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Everything posted by Spud

  1. Lodged a complaint with the integrity department for Sh'ts and giggles, I dont' watch any other games anymore as the officiating is so bad its unwatchable. The issue was just the inconsistency of the rules, they didn't necessarily get a heap of dodgy frees, but they got 50/50's whereas we got none of those. What is your report type? DISCRIMINATION/VILIFICATION Report Type * Select at least one of the following: * Disability Gender Identity Nationality/Ethnic Origin Race/Colour Religion/Spirituality Sexuality Other, for example; body shaming, mental health etc Who was involved? Please provide as much detail as possible. This may include name, contact details, date of birth, address, etc. If there are multiple people, list each one separately. Description of involved person(s) Matt Stevic (9), Andrew Stephens (12), Nathan Williamson (22), Cameron Dore (28) Clear discrimination against a side in light blue and Red and favouritism to Maroon and gold, similar to their gold colour. Evidence by the sheer favouritism and different interpretation of what is a mark, what is holding the ball and many other items, where only light blue and red people got punished and then in the next breath an identical behaviour by maroon and gold people was unpunished. This occurred on Friday night at the Woollongabba oval in Brisbane. I do think that the umpires may need to have their bank accounts and TAB/Sportsbet account (the most important item for the comp judging by the number of advertisements) and those of their wives and family looked into also. Have you reported this to anyone else? For example, another organisation or government agency Yes PoliceName * What outcome are you seeking? The banning of the yellow people from involvement in sport. Is there any other information you would like to provide? The evidence is available on Kayo
  2. Feeling the love.... I know where I'm not wanted!! Btw I agree Re; Ladhams, complete spud and undisciplined one at that. Doubt Saints would offer him up, but coming back from a knee you never know, so I'd enquire about Jack Hayes...
  3. Aunty Donna were all over Real Estate agents.... they meant it to be comedy, but should be seen as a doco...
  4. Steven Da Rui
  5. People forget that in 1987, he was the Irish recruit everyone spoke of on the front and back of every paper and on every news bulletin, especially in the late rounds and finals where he was unbelievable. Injuries, especially knee injuries stopped us seeing his best for much of thereafter, but was super brave and a super athlete. Champion player, even better person... sadly missed.
  6. Sorry to do this, but the only place I could find the comparative kick I was looking for. Just go to 6.30 in and watch 15 seconds then, burn the link!! Tony Francis got 6 weeks for his little buttt kick way back in 1990, which was less likely to cause damage than Cotchins and I think is proof that in a lot of areas the tribunal is actually far more lenient than they were years ago. Now its not the action but the outcome that is the only concern, so if you full on smack a wombat in the head, you'll move off scott free, but if you touch a butterfly wing, you'll get life.. so kick as many players as you like kids, just make sure its not hard enough to cause real damage seems to be the take on that, but don't get a legitimate football action slightly wrong if it could lead to a serious injury, because you'll be punished severely even though its an accident. (careless or reckless actions don't get me wrong still need to be penalised). Kicking was always seen as the ultimate dog act and was punished harshly irrespective of severity, still should be. The outcome based decisions are crazy and solely its luck of the draw if a player is injured or not. Not against rules to stop concussions, in fact I'm all for anything that is a bad look being ironed out, but the action should be what is consistently on trial.
  7. Is Popeye Eric Hipwood's dad?
  8. I think Beau McCreery said to the bloke above I'll rip your bloody arms off!!
  9. I consider myself luck to have been to these grounds and the good fortune of being at Princes Park in 85 to beat hawthorn, and 98 when we beat Carlton. Was at Windy hill in 90 for the comeback, Moorabbin in 91 for the Jako show and 1 pt win and his other show in 92 at Vic Park to knock them off top spot. Western oval 87 (my favourite day until 25/09/2021) and even had the good fortune to watch us beat Fitzroy at the Junction oval in 85 and Geelong at Kardinia Park in 88 (the country train travelling as 13 year olds alone was awesome). Never got to Lakeside or Arden S., they finished just before I started going regularly as a kid. The one thing I miss about those grounds was winning at those venues was always much tougher and when you did win it always felt like a win against the odds with a bit more meaning and excitement to a MCG win. I can also say that I never really felt unsafe at any of the grounds, although I do kunderstand the mid 80's were different to the mid 70's from all reports at these venues. Always was worse going to Waverley and catching the bus and then train to Flinders ST to then back up on train 2 on the broady line and walking home from Glenroy station was always a far bigger risk. Walking home in recent years from Denis station and then Eaglemont station to the house hasn't felt right without the need to look over the shoulder to see if the 3047 boys are about to try and decapitate you! Miss those days
  10. Like watching continental drift.
  11. Agreed, not a great game but just little things for TMac and Kozzie, both were involved in this one. Tmac gets the hand on it that deflects it to Petracca when otherwise Duryea would have spoiled it out and then the Kozzie shepherd was gold.
  12. Shout out to #The Swimming Dee for the brilliant bottles of Tailsman wines delivered unrequested. I was on the beers last night so a late night wine to celebrate wasn't going to work (As Bill Murray says in Groundhog day don't mix beer and wine ever). Hope you enjoyed the game (what a dumb thing to say) and thanks for the wine again. We knocked over the beautiful Malbec this evening with dinner, very nice drop. Cheers again it was much appreciated and your wife's winery is quality, we'll definitely be purchasing more!!!
  13. Just checked my 1998 signed Team photo that has sat there for years (won at local footy club function). It could be J Stynes (mine is a bit worse for wear after 23 years, but it does look similar.
  14. 36 Andrew Leoncelli, 21 Steven Febey, Looks like Jeff Farmer on the bottomunder Fila, Maybe David Schwarz on the opposite corner to Neil Daniher. Unsure the one next to Steve Febey's, But possibly Viney (just there is a V and it may be an 1998 jumper with LG on it?
  15. Chris Grant was stretchered off after running into Neitz - Perfect bump. Was sitting in the bulldogs members section behind the goals at the bottom of the Ponsford stand when it happened. My brother -in law (pies supporter BTW) warned me he was about to start a riot but stated he felt compelled to yell it, stood up yelled "Get up you weak (choose your own high level profanity,) Grant". Expecting to then have people turn at us to start a blue, the funny thing was there was no response from dogs supporters just looks and nods of "yep you're right" from them and all these Melbourne heads that had until then appeared invisible, bobbed up all over the place yelling the same thing and even a few bulldogs supporters then yelled it. Such a strange moment you don't forget it...... When I saw the two presenters I thought of Grant being ironed out on the day Gary kicked 10 and thought it can't be a bad omen!
  16. clearly the picture is from a game V Hawthorn or Richmond (colours in the back ground). I think this is proof that he'd be very very stiff to be fined as a spectator intruding when clearly they cant find evidence he was even at the ground.....
  17. Your DM from 20 minutes ago will self destruct in 2 minutes (as I'll have to get back to work).
  18. G'day F' oath,

    I have given away my P1 already but have my donation membership code which is p2? (Partners name and she has never been to a game in her life).

    You welcome to it if it helps, if you already have one, let me know and I'll handball elsewhere.



  19. I really believe the recruitment of Vince, Cross and Tyson coinciding with Roos and PJ was the beginning of the turn around. In 2012/13 the thought of any player going to Melbourne was "only if I have to" so we got players like Gillies and Rodan who were not going to get a game at any other club as they weren't good enough or were past it. In 2014 we became competitive again, we weren't great by any stretch, but we would have at least have a crack week in week out and the 2014 win against Carlton is probably in the top 4 wins I have seen for fan excitement post victory (Going berserk after the game) and was the first game in probably 2 years where you could see the players just didn't want to roll over and accept failure again. From that moment, they were far more competitive. While the players above all effectively filled the cracks so to speak for the long term plan, they put a resolve back into the club and ensued that it was no longer seen as a basket case on field, allowing for a competitive culture to be built. That was then aided by good recruitment, which then again saw the continuation of improved results and that then allowed for the enticement of good players from other clubs (May, Lever, Langdon etc..) Without the initial slow build its possible that poor results could have continued by playing only young players before they were ready, which could easily have resulted in a status quo of the previous under development and potentially an exodus of those young players if poor results continued (per GC and Brisbane prior to Fagan). It's been a stepping stone approach from that moment until now for the club and hopefully the likes of Vince, Cross, Tyson and even Chris Dawes who tried his guts out for the club even if he was a bit cement handed, get some satisfaction out of the improvement in the club and hopefully that feeling gets better tonight and the next few weeks.
  20. I think I left angry, as I did believe if we won, we had a chance that year having beaten Brisbane in Brisbane (again coming from 7 goals down) earlier in the year. 1990, 1998 and 2002 were the years I felt we had a real chance, yet didn't make the GF!
  21. First Game R20 1980 V Richmond - Michael Roach kicked his 100th. Not all bad despite the caning as a consequence of that. Best game easily R22 1987 at Western Oval. Amazing day despite only being able to see 2/3rds of ground due to the crowd on the outer wing. Worst game 2002 Semi V Adelaide (had we won may have been best), the see-saw of emotions, certain defeat to certain victory to then loose (especially with some very punchable crows supporters nearby), was the angriest I've ever left a game. (Loved being at Princes Park v Hawthorn in 1985, Junction oval v Fitzroy in 1984, Windy hill in 1990 and Moorabbin in 1991also, right up there in the best days at the footy. Winning at suburban grounds against the odds always had an extra layer of satisfaction). Hopefully the next 2 weeks replace 1987 and become number 1 for every one.
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