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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Petty will at least earn 2-4 kicks per quarter in clearances.
  2. Really good summation of the current circumstance and shallow-depth springs of hopes eternal. It seems as if the basics of run, carry, kicking and marking for reliable outcomes are not key criteria; we have few 'utilities' with size and mobility who can create connectivity across the ground. Anticipation in space is not an ingredient of the game plan yet we can move the ball in purple patches as quickly and effectively as any team in the competition. This indicates our reliance on a mere handful of players to carry it through. Ideally, more need to be part of that initiative, and its critical mobility. However, once or twice per game is not enough. We rarely see double-pronged options and preparations. There is heaps of work to do across the rest of this year.
  3. As the pins stand at the end of the alley-way, I am pretty sure that this would be the best we could do as a team against West Coast.
  4. Steady mobility rather than pace but runs in possession to space. That's how I see Hore. He reminds me of Brett Lovett at about the same body size, but a better mark in the congestion of the field, these days. Not quite ready for direct comparison with Brett but definitely getting there. Thus, he may well be Mr Reliable, too.
  5. Dees by 10 points, perhaps. With OMac in, might have to concede the game to the GC, with runners sneaking in behind him for shots at their goals - often. If Omac comes off for the bench, a 20 point win to the Dees.
  6. Brilliant. Deep, concerned, focussed conversations. Absolute mutual respect maintained. Good to see blokes having an exchange at this level of thoughtful communication. Thanks, Beetle.
  7. When I quit the MCC membership after 22 years waiting since nomination, I couldn't find a Demons supporter - they were all Richmond, Essendon, Collingwood, Carlton folk. Neil Mitchel (radio announcer) was the only one that I could recognise. An interstate posting for several years encouraged me to let that Membership lapse and nothing that the Dees have done since has made me regret saving on that Membership fee ever since. Still, the Southern Stand is just as good in the right spot, but I miss the Bay 13 Grog Guzzle of yesteryear and the Ponsford, in the sun.
  8. That is surprising, B_N, first thought was that it was pitched at the Filth viewers but much more than half of them would be missing from that figure. I thought the low level of mental maturity that the show represented would draw Filth fans, Essendrug shooters, Richmond rabble. Surprising -
  9. This debacle has gone on and on, too far, too often, to zilch effect. DROP HIM AS IT IS ALREADY TOO LATE.
  10. Always thought that it was a show for the toothless dribblers (ie: Filth fans) that had little to do with the rest of the football public.
  11. Coming of age, is our Frosty. Winds me up ...
  12. You are not the only one! I am sure that most of us can see it - allegedly had a good game last week but still was not even competitive and was grossly unreliable across the game - yet he keeps being picked (what are we waiting for); as if he is going to produce a three-year overdue turn-around with his speed, manning, marking, team play, reliable interceptions, attacking clearances, etc). He is a drain and liability on what could be a very good backline, necessitating the support re-structuring of the rest of the backmen during most active plays firstly at fullback and now at halfback. When Lever, Jetta and May return, all will be added scramblers attempting to resolve the problem when the ball is in/ is approaching his vicinity. This will leave the current deep backmen playing against an added opposition forward other than their own opponent. 'Sneak in and kick goals' has never been easier for them. Notice how Frosty, Salem, HIbberd and even Lewis by-pass OMac when clearing, passing, handballing - he cannot attract teamwork, just lopes around avoiding physical contact. A wasted jumper.
  13. Heavens, OMac in. Worst news of the week.
  14. Hunt, Hibberd and a mobile Frosty with Salem should do the trick.
  15. Their talls will otherwise have a picnic.
  16. Casey in the outback is like a picnic afternoon on the way to Waverley, the latter a ground that I personally liked, very much (where Tilbrook kicked the longest clearance I have ever seen). With infrastructural improvements made ASAP, for transport, parking, and a massive upgrading of the ground and environs including stands - facilities that one might expect of a football ground - it could all be a very good move. We love the 'G but so does the AFL - almost as much as it loves the gate-takings it receives from 'our' home ground. The Casey- Dandenong-Frankston area and beyond is already a rather good supporter base, and a lively and handy community.
  17. All good at this point - and Viney (tremble) might be good against our opponents, this week, if he handballs well instead of taking-on opponents whilst in possession of the ball. Preuss at FFwd, leave him there with instructions - Mark, Bring ball to ground, Lead straight out to smallest defender, Kick goals.
  18. The MFC FD and ancillaries obviously thought Joel Smith was expendable at the time and decided to prove it by keeping him on the ground whilst injured.
  19. Much worse an action by Ablett than that body and head protection of May's, earlier in the season.
  20. Precisely reasonable. It is now 'ho-hum'.
  21. Who's talking about drinking alone? It's always assumed that a mate will drop in to start the session.
  22. Koo-koo-ka-choo! Sitting on the Eiffel Tower?
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