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Everything posted by 4_Kent_Watts

  1. Dim Tyson is a plod if we lose this he can get the credit after breaking away and turning it over. Can't stand him.
  2. Brody Grundy got done last year for the exact same thing. Difference was Grundy actually got the free kick from the umpire, then got suspended. Now that was a joke. It's almost as farcical as the rules in cricket, being able to be out and not out on the same delivery. Now that really annoys me.
  3. I like the fact that both Bailey and Mitch can take the ball at its highest. Congrats Bailey on the nomination. Keep em coming.
  4. Love Titch. My only complaint is that he plays for the Poo5 and Wee5.
  5. They both along with Brian Taylor are constantly giving me the 5hit5. I can't turn it off as my Boss drives me to work in the morning, which I am tho very thankful. He's a Filth supporter too.
  6. Agreed minimum 2 year ban for cheating. No different to being a dope cheat.
  7. Just when I thought I couldn't have more 5hit hung on me for being a Melbourne supporter, they find a new and different way to humiliate me.
  8. I'd prefer Rhianna, in the bathtub so I can drink the bathwater.
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