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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. I think he has the attributes we need ... but does and will require transformational skilling through astute development and coaching - plus, I suspect, a good deal on support/encouragement on and off the field from his new (and great) teammates. He has come to the correct team to make these adjustments.
  2. Our interest in Josh has been fulfilled. He must feel highly motivated for the rest of his career - and we have to support him in that journey, develop him to our ethos and culture, then allow him to work his game to our needs.
  3. I like the 'no panic attack' forward approach - Josh has got it. I like the ready hands with the height - Josh has got it. I like both accurate and long kicking for goal when possible/feasible - Josh has got it. I like Josh.
  4. Yes, JJ is a talent despite the negatives that have been previously mentioned. He - as a junior newbie - is coming along very nicely, thank you, orienting and selectively assessing what is happening on the field that can then lead him into an action; soon, these processes will be familiar to him and his responses can be expected to occur more quickly, more consistently and more effectively in the (several) roles and the couple of field positions that he is currently attempting to navigate. I reckon he is doing these team duties well, given such circumstances. JJ is going to be a reliably worthy team member.
  5. The 3rd and 4th are a free hit from which good things could happen, including 'squirm room' within trades and/or selections of the future. As for Schache and Hunter, both have been highly rated and otherwise across their careers (experienced, as well) but time at the Doggies would have been a tough and variable road (culture) as it is a tough environment with what has appeared to be some abrasive coaching moments alongside unbalanced listings of talent and many attempts at firming both a footballing ethos and team cohesion. The Dees have a far better culture and team spirit. Arriving at the Dees may well be a 'big break' for them both - a more focussed 'cultural shift' and as we all know, a more talented array of best 22 in which to further apply additional skilling and role plays to which they could adapt. In every regard, their arrivals at the Dees are primarily opportunities to 'orient and adapt'. They both have the essential aptitudes and experienced skills to apply and achieve within their new, broader footballing home base, so it would be terrific if such positive outcomes emerge. Given the profile of much of this trade episode, I am quite content with these two arrivals the Mighty Dees' bandwagon.
  6. Not many blokes do benefit from high balls. Lower the eyes, lower the passing, I say.
  7. 1. Getting more possessions than the Weid could ever imagine without half-heartedness and preservation imperatives. 2. Usefully leading for the ball in multiple directions - his kicking is terrific from all angles. 3. Taking the odd mark in the danger zone with 'thinking' teammates doing their best to block/occupy/negate opponents. 4. Scoring a few more than Weid could ever accomplish. 5. Staying in the critical zone for effective responses - not running out of the way of potential harm, nor standing still to keep 'safe'. 6. Bringing the ball to ground for the smalls' skillsets.
  8. My oath, such a change in our forward strategy is critical - but it needs to be more than just one change.
  9. Mitch Brown replacement. We need to keep Tomlinson - on the wing, where he presents some real opportunities (if only the defenders - engorged in having the ball eventually land in Demons hands in the left forward pocket - kept an eye on his movements to space and utilised his good kicking).
  10. Don't agree with that summation. He was handy, reliable and yes, the days were dark. In such a weak team, he was quite often a face-saver, finding space, taking marks, playing on to teammates, kicking goals when our scoring was making us all spew in the Southern Stand, and he proved to be a week-to-week asset without being a champion.
  11. Geez, this Schache bloke, who has some experience, reminds me of Ross Brewer - a very handy fwd flanker from the annals of old age. He has a similar build, height, mobility and kicks just as well once an opportunity is taken. With a bit of 'mongrel' instilled in his efforts ....
  12. At the end of the day, we only know 'some of it'. I'd gamble that the Club, its hierarchy and its functionaries have one or two ideas for players' replacements (or betterment as best 22) still in the wings of silence, no leaks, reducing outside competition and favour. There is no point declaring intentions too broadly, too early. It's a long time until kick-off, 2023; therefore, let's get the current pillars of stone fit, angry, hungry and committed to winning the Flag next year - and at all costs, develop and be imaginative.
  13. Kozzi! Listen to me! I lived in Adelaide for 20 years or so and believe me, it's not all that great! By June this year, I had moved back to the pastures of Heaven; yes, outside of Melbourne in the countryside but I assure you, being back in Victoria amongst life's options galore, it is comparatively restful, abundant, well-optioned, closer to the 'G, there are fewer 'whingers', the air is redolent and it feels like home should feel. Give it a year or two to settle into our paradise, as well. You bring us great traditions and abilities; please allow us to enjoy just one of these multiple, super attributes you possess at this point - your footballing prowess - and make the Dees your permanent home. South Aussie ain't got it.
  14. Time to drop the Grundy deal. We need a development deal - not a sunset career across a limited timeframe. We need someone with a strong ability to merge into our game style and with our current players (those who are left or ascending from Casey). Rest assured, Goodwin will not be making onfield modifications or plans - so innovative and clever thinking is going to be an absolute requirement from those we may select. I can only imagine that our top 5 players will be having an exhaustive season in 2023, filling gaps, having more onfield roles demanded of them, having fewer targets to visualise upfield and attempting to keep the whole team with heads above water.
  15. Time for a clean pair of socks - our dealing is starting to smell. We've lost a couple of real talents, we've cleared a few cobwebs that are overdue and rancid, we've not done a great deal to deepen the waters in which we might otherwise prance. The clock is ticking and we sit back at our peril. I know, patience is a virtue; it's just difficult to wait out of the action so long.
  16. So, whose fault is this bad news? Unless things are about to trickle, which is getting unlikely, we could possibly all see it happening weeks ago.
  17. Stage management, AFL style. Anything for a buck. Whatever happened to natural flows, gentlemanly discussions and civil repartee not tainted by gross media [censored] and bottom-line, profiteering opportunists?
  18. He does have the Jurrah likeness. In this video, he is just a little slower than Liam but his ability to turn on a sixpence is very similar, his kicking is good, his anticipation of the ball greatly improves his marking and he takes a goal very seriously - as if on a mission! One to watch, get , train, integrate, develop.
  19. Thank you, TRIGON, much appreciated. I know of the player as it happens to be yet had no awareness of his 'Disco' identity. He is a fine young footballer, with very good potential. Again, many thanks - I feel better informed for your efforts. :-)
  20. It's a stupid question, I know but so far, I have not been able to establish who 'Disco' happens to be; not familiar with the personality, I cannot extend my aptitudes to first-name, good-mates nick-names; sadly, this is one of those blue sky conundrums for me. Could someone kindly let me know who is who? Maybe, a listing of the lingua franca for abbreviated nomenclatures could help others, as well? Over to you, kind personage.
  21. Rather retain Tomlinson - by a proverbial mile.
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