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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. No to Cerra for me but there will be others across the next few years as we are now a preferred destination team, thanks to this season and our performances across the Finals. At this point before next season, retain our 'purchasing power' with a future salary cap. Cerra ain't no Oliver, Petracca, Gawn, Dogga, Bowey, Brayshaw, Lever, May, Salem, Petty, Hunt, Tomlinson, Harmes, Smith (as a forward), Fritta, Kozzie, Sparrow, Rivers, JJ, Viney, Langdon or ANB, or the youthful others still developing at Casey.
  2. He's a young bloke who has a fantastic rate of uptake to become the player he deserves to be for us all. Lethal, determined, skilled, productive, who knits beautifully into a team that has taken several years to grasp the concepts that are required to perform impressively. Onyer, Sparrow!
  3. Which one of us is going to nominate these two for the next Queen's Birthday honours?
  4. Fully agree. In addition, we should encourage the MFC (perhaps via Demonland) to broadcast (cheaply) to subscribers a match-day telecast of live Demon games - wherever these are held - beginning next season. We really must consider this; in these days of games all over the nation, compounded by existing telecasters and their curious, complicated and expensive ways, we do miss a considerable amount of that footy that we love best. It would be an exclusive, it would be incredibly popular and in the standard of the occasional MFC broadcast that we have enjoyed so far this year, it would already be an improved and informed commentary, and of outstanding HD clarity. Think of the precedent that such a venture might create perhaps assisted by - and only - our existing corporate sponsors. A closed network of complete, dedicated live match coverage on an accessible bandwidth. {We could even link it up to our Range Rover dashboards, our chalets in the snow, our cheese and wine tastings at our local merchants, our outfitters for blazers, cravats and cuff links(?) } That beautiful term: 'Carna Demons!' would take on a whole new meaning of abject delight and wouldn't The Filth hate it?
  5. Relaxing the tension, cathartic response ... delight followed ... agree, it was a strange immediate reaction.
  6. His eyes were fixed on the target, he lowered his shoulder to be the implement of injury to Oliver, he hit Oliver (playing the ball low and cleverly) at maximum force - head high, smack, thud. It won't even be commented upon - even though everyone could see it about to happen, as it happened, as Oliver cowered post-event in considerable pain, gathering his senses. Tough nut, sure. Played on. The rules of the game say deliberate impact events like that one MUST be penalised ... so who threw out the rule book?
  7. From your experiences, I fully understand your journey and disappointments, similar to my own and that of so many others. We turned the corner, tonght and the relief is astounding. One game, one result.
  8. Six pack of Heinekin, half a bottle of Teachers on ice, half a bottle of Wild Turkey on ice, three gin and little tonics. two tawnies and some Mersey Valley cheese, attempting to avoid a glass or two of superb Tokay (Sevenhill), and you suggest that Picket Fence is not an oracle? Demons win, a Premiership in fact, and still, I fully understand Picket Fence's point of view - absolutely. a.
  9. Still, umpre decisions invoke discomfort. The second quarter was evidence of this; yet again (that is now accepted) something special must emerge to confront faults in the 'system' of gametime conduct and governance. How many times must a singular team confront such disadadvantage? Ultimately, rejoice. We have been forcced to do it, again. We also did it again, Done well, the Mighty Dees.
  10. Outanding performance and proved excellence in recovery from the efforts of the 'notably second best' contenders for the flag. Off their game expetation, with exhaustion, limited resolve or capacity, and a missing skilset that drives Premiership contention. As I said earlier, Geelong were one step away from game time;; however, they remain one setp ahead of the Doggies in terms of threats to the MFC .Farken Nice outcome of course; stunning exhsibition of the respone to '... how the helll did they do that? ... from the second Quarter. Great team effort - but was it all that terribyly difficult?? Class won, full stop.
  11. The Green Man, Armidale in High St. Best pick-up joint in Melbourne - folk/rock, terrible coffee, lotsa girls. Think it closed down, in the 80s. And Squashway, where Des Tuddenham ran the gym. Great courts for that great game. You guys are bringing back my long-forgotten memories ...
  12. Oh, my goodness! Stuck here in Adelaide for so long and you Malverners (my home town locale in Burke Road between High St and Wattletree Rd right up to 1981) and my beloved Central Park (where I learned to play footy all those years ago from the early 50s) celebrating the Demons' big day. What a wonderful event it will be, down all those sidestreets, and Finch Street, how it invokes my childhood on the Malvern Star bicycle. Have a great day, guys. Is the pie shop still across the road from the CPk oval?
  13. Everyone from Barassi to Demonland to the general public, to all footballing fanatics that you talk to about today's GF have a very strong awareness of the season (and longer) advantage given to the Bulldogs (and Geelong) at the drop of the whistle through the allegedly impartial umpires. Surely someone in authority across the League and the population in general has had a word about this contradictory conundrum of our game to raise it directly with the AFL - and thus have stimulated the AFL to have a very serious word or two to the umpiring panel and its selections for the GF - STOP IT !!!! How many actual games have been unfairly gifted to the Bulldogs (and Geelong) in recent seasons? Clean up the act; this is our Premiership, not a toy for the umpires to play with in their biased ways.
  14. Had to drink mine way back in '88, due to a change in address/interstate removal. It was smooth but starting to turn and a little 'gritty' on the palate (separating influences in the taste), despite excellent care over the years. However, I did not regret having it as it was good quality. Hope your bottle has lasted and matured well. Around that time, I was very keen on 10 litre American Oak casks and tawnies from Rutherglen/Milawa (BB). Blame the trips to the snowfields, for that preference (and widespread sampling. :-)
  15. Max is a total legend, and remains humble and very Captain-like. This year, he has continued to surpass any expectations we may have held for him - he's simply all style, couth and giving to others. What a talent, what a guy. Max will ensure we get there, today. His onfield steerage of the team will be the difference required to take the Cup after an unbearable interval since 1964.
  16. Nah, Clint, the wins 'yes'; the one we lose is the result of the umpires keeping the Dogs in the game, all game and with so many poor and incorrect decisions going their way, it was too late to change their earlier decisions and the resultant outcomes. The one that I didn't like, in particular, was when Max marked in front of the pack (in front of the Doggies' goalmouth) and was penalised for backward head-butting Liberatores fist.
  17. Particularly as the result against the team of the footballing gerontology (The Cats) whom I regard as more potent than the Bulldogs and certainly, more experienced. The WB had a good run in the finals against sides that were less competitive than they should have been. This gives me some confidence, as I rank the top three teams as follows: 1. Melbourne; 2. Geelong; and 3. The Bulldogs. In this ranking, there are some noticeable differences between the clubs - this leaves us, I believe, clearly at the top of the rung and about to win a Premiership. Carna Dees!
  18. I appreciate what JJ can do, how well he can perform, how his loyalties to the team spirit are exhibited. He is still a developing player and teammate, at the same time - and lacks that kind of 'many games' experience perhaps needed in a GF. It is terrific that a player of his class is there as a medi-sub and in this unusual season, we have been lucky to have him there. Whilst we feel he 'deserves' and sub guernsey on Saturday, he is not quite as beneficial to the Club in such a GF role as Hunt might be, with skills, experience, pace and improving role familiarity in several areas of the field.
  19. Well, for starters, there ain't no games for more than twelve days after this one.
  20. Unquestionably sensible with sound reasoning - we really must get Hunt into the fray, by convenience or by necessity, as he provides a unique double-edged sword to the skilset up there or down there. Plus, his pace is a phantastik asset across a game and a midfield, two-way. That is an asset we can ill-afford to do without. In addition, he blends into the team and the game style, so well, from a form improvement and in the true 'team' sense, giving and receiving. He augments Sparrow's role(s) and Sparrow, his (roles). He would anihilate Daniel around the ground.
  21. It was, but I learned the entire drum solo when younger and the rhythm still sticks inside the head. So I play it, moderately often.
  22. Ennio Moriccone - Chi Mai, The G, B and the Ugly; Beethoven - 5th Symphony; Iron Butterfly - Inna Gada da Vida; Pavlog's Dog - Just about everything they produced.
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