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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. It is a point of interest but I'd reckon, given his young age he has not developed into a 'ruckman' just yet and this is supported by his rugby background, as well. It often takes a tall to become a ruck after several years - just look at Max, and Tangles, and Keenan, and Stynes, and O'Dwyer, and many others, as examples of this longer and bumpier road to ruck skills. North, as well, are not great in recent years at developing players to their short-term advantage, either; it was not a good place for him to start his transition to Aussie Rules, I guess. Not everyone is going to be an early, fully skilled Polly Farmer, NicNat, Gary Dempsey, et al. For me, the point is that he has potential in buckets to get fully match fit, developed, or becoming a KPD, KPF and ruckman. To assist Max to enjoy a long, injury-free career, he'll be just fine for the mighty Dees!
  2. He has done everything possible to extend his 'value' mythology in cruise control about his commitment to the MFC. In some ways, it appears that Hogan is the greatest obstacle to team cohesion and its ultimate success for which we are striving in the upcoming pre-season preparation and - if he stays - 2019. It appears that if we make the deepest end of the finals or greater he then reluctantly would have stayed - earning hundreds of thousands of dollars for the sacrifice - but is under no illusion indicating that he'd prefer to be elsewhere in the mean time. A fair day's pay for a fair day's work is not in his mantra.
  3. And let's not forget: A pack of Marlboros cost us 39 cents! Now, $28.95, if you're lucky.
  4. Yep, that is the best solution at present and it would leave the procrastinators of this joy ride in the lurch regarding their wishes.
  5. Preuss is going to surprise...this pre-season is more than just playing and readiness for his normal game - North currently do not develop players well and whilst there are exceptions, they tend to rely on big picks, low numbers in drafts, existing levels of skills and attributes. Now they wish to bring the biggest dollars into the game as this recruitment factor is taking over their FD competencies. Just like a kid in a lollyshop with his weekly allowance. Whereas the Dees have largely relied on internal development as a Roos legacy and it is continuing. There are 3 or 4 potential forwards, for example, that could goal more frequently and assuredly than Hoges. Similar numbers exist for our effective or potentially effective defenders. The acquisition of Preuss adds a whole new dimension to our achievement. The retention of Vanders embosses that dimension, as well. This is a win-win _ win situation, in effect.
  6. Statement time, indeed. Whilst I would like May in the team, we really do not need him. We do need Preuss and KK.
  7. This photo of Preuss rucking against Big Mummy is an example of his balance, poise and phenomenal reach. He is towering over the bloke by weight of his sheer, vertical leap and agility - not that agility is one of Mummy's strengths. The look of surprise on that face says it all: '...where the friggin beJesus did that come from?' Just imagine the effect of that tap - with Viney, ANB, Clarrie. ANB. KK, Jones, Spargo, Stretch, Harmes, Salem and Hannan - and others, in any combination at full flight to receive and clear! The landing from that leap will be on two feet, moving forward AND saving Max's shins from yet another 100+ kg of static impact. Get him and get him training with careful and close attention. Who needs May?
  8. Both are quite versatile talls - 'unbalance' is not caused by altitude onfield; both are characteristically mobile and with the MFC training methods of which Max excelled last pre-season, Preuss could be similarly applied. Certainly, in kick-outs from defence, having one in the formation packs at various points gives the team two marking targets at any one time, at different locations on the ground - quite an asset when clearances mean everything. This new big bloke can hone his skills to play either end, giving Max the opportunity to use his nut to select where he will wish to be at any given time. Then there is the back-up role so that Max can get a short rest onfield, forward or back when Preuss is back or forward; notwithstanding in the midfield where either, not both, can nominate for rucking duties. His sheer protective size is another advantage for our talented mids, crumbers and linkage players and so, with Vanders on deck, this represents some pretty tough blokes to man-up against for any opposition. If Max is mobile, which he certainly is, then Preuss is going to be very mobile - provided he undertakes the development pre-season that Max undertook to take his game to the next level. It is a coaching strategy to move forward with our existing talent array to achieve what are monumental obstacles for opposition teams. Our contested marks will also go sky high alongside our contested possessions for which we have an abundance. That's my opinion - it is a little bit like having both Neitz and the Ox on the ground at the same time who just happen to ruck, very well, as well.
  9. Sets a benchmark for Hogan to live up to, doesn't it? Great Clubman.
  10. Absolutely tremendous - he is one hellava guy, hard worker, etc, etc, and a main reason to go to the 'G to watch the Demons play. Worked his R's off to get back into the team and sorted a few for us in the finals coz he could. Ripper. Phantastique! Bewdy, Mate.
  11. Apply Max Gawn's training routine over summer, a few sharp drills as a backman, who needs May, after all? He can also swing forward to raise hell. He would easily back up Max. He'd protect the little blokes as a father figure. He is wary of no-one - look at the showreel: Eyes for the ball and capacity to trample those in front of him during a clean mark. He'd be great in a red 'n blue Guernsey.
  12. Did he see also on the teleprompter the impacting meteorite warning that alleges it is arching, at thousands of kilometres per hour, towards Earth to very possibly hit us by Friday morning? Whilst the technician apologised for the low maintenance factor involved, there are more than half a dozen cockroaches smiling bitterly about the transmitted result of a standard game of 'Pot Black' snooker sent on that link from the BBC.
  13. It does not seem that the world and its advice is setting Jesse Hogan up for the better outcome in his playing days and in its future. In that process, that appears quite debilitating, there is an undertone suspicion that he is being exploited against his best interests.
  14. It could all be resolved with an interruptive, real-time announcement by Hogan combined with a slip-knot release from the influence of his current 'manager'.
  15. I can only tolerate this suggestion if: we stop gnashing our teeth with Hogan - there are positives to him staying or going to Freo. It is now up to Hogan - should he stay - to ameliorate his negativity and silence, and to get on with his MFC career wholeheartedly. we locate the funds and bid for May - if necessary passing off a player or two who is in some limbo but with subtle promise for the future we snatch KK and Preuss ASAP! These two will take us to the 'gapless' status we need onfield. Stuff big-name, ageing monolithic possibilities from elsewhere.
  16. This is not a silly idea - it could create another dimension. My mate is asking me, each day from over the fence, '...is Hogan really worth the trouble?' Testing times.
  17. Inflationary speculation must be allowed to occur.
  18. If Hogan actually intends to stay at the MFC, then he is doing his cause a poor service. He ushers in thoughts that he will be as popular as hens' teeth with the players, the Club administrators, the coaches and his many, many fans and supporters. He will also be a media and spectator laughing stock for putting two clubs and a whole system of AFL trade processes in jeopardy, doubt and dilemma from this overt display of Narcissistic infatuation, silence and public disregard. If he doesn't wish to be at the MFC in 2019, then there is little chance that he will opt to play well with drive and determination for the sake of the MFC team and may resist opportunities to prepare for the coming season with his utmost determination - he will bide his time for a relaxed release in one year - why not? He is on good money for rope and has greater chance of his Freo transference (or WCE) without contractual obligations remaining with the MFC at that time. If he does the 'early' transfer, then the MFC will assist him in appropriately paternal ways, as stated, (and this is something that he would have intended - all along - to exploit as evidenced by his current indifference to standard football protocols and 'fair play' courtesies, and the 'time-rich' trading lead-up, its advent and most probably in the future within his 'new' digs, elsewhere ). However, it would also be a confirmation to his intended new club that they are dealing with a petulant opportunist who has entered a period of losing his credibility as a valuable player - to their loss - and 'team man', both on and off the field of play. He will have to strive - perhaps in excess of his capability - to regain, re-establish and reinforce himself on the game's larger picture. This impression might all have been avoided by one action: open communication of intent. For some observers who cling to word of his decision-making and intent at this critical time, it is most distressing.
  19. There is some excitement felt in this idea. He goes the clearance, punch, rebound, steering ... exhausting opposition forwards with his aerobics ... , and can deliver passes reasonably well. Certainly adds the concept of 'impregnable' to the backs - and he can do an amount of midfield run-on for good effect at the same time.
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