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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Bogdan is a wiz, as well. Knew him well as a young man, very capable as his record states. If he was the new bloke, we'd be on the correct track, without doubt.
  2. Yze was a very, very clever player for the Dees in his onfield days. Having sucked the life out of footballing ingenuity at Hawthorn as an assistant coach, it was time he came back home. He learned heaps with the Hawks in that role and combined those parameters with his own innovative ways (as a player) - the '...Bang. Bang, bang, bang...' stirred my memories of the Yze brilliance; there is no doubt in my mind that he was behind our incredible finals performances and he was highly successful in relaying that methodology across the GFteam of the Century.
  3. This level of skill cannot be overlooked. I rate Sparrow highly - and he will only get better. It is rather easy to find fault with younger players but Sparrow somehow gets into so much across the ground and in a GF, for heaven's sake, he produced in a very pleasing way, to exceptional effect when the decision-making was his own. This kid is going to be something very special - he is already better than 70% of the youth that we have played across the last 5 years.
  4. There does seem to be an issue of 'release' away from the MFC in regards to MAndrew ... the investment from the MFC is far more than dollars alone; it is time that these efforts (considerable) are AFL acknowledged and 'system' rules with drafting should be revised accordingly. Otherwise, there is no point to 'Academy' involvement and early focus. Instead, the nurturing AFL team is once again disadvantaged by the AFL systems that lack quality, reliability and force such issues into oversights and disregard. Another example of the AFL itself not fully considering its myriad attempts at innovation.
  5. Not particularly interested in footy for women and related associations. Always regarded it as too physically demanding and perilous. However, since hearing more of Daisy's commentry and her very apt interpretations of what is occurring on the field of play, I have changed 180 degrees - Daisy is an authority on football matters. I look forward to her astute contributions alongside insights into the Mighty Dees / MFC.
  6. I learnt this - as an interpretation of possible evidence - from Gus and Bowey during the Grand Final. I can recall yelling out to 'she who must be obeyed' the exact same words at that time from the telecast. Nearly spilled my beer on the sofa!
  7. Displayed by both Gus and Bowey in that split second - that's the kind of stuff that wins premierships.
  8. That is turning the clock back; still, they may improve but other than two or three players, they just don't have the weaponry - and have enjoyed too many games against too many other teams ( the Dees, included ) affected by the decisions and charity of the umpires.
  9. Swans and Giants, yes. Doggies? I reckon we blew their whole gameplan out of the water for a long, long time.
  10. This is a big call, so I don't need a great deal of advice on the comment. That aside, if I was asked to describe a clone of a mid-career Hassa Mann, I would start with a summary of what Bowey has displayed, so far - and probably finish with where he could be in games to come.
  11. Subject to recovery of fitness, I'd like to see Tomlinson back on the wing - I think this is important to get Gus off the wing and back into the 'corridor' from whence his goodly fragrance emanated. I have a good deal of faith in Tomlinson and his play, his ground coverage and his 'space' awarenesses. It looks as though many consider that Petty will hold down CHB next season rather than trialling him up forward, and with the additional and rather recent team play coming out of defence, Tomlinson might be 'found' next season, out there on the flanks, in space and ready to take us forwards.
  12. Interesting way to describe Adem Yze. Never knew he was a sausage-cooker, nor adept at procuring the best sausages, onions, sauce, bread rolls and potato salads.
  13. I reckon, FWIW, that Polec has played his purple patch about two years ago, elsewhere, of course. We do not need him - we do need to continue the development of so many younger players ( from whom, many Polecs could well be discovered). Further, I firmly believe this will occur within existing arrangements and our sudden coaching improvements. Carna Dees!
  14. Yes, a great skills and motivational character and contribution in footy; however, at the same time, Yze and his playing/coaching mantra - including tactical oversights - are additionally critical to our ongoing success. I still have not forgotten the experiential and communicative skills of Jordan Lewis, either. I really believe that these three lifted our team in so many ways from the 'also ran' category into the limelight of extraordinary, team football exponents.
  15. It is assumptive but at the same time, could well be explored witihout great harm to the team, nor its structures. The replacements of Brown/TMac/Weed are more pressing than that of May should his ageing wheels fall away.
  16. Now that Petty has had a career 'toughening' in the backline, holding down a key position and opponents across the finals with aplomb, it's time to make him a real star of the game - in the forward line. The guy could be (is) limitless.
  17. That we, as members, did. Not even after losing to the Filth too many times against all rhyme and reason, and more recently, Trump's plea for us all to ingest bleach, did we lose the red'nblue in our blood.
  18. His kicking is rather good, I feel; he was used at the Saints to get the ball and then get it out; at the Dees, I'd expect his support structures are going to be in the elite class (as proven through the finals) so he may just have the opportunity to focus on delivery up the ground, more fully. He certainly gets the possessions, he can handball, he is tough as a brit schtykhouse and seems to have very good disposal upfield, once clear. As mentioned by several DL observers, he is a spitting image of Stephen Powell - but tougher - and that is by no means a poor appraisal. Quick, someone with the tech savvy, get him a copy of Powell's highlights reel to consider. I'd reckon Richo, his old coaching mentor at the Saints, advised the MFC on this bloke and his adaptability, his toughness, his ability to 'get the ball' and his highly suitable profile for the Dees. To my mind, he is a far better pick-up than an acne-stricken youth yet to play big-time footy.
  19. Bluddoath! Not too sure just how high that ceiling is going to be - and it applies to other 'newbies', youth and 'just out of the side' players, as well. Just the same, welcome Dunnie - tan. He will provide further competitiveness, skill and team merits to our listings of available players. Hell, next year is going to be exciting!
  20. Next season will be bigger and better and the players are gearing up for the intense stuff to come well prior to that season. As for the season itself, the Mighty Dees will unleash hell; there will be blood-letting for all opponents, there will be opponents forced to look wantonly heavenward for inspiration and counter-attack, there will be less direct interference across Demon games from umpire sympathies for those who dare to challenge our talents. Watch out, AFL, a new chapter is coming.
  21. Whoever it is, he/they will be under intense and frequent scrutiny just to stay on par with what was achieved in the last few years. It would be unlikely that the Demon benchmarkers amongst the fittest players in the whole AFL system would forget what was required and how to get there, nor would our 'leaders' allow the rest of the team to slip from these standards of excellence that delivered a Premiership and immense team cohesion.
  22. Everyone declares that ruckmen take time to develop. Surely Mac is allowed to do that, too? In such a developmental time, if we can recruit him, he'd most likely become a tall forward learning the Demon crafts and team roles as well as possible - and sometime in the future, graduate to a key rucking role as this development settles into something that his potential strongly suggests.
  23. Several other sons of our greats of the past will be further tempted to get to the Dees under the F&S highway, as well, once they realise that Taj made it - and would fit in just fine. This is in the true 'dynastic' evolution of our now-successful football team, surely? I'd be thinking Whitey(s), the Oxen and the Farmers, amongst others in that category...
  24. On that point, the GF umpiring was quite obviously not what the Doggies expected; in saying that, what I mean is that the abundance of questionable frees they usually receive at questionable times on the ground, at questionable locations of the field - particularly in front of goal and at those moments of games when they have been slipping behind their opposition without much hope - nearly all diminished, gone and remained unpaid. The staging efforts were there across the GF, with the result that such staging '...wore them out..' - they would have been better served by actually winning the ball more effectively, more often, not reliant on actors' equity to get them across the line.
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