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Docs Demons

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Everything posted by Docs Demons

  1. And trust it continues. Pick number 31 initially and wears number 31. Great omen and can only hope he does RDB's number proud going forward.
  2. Our bottom 10 whoever they maybe are the most important 10 players.
  3. Amazing that this guy even got a game then proceeded to cement his place and kept Hunt out. He will be one of our best going forward. His skills are nearly elite already. Great work and congrats to whoever found him.
  4. We can improve which is scary HOWEVER it is above the shoulders that count. Keep our feet firmly on the ground and have the desire again then I think we can do it again.
  5. Faulty. Can't be far away. Got my stuff delivered here in Brisbane today. Only a month.
  6. Just brilliant stuff Mighty Dee. Don't want to bring up old stuff but geez that goal by Max that was given a point could have been an issue if a close game. Thank goodness it wasn't.
  7. Concur. A Tiger mate of mine reckons he was instrumental in getting Dusty up a cog or two and no doubt has done similar with Trac. Very important piece in our coaching structure.
  8. Played his role perfectly as did everyone.
  9. How was that double handed tap out to Trac in the last. As Brayshaw on 7 said this bloke will only get better, better and better. We are in for a great ride.
  10. Nothing wrong with VB. Gives the XXXX heavy a hiding in my view and taste.
  11. Got an email today from the Demon Shop that my stuff is on it's way to Qld. With all the crap happening around Covid, Aust Post etc. we need to give our people at the shop some slack. They are doing as well as can be seeing they would not have had this avalanche of orders in their history
  12. Playing golf last Saturday here in Qld with Carlton and Richmond supporters plus a Penrith one and myself and Penrith guy sang the Queen song," we are the champions" that many times it Pee'd off the Blue and Tiger mates big time. It was gold.
  13. I ordered from Demon Shop and the HS on 27/9. Still nothing however as I'm in Qld and with the issues in Melbourne with Aust Post I realise it is not the fault of our shop or HS however Aust Post is struggling big time. Friend of mine sent up 5 HS 26/9 Sunday papers. Paid express post nearly $20 and I got them 8/10. Express Post is normally 2 Business days after mailing. Aust Post should have told my friend of delays and maybe pay normal postage. In any case will be very happy when my stuff from the shop and posters from HS turn up. Will be worth the wait.
  14. One f the greats was Robbie. Never fell over which is a sign of a terrific footballers. By the way the port wasn't that great.
  15. I'm going out there with a tad over 80k. All those lost supporters and now plenty of kids will get on board and join us long standing members. Wouldn't it be great to get to this figure and no real reason why not. Must be thousand's of Demons out there who are not members
  16. My two are Oliver and Trac. They have improved there games heaps this season. Clarry not just an insider who mainly handballs. He now spreads and kicks as well as most. Trac fulfilling the promise and now delivering on a consistent basis.
  17. I opened mine last night watching the replay. It was not good however still polished off half the bottle.
  18. I reckon Trac was the turning point particularly half way through the third to the final siren. He just said to the guys "hope on my back and I'll take you to the premiership"
  19. I don't think to many will be leaving. Maybe a couple of the reserves but we are in for a great ride. Some of those young kids who didn't play plus Tomlinson augers well for a bit of a dynasty me thinks.
  20. Like most of you lot and being at the 64 GF I've been waiting along time and last night was an amazing performance. Again like most was worried early in 3rd but then remembered I mentioned in game day thread that if we are a kick or two behind at half time we will run over them. How true!. Had plenty of beers before and during game. Told better half and son that I have a Robbie Flower port I bought from club many, many years waiting to open when we win another flag. Stayed up for replay and had about half the bottle. Bit rough today as the PORT certainly isn't as refined as Robbie was!.
  21. Could be spot on here but also I hope that those 3 umpires keep an eye out for illegal blocking of Max way off the ball. Brisbane did it to him at Metricon last year and Umps did nothing. Hears hoping they pay one early to Max if it happens.
  22. I'm strangely relaxed but no doubt will be toey tomorrow and will be getting into the soup around 4pm. Be well and truly ready by 7pm Brissie time. Reckon we will win and win well. Start well or be within a kick or two at half time and we will run all over them. Was 12 years old in 64 and as mentioned before was at the G that day so been a long time for me and allot of you. Bring it home guys.
  23. Who cares what the Umpires do as we will be that far in front any biased umpiring will not help the puppies.
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