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Everything posted by deebug

  1. We need to speak to both the storm and the rebels, and see if they may be willing to relocate near Marvel. The place i think they wanted us to build a base, i know it's a long shot but hey you never know?
  2. I suggest that a while back, would be good if possible but $$$$$$$$
  3. Does anybody know who we may chose in the mid season draft? And also have we gone cold on Koby Farmer?
  4. Wonder if this is going to be an ongoing thing with Ablett ,see how many times he can whack someone in the back of the head and get away with it?
  5. Could we build around the edge of Goschs paddock?
  6. It has been a s^@# year for our club that's for sure.
  7. WOW just WOW. Thank you to all our red and blue family all 70,000 of you guys?
  8. Not what any of us wanted to hear.
  9. Why can't we try and see if the tennis courts can move to a nice new place near the Docklands?
  10. I agree, with you 100%, maybe the club might want something closer to the CBD?
  11. It might have something to with the Council, not willing to give up the land.
  12. Didn't know about the heritage listed grandstand. I don't think we will ever be able to have our own place, sad to think about we came from the MCG and as the years ticked by the club didn't try and build a home base.
  13. The tigers are also looking for a new place maybe were waiting for them to move. And if they are we should jump at the chance.
  14. What ever happened to Melbourne uni grounds? It was spoken about and then nothing came of it.
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