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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Gee, WCW, you went lightly on Geelong. There are heaps of other primary examples of how they get there so often, whilst you have only mentioned the repetitive, non-even playing field ones. Did you contain yourself so you would not appear to have as many sour grapes on your plate as the rest of us? Fairy Nuff.
  2. Four days left to prepare for the fifth. Geez, it would be good to spank the Swans. So many times this past week I have heard several astute commentators (ok, so there are only a few) refer quite openly to '...the juggernaut that is Melbourne...' relative to all other finalists. I hope they are correct. It is going to be a bewdy - keep the faith, folks.
  3. Needs just a little encouragement and coaching on disposal options and techniques. These are some of the most difficult skills to master but upon settling into a side, due to his high rates of possession, for example, his role will be better defined and thus, you'd expect that process would be attended to by our remarkable swathe of coaches. Quite often, even Nathan Jones had this difficulty, for example - and that could really be the only criticism one could have of him - yet, it still improved nearing the sunset of his career.
  4. Glad you enjoyed it. It is the absolute circumstance (of years ago) when one attempted to balance the scales of social interaction and pursuit by selecting either a weekend at Hotham or going to the footy. Leaving the 'G, a great fondness of the MFC was nurtured across the years in wintry conditions as the platform of Richmond Station approached, the throngs of rowdiness abated significantly for all travelling (from Platform 10?) to the SEastern suburbs on the Glen Waverley line whence, as the empty clouds of black and white diminished in a directional sense, dreams and visions of an eventual win for the Dees were nourished, scrutinised and confessed across what became incessant time. Glen Iris Station, hey? Its underpass footpath, Driver Bus Lines, the fish 'n chips shop, the tram terminus in High Street - all memories. Stan Alves worked at the Real Estate Agents on the southern corner at the intersection of High St/Lower Malvern Rd. Good Demon ground ... a hive and breeding ground of discriminating footy supporters.
  5. It is all part of the ski season mentality - having sat in crowded football grounds across the winters surrounded by Filth supporters - amid the consistent bleatings that '"...Pendemberry" or "Day-Koz" done real good, like, at getting them frees!' One has to mentally interact with this language abomination whence the mind might otherwise be in full employment over a shiraz at Davenport estate between runs. With regret, so many times, the Dees didn't win the game so on the train back to Kooyong, one reflected on the overall negativities of the footy experience (over time) brought on by a reluctance to spend perfectly good Thursday afternoons climbing north-east with chains across the top of the Australian Geosyncline.
  6. Leoncelli and Rigoni were incredible drivers for the whole team - ran all day - very talented with an abundance of skills frequently used to put the Dees in great positions across the game. Lovett was absolutely dependable and dominant - very, very few could compete against him on equal terms. The Macs came into their own, as well - albeit at slightly differing times. Viney was a great ball possession winner, yet his kicking - whilst usually long and powerful - was less than ideally accurate (most of the time). Great days ... great teams amongst many outstanding sides in those days. Ah, the memories....
  7. Of course. My relativity fades as the years progress.
  8. At least, one of the two of them (Geelong or the Filth) will have been eliminated. Stirring for all other teams in the finals.
  9. This has got to the point of being inexcusable from the umpires.
  10. What! Clarrie got a free kick? Bulltish! Who, when, what, why, where? I saw a few cheap punches from behind, one kick, seven 'holdings', three knees into the groin and a deliberate trip or two - nothing remarkable for Clarrie - but no compensatory frees! I thought I had good vision across the entire game. What am I missing out on?
  11. If we are not set-up at the scene of ANB's ball possession or his intended points of disposal, he keeps possession and allows himself to be tackled, usually falling artfully with the ball and not getting a 'holding/incorrect disposal' decision against him, such is his mastery. In those few crucial seconds, the rest of the Dees are setting up or have already set up for the next play. This is a main value of the gut-runner, graduated and empowering team sacrifices. Just watch him, and when he does it. He occupies those seconds with a touch of class at all risks to his own well-being. Seldom does he not get away with it - and it is not negative play; it is highly positive - ie: for a purpose. If he gets to break whilst in possession, he goes for it should the downfield be set already; if not, withdraw defensively and repeat as required. Forcing a ball-up, his support structures (Viney, Clarrie, Petracca and Jackson) are then in place, enabling him to retreat for the next 'game interruption' of which I speak.
  12. Times changed, surprisingly, around 1980. The usage of quotes-within-quotes became a common trend and to compensate, the single was used with the internally doubles used within. For example, John just confirmed that he is 'going to the footy but Jim let me know that "...he cannot get off work for the match..."', so we will both see the match and report back to Jim later.
  13. Dirty footy overcome; the Dees provided resilience, determination, were focussed and set on a mission - to a man. The Bears had to concede, it stuffed up their game. The mongrel we sought was provided in better footballing terms. If we play Geelong, they will be next because their footy ain't as good as ours. The Filth, on the other had, will just fold.
  14. Must agree, Fagan is classy, astute, articulate and knowledgeable. He communicates well and has achieved a great deal in a short timeframe with the Lions.
  15. Not even making it to a contest. Repetitively.
  16. Fair, but the game at the start of the final qtr is really messy, with Casey all-at-sea with teamwork deficits and little run and drive. Their record is great for this season, so we cannot complain. However, they are down on competitiveness today; Brisbane are not far ahead, also without much drive - just making space up the ground to keep them in the lead. Some of our key players are down today, not making defensive or midfield in-roads with the ball. It is good, however, to again link names with players and possible potentials.
  17. That performance from Zorko additionally requires separate investigation. If it does not occur, the AFL is liable.
  18. We are going to play the Cats in the GF, in all likelihood. We will dismember the Cats in that contest.
  19. Though Sparrow did well against the Lions. A few fumbles but his body mass usage in tacklings meant that several prominent opponents, when tackled by Sparrow, stayed tackled and ineffective for some moments. This kid is a bull and is getting very effective in this role - his responses with the ball are continuing to improve, as well. He is like a door-jam in our team for opponents of all shapes and sizes (and reputations), and it would be good to see his 'recovery' and 'distribution of the the ball' given ongoing coaching attention and development. This will be the marque by which his 'boomers' will shag other teams with his ongoing impact development.
  20. Zorko and a couple of other Lions really attempted any opportunity to inflict cheap damage to the Demons right across the game - particularly from behind when running past and in contested huddles on the ground. A great sign from the Dees was their ability to temper responses that might ruin our match and form dominance. That is the measure of 'mongrel' we have been looking for. A few apt responses in the form of direct challenge came from Viney and Harmes - and no Lion had the courage to anoint Tracca with a cheap shot, it appears. The ANB incident needs investigation in particular.
  21. Picking the best 6 players is really difficult and that is the way I like it - performances like that represent a whole team effort across a whole game - the team performance lifted enormously and merit points widely distributed at the expense of individual efforts and outcomes.
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