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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. If it rains cats and dogs or just a little, he gets wet. If there is no rain, he stays dry. Seempill.
  2. That is true. I see Preuss (in support of Gawn) strengthening our greatest asset: Gawn's rucking to feed Clarrie, Brayshaw, Jones and Harmes to feed the forward line. Without some respite, some shorter-term alternative roles for Gawn, he will wear out mid-match. Preuss has a dual role in this function. Firstly, to relieve Gawn of the huge responsibility to last as the key ruckman for a whole game, week in and week out, and secondly, to be a viable target deep forward and thus drawing key opposition defenders away from TMac, Smith, Hannan, Tracca, Garlett, Hunt, plus others when required. He could also be a protector of teammates, a shielding screen, and bring the ball to ground - he is a massive unit to get around, through or over. With the new '6' rule, it may be a legitimate possie for him between rucking tasks - and might also represent a marking and/or clearing role for Gawn down back in 'rest' periods.
  3. It would be nice to think that GWS will utilise their mobile backs covering Preuss and Tracca, and to some extent, TMac who must have more freedom with 'up there' support - freedom to himself be more mobile into space rather than as a sitting bull swatting at flies going past or buzzing his over-manned head. Preuss does not have to stay in position as a deep forward but can assist Maxy in the ruck across the game so that the latter can slip off to the backline for a rest and a few timely marks, intercepts and/or taps to advantage.
  4. This is no surprise, heh? The last sentence is interesting. What are they going to do when Bailey Fritsch catches up with Mumford?
  5. It still equates to being the best deal for the best AFL take - mid to longer term.
  6. I am aware that I seldom have much faith in OMac and this has been the case for several years now. That has been a very long learning period, in my opinion, despite his tender age as a KPD. Physicality and area control, alongside speed and engagement in the tougher stuff are the reasons for my hesitation with him. However, I must concede and do concede that in the match against WCoast he was useful most of the time; he put in his best effort and result, proving to be effective in that game and determined. Albeit praiseworthy with a pinch of scepticism, I still retain hope that he does become a dependable KPD as you state, RbG, and I, too, have higher expectations than what has been displayed so far this year - it ruffles my tolerance of waiting, waiting, waiting for this to occur when what we need is something far more reliable and attacking.
  7. The thinking-man's post. Fully agree. Manning-up on Preuss as a deep forward across a game is an opposition nightmare - reducing the emphasis and focus on TMac, plus providing for TMac to be a more mobile, space-seeking forward surrounded by some smalls for support. We have expected too much from too few for the season, so far. There are those that can help out responsibly and affect the scoreboard through teamed applications.
  8. It was needed and did not occur. Provides some confidence in our younger brigade and their futures.
  9. The incident and its roll-out are typical of the freedom from umpiring rules and restraints that are exploited by the Eagles. At the end of the day, one has to admire Gawn, yet again, for what he puts up with week by week, severe or less severe, and how he manages his rage, retribution and sense of fair play. The man is already a Demon legend for the very best of reasons and will continue to be so until his body says 'no more, sorry'. Goodwin, bring in Preuss as a relief and backstop to be there if anyone from an opposition team wishes to carry on with endangering the career of a footballing champion and his mojo.
  10. Core issues in the Gawn-Preuss combo ... and it may well be an awesome duo, both carrying out a couple of roles other than just ruckwork.
  11. We could be leaving Mumford on the ground next game as a wasted jumper for his team. We will beat him, tire him and run around him thus keeping him out of the game. We already know that he will have Gawn as a target, to injure, and this is the reason why Preuss needs to be used as a forward and relief ruckman during the game. We should also knock him rotten at any opportunity outside of direct plays. That bag of lard could be in for his last game.
  12. It would be a very big step but surely it is necessary as an instant review. It would reduce error and this incidence of crowd pleasing, and bias.
  13. With correct technique, there ain't no 'yips'. Something needs to be worked on continuously, often, completely, universally, critically, immediately. And then, review it all so that the next starting base is better informed across the board. Kicking goals, not points or OOBs is not hard from 50m - 1m.
  14. Not a poor summation, at all. Well done DZ.
  15. He snot Klevver enuff, like, to disgyze ennyfink.
  16. Fritta is a forward, for the bloody three hundreth time. Lead to space, Mark and Goal.
  17. A contribution from Tracca in the centre is well overdue in a sustained manner. It will require of him increased total fitness and endurance but should increase his footballing acumen, his ability to see ball/get ball/use ball effectively - and it will require of him an improved kicking/passing response from the foot x2. I guess that means 'both feet' with good ball drops, not too high. He has a tendency to turn sideways, partially or fully, to kick rather glamorous hooking benders - both at goal and in passing. This is an elaboration of his playing style that does little for the quality of his accuracy and teamwork after what is now a few years in the big time. A basketballer with fancy hands doing a transfer onfield to fancy feet. Right-angled approaches to targets is also an error in his case that could be addressed. Tracca still remains one of our better exponents of bullocking pick-ups and opponent evasion/steamrolling. These are very useful in the midfield. He is evasive, he does have his head up and he does look for team support in what he does. A strong candidate for a midfield role, in my opinion, just needing some footballing guidance.
  18. The truth (standard of unbiased umpiring) will set you free. :-)
  19. The brown paper bag syndrome in the umpires' rooms after the game may arise - or has it - for WC?
  20. The run with the umpires is improved against i/state teams that we play at the 'G . I think that it is made possible by a more discerning fan base and more even support for all forms of footy competition at the level - even though it is smaller - which prompts media attention at the national level of the AFL. In comparison, this type of 'coverage' or even game analysis does not always occur when we play interstate. The Alice and Darwin games are good for us in this regard but not on the 'home' territory of the Crows, PortA, WC, Freo, Brizzy, GCS, GWS and Syd. Certainly, albeit only 'out of town', at Geelong. At these games, we are - regardless of form - minor players. The Filth do alright, though, so why can't the Dees?
  21. Something in my bones tells me that the next time Jetta (WC) plays against the Dees, someone will leave him with a calling card imprinted on his head and a fabulous little holiday in a recuperative ward somewhere. Vardy may well be a day patient at the same house of care (rumar sakit, in Bahasa).
  22. That was the best I could do, just found it a fun comment from you. It demanded a reply but my skills in this regard are limited. Still smiling at the realisation. Have a good day.
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