume and everyone wondering WTF is going on as we run rings yoi know, as we execute plan c and have a bit of dynamism
  3. Got a video grab of the first? Paste it here. https://www.facebook.com/AFL.Umpiring.Reviews/ Let's all stop whinging about it and build a body of evidence apropos questionable decisions or at least ones warranting explaining.(Sorry, we can do both: complain AND build)
  4. Yeah I agree. Dear Harry, I'm sorry you were thrown in the deep end and you had no support. As you can see from the fans, we wish you all the best.
  5. I can think of lots of other reasons for them not to win a flag unrelated to Dunn, chief amongst them, because it's Collingwood I will disavow that comment if ever revealed to Mrs Timbo. But it's never nice to see a player injured at all.
  6. So that is 2 games cost by the umpires then by your reckoning (and others') Sorry but if that is not a call to arms for someone in the club to be on the phone to Dill and his coterie of misfit morons then I don't know what is.
  7. Good points until the last line: He can a) drag players mid game to set examples and rip into them and b) summarily drop players In my view some need to summarily put in stocks but I get it's not the Middle Ages anymore (much to my chagrin sometimes) So, who are the slackers who aren't doing the hard yards who we can drop. Someone mentioned Brayshaw. Petracca. (I am not saying they're culprits but have variously popped up)
  8. I blame his hairdo It is a fair dinkum shocker Something my mum would have majicked out of a bowl in the early 80s.
  9. Unless he has done something wrong like put prawn heads in Goodwin's car, or is injured, it is negligent to not have Spargo in
  10. The Great Mulleted One Frawley has called it out. The media are onto it http://www.espn.com.au/afl/story/_/id/23932218/afl-round-15-heroes-villains-young-dogs-show-bite-melbourne-mental-minnows
  11. http://www.espn.com.au/afl/story/_/id/23932218/afl-round-15-heroes-villains-young-dogs-show-bite-melbourne-mental-minnows The drums are beating Goodwin.
  12. Basically the whole side was carried
  13. Trade jones!! Sacre Bleu! weve now had hogan brayshaw and jones offered up (in additional to the seeming fave Tyson )
  14. This is why I much prefer golf. And cycling. And if I see Maximus up late tweeting about the TdF I will not be happy
  15. Me too. I like both. Sorry about that. I can't rant at home because Flagpies Wife has put up with it for much too long and my 3YO doesn't get it (yet). Only a MFCS knows the feeling.
  16. I think the Manangatang 3rds (except their ruckman and FF) might be helpful in filling some key spots I hear they're fast and the only thing they fear is an empty Lake Boga pie warmer and empty Melbourne (makes me) Bitter keg.
  17. What are the values? Are they written down anywhere? I would like to see them. Not only so I am across them but to verify if the players lived up to them this week. I am curious to know how the values are reinforced. i.e. if not lived up to....what remediation is in place.
  18. Market economy paradigm does not have to be so. The mods can enforce it by issuing a diktat and scribing it in code of conduct then boot / suspend transgressors.
  19. Fair comments. I think it's about expectation though. You can understand reticence to continue malingering in mid table mediocrity. I get it, totally.
  20. Maybe someone who has media contacts could slip this into the media. All relevant and pertinent questions. IIRC, Buckley and Hardwick came under sustained pressure in recent times. I don't see that currently for Goodwin. Granted he's been at it 18 months but he was gifted a big head start by Roos.
  21. For me the worst part when we miss finals will having a giant question mark over next year. Currently treading water with nowt to inspire confidence for next year. A R1 win, or QBW win/close showing or Port win might have done that. Or a Hawks win or close Tigers game. As it stands it feels like 2019 will be more of the same But then who knows. Maybe Goodwin has a genius plan that involves this waste of a year.
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