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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Frost on Waite, OMac on Brown. Sensible. Lever to HBFlank and utility role. Bugg out, with Harmes and Salem, too. In with Brayshaw and Hannan, perhaps Kent on the bench. Lewis out. Maybe bench new Oskar for a wing role. Bernie IN for Lewis loss. Bernie still has it when needed. Pedo CHFwd, Hogan FFwd, alongside Garlett and Fritsch. Cracker up the R's for those who do not add defensive pressure on opponents, those who do not run and chase, and those who bomb long into the forward line. Big warning for fwds who do not find space, read the incoming play or miss within 40 m of goal.
  2. Both Hunt and Harmes are being played wearing a Goodwin leash; it needs to be removed to free up these two players with their trademark creativity and dash - both in possession of the ball and in pursuit of an opponent.
  3. If I had yellow balls, I'd go to the doctor.
  4. The umpires were a little harsh on MFC and a little too charitable with Brisbane. Most free kicks at goal were highly debatable and in their anxiety, the umpires went for the whistle just that little bit too early. We came up against a team with some talented 'stagers' and the umpires fell for it.
  5. Players might not forget what it took to overcome the challenges of a 'revival' against us. It was in effect left to too few for so many but what these few did was remarkable. Occurring two weeks in a row, hopefully these experiences are remembered and ramified in our players' minds.
  6. No matter what the skills, for Lewis the years are telling. His shortcuts in competitive play often represent alternatives to real physical exertion and are seen as holding episodes, swinging the arms rather than tackling front-on, and often result in him being knocked off his feet from which he is slow to get up again until the play has passed. For one so communicative onfield, he is not really being listened to by the players, otherwise his mantras would be more evident. It is a shame because he has been a great footballer with wonderful skills but the body and mind do not seem to be in such good harmony these days.
  7. Agree, and Frost can move the ball from the defensive to an attacking advantage provided the fwd mobility is keen to receive.
  8. Brayshaw for Lewis, surely about time. Frosty is a must, also. Really difficult to get the mix correct and to keep the talent working.
  9. Good analogy, Chook. Faster too and I think he turns on a sixpence faster and narrower.
  10. Remarkable player, ball clearances expert. Goes in, gets the ball and uses it to advantage nearly every time. Takes a tag or two with poise and takes a knock or two with maturity. Beautiful kicking emphasised last night. Handball wizard. Virtually unstoppable across a game. Needs to run special skills clinics with all other players, just to teach them to think and do.
  11. Salem is silky at times but cannot stay on his feet, and is not capable of applying pressure when needed.
  12. On my second bottle of home-brew after the match. What a stroke of luck -- even the umpires were wearing Brizzy jumpers. Lewis was expensive time and again. Jetta had another bad game but worked hard tonight. Lever needs a support key tall - like Frosty. Melksham was unlucky with three missed goals. A 26 pts win was good, however, in the last 12 minutes. Carna Dees.
  13. Agree with you, Mr Black Jack-Marlboro-Ferrari! Kicking just has to be with purpose across its volume.
  14. We have to feel 'nasty' tonight, against Brizzy. Give 'em hell for four quarters and make the plays. A tidal wave only grows.
  15. Until we, as a collective, learn to ignore this sensationalism to sell for money and influence, the latter leading to more money. The notoriety that she has gained from this 'analysis' has secured her employment for another football season. Golly, rejecting the 'camp' and its problems was most probably a good move to allow time for whole-team game play, strategies of play and skills enhancement to meet these challenges. Coaching still needs to look at itself realistically; it is onfield performance that determines success, and the provision of time to practice and ensure that injuries are dealt with, then overcome, and subsequently prevented well in advance of the season to come. Jeopardy from preparation is reducible.
  16. Interesting to see that Frost, Hannan, Kent, Weideman, Baker were Casey's best players against Frankston in the VFL according to Jade Rawlings, albeit that the Frankfurters are at present a lowly, re-building skill set. This augers well for the AFL team, with Keilty making his mark alongside Oskar Baker in defence/wing. Trademark runs and skills from Frosty were very good in setting up attacking ball movement across the whole game. His confidence is obviously high, despite missing 2 selections in a row with the firsts. Kent has worked himself up from a dislocated shoulder last season to kick 4 telling goals, to provide aggression at - and for - the ball, in the forward line and obviously has got his kicking foot working again. Weideman looks like he has turned a corner with contributions in front of goal and around the ground as a mobile ruckman. This is the news we have been waiting for and although it was a game at a different level, it was a good omen as far as skills, team balance and contested footy were concerned.
  17. Kent is a very good player having to make his own pathways as our midfield bombs away as high and as long as it can. Kent has good aggression, speed and on-the-run skills, and has shown that given opportunity, he knows where the goals are located and can exploit that or pass, effectively. Bit more practice and he'll be in that team of 22 I'd expect.
  18. I reckon he is off form given tenderness in the ribs; his game was ordinary and no defensive pressure of note was applied. He seemed uncomfortable with his breathing and avoided contact after 'a run' or two. He is a talent who possibly could be rested.
  19. Brayshaw in Frost in Tyson in Wagner in Salem rested out/bench Garlett out Hannan out Maynard out
  20. That is how I saw it, too and suspected that if it wasn't a physical bump he would draw out the defender who did follow like a puppy to protect the Dees from Hawkins' long kicking should he get possession. Lucky Hawkins had a bad day.
  21. I just wonder if the coaching group at the Club read these posts, to internalise the sentiments of history since 1964 that have been endured by the MFC supporters. We even speak to one another in terms of imminent Domesday outcomes and cannot help being hesitant to dare a win or its likelihood, let alone a chance at finals footy. We see the talent that we had in the past and have in the present but we do not see coaching making that significant difference to achieving success. We just get monotonous excuses, monologues and distanced communications - so I also wonder if these are what the players, in turn, receive. We just pick a team based upon 'form in the pre-season' and retire our players to the gym for recovery from the Grim Reaper each week. Is coaching exploiting the patient members of the Club? Time to deliver, folks!
  22. Channel 7 just needed a headline to start the week off - anything would do - I loved the fake look of despair and worry on Tim Watson's face, not terribly frigging serious at all - but importantly, although he knew he was being filmed and something of him was being covered/communicated, Jesse coolly walked to his car, got in and maintained his silent dignity. Good onyer, Mate.
  23. He must be wise with the bickies he's paid. Good on him. Shows great common sense not to fall for the exclusive 'car' syndrome at his age.
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