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forever demons

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Everything posted by forever demons

  1. you must be very short to get in there,hope you taught the asian boy band the error of their ways
  2. OH HUM yes see what you did there
  3. As long as we are speedier than a locomotive all day.TOOT TOOT
  4. Just win to keep the winning feeling going
  5. This is terrible if stolen.Could be a great movie set in Italy with mini coopers driving around instead of the Italain Job it would be the the Giant head job
  6. Kossie is very talanted but after watching today he has no idea how to play a team game,try to take a sceamer against his own players when he should be roving the pack is not team play
  7. ok where is he playing now,just some collingwood hack we got lumbered with
  8. [censored] he does not try or support our team
  9. Think Grundy might be right out of favour.Has a bad club attitude tipical collingwood player
  10. Great yes but he looked strangly uncomfortable and nervouse
  11. Enjoy your day OD wish i was there
  12. Dont go there Kev the nightmares arnt worth it.Lets say just Simon was like a rabbit caught in the head lights
  13. Anyway its time for a scotch
  14. Did Simon ever play again ,my memory is a little cloudy these days
  15. Hope you werent wearing the budgie smugglers
  16. Dont peak to early
  17. I wonder how Jim how a champ like he was would go against Max
  18. we will win.omen. Went to the local bws this morning bloke behind the jump dead set ringer for ED
  19. Might be the ADAMS APPLE
  20. It certainly is WCW .Wonder how we could all help.MFC should subsidise you in some way
  21. I find that so sad nth seem to be being treated like orphans in the AFL.Probably coundnt afford to fly their cheer squad to Tas.So proud of the DA for jumping in to help out
  22. Stuff the collingwood bloke.Just had needle into my shoulder and didnt even cry.
  23. Lets go dees give this mob of shirt lifters a right royal touch up
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