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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. My only worry (as it is a worthwhile experiment to have TMac as a winger/runner/endurance athlete) would be that if the foot problems are only masked, as in a short-term fix, it must also be realised that the amount of running - particularly forceful speed running, will do a foot injury very little good indeed over a very short period of time. He would be risking, quite seriously, that prior complaint leading to more lay-time in the team seats as an observer.
  2. Phillips, Merrett, Donald Duck? I'd secure a wing spot opposite Langdon for Hunt with a close coaching eye from Yze; that is, if the FD and Coach still refuse to develop Tomlinson for what he offers. We'd also save around $400K or more with the talents that these two hold - for the wing. And then there is Baker, who could also be developed watchfully. That money mentioned above could provide some interesting savings, incentives (correctly and properly managed), and improved Member services for the Club.
  3. His association with the Kangas must have had some extended, very dark moments, and these must have been repetitive. A path of no return must have been created on one or both sides of the coin. That's all I think about when measuring our great success in securing such a gun footballer (with some of those 'Robbie Flower-esque' characteristics). Dark days seem over for us, as well. Welcome, Brownie! Wear you Dees' jumper with pride ... all the best.
  4. An extra payment from the Filth ... amid the muck and mire. Couldn't happen to a nicer group of social misfits.
  5. That is completely true - he was the most talented footballer ever to be seen. Incredibly good bloke, too.
  6. Really miss the presence of Pedersen on our team sheet. 'Superman' is a good analogy for him. Truth, justice and a very big effort time and again, more powerful than a locomotive, but not faster than a speeding bullet. :-}
  7. Agreed, given what he (TMac) has extracted from the Club in comparison to what he enabled.
  8. I'd give us 'perhaps' 10/10 for NOT landing Isaac Smith.
  9. Happy with that. A really good trade. Now to concentrate on player development from existing stocks. Our existing boys deserve it, rather than be left to self-develop or fade away.
  10. Treloar is a risk I did not want to happen.
  11. Still like Frosty as a footy player. I suspect that this will be the making of The Beast, as well.
  12. I have always thought that he was a 'spaceman' and a runner with good disposals. I hope he hits consistent form to make the most of his flanking moves - these are quite extensive but out of the eyes of our backmen in 2019-2020 seasons; just the same, great qualities for a wingman - speed, space-seeker, feeder, marker, two-way animal.
  13. It does appear that there is no alternative club for TMac at present - and/or he is undervalued due to injuries and contract details. If the Dees retain him as a consequence of this status, maybe he will be able to recover fitness and match readiness over the summer break, and move forward to his better performances akin to those seasons prior to the last. Tom can play CHB and can run, when well. His backline role needs some tweaking, however. He often relayed his intentions across the backline and into the forward line just that little bit too obviously in the past. Yet, he could out-run most of his opposition forwards, in circles at times as the game progressed, as well; he is also a strong clearance interceptor, both with the fist and importantly, marking the ball in packs. He has enough youth to rebound fitness-wise and is almost an adaptable player at both ends. Interacting and anticipating with our stronger backline personnel (May, Lever as 'intercept', Hibberd, Salem and a few of the newbies - such as Sparrow) could relieve some of the 'Rock of Gibraltar stuff' he had to perform in the past. His contract is a difficulty but he is a loyal, motivated footballer who has served us well, reliably and surprisingly. Tom may serve us very well once again. It is our risk; we set him on this path and package, we need, perhaps, to display some loyalty to him for his previous efforts and successes. If it does not pan out, then he will be of good value with Casey to near the end of his tenure should an alternative not emerge across a timeframe. Best wishes to Tom, it will be a difficult off-season for him at best.
  14. North moved him to the market rather than re-sign Brown, Brown has subsequently and relatively early nominated that he wishes to play with the Dees. Easy scenario, start offers with $1.00, otherwise he may not play footy again - at a place he wishes to be re-located. Move slowly up to pick 26 but preferably 33, with a smile.
  15. He has nominated to be a Demon player. He's committed. We have satisfied the requirements for injury and 'soreness' evaluation and these are history. We must do it - big time - no delays. If we do not, some other furry club will - at any cost and the meat in the sandwich will be lost.
  16. I like the concept, keeping players by the bunch in game-form. The real advantage is that these players you have mentioned, BBP, have considerable talents - and each talent almost exclusive to that player - providing a depth of application given the team and the conditions of the day against which we must prevail. Makes for a super strong bench, old-fashioned player versatility at its best, but with (at present) a non-creative and limited problem-solving Coach, I'm afraid.
  17. That looks like the plan to me, as well. He is not trade bait until he regains form. Heavy summer of medical reviews and treatments may well see his form return. At least, his form as a CHB - he knows that game rather well. Fingers crossed.
  18. Maybe that is the end of the Geelong slush fund? For equity, each other Victorian club is thus deserved of an equal allocation. That is, unless the finance was paid as a 'political' enticer - which would surprise no-one.
  19. Too right! Should have happened far earlier than this current speculation but then again, Goodwin has his ideas .... refusing to budge.
  20. It has been suggested that the Coach will be gone midseason if we are not winning (but is that the only measure?) If that is to be the case, I'd support it, strongly. If 'the old excuse trail' prevails, once again, most supporters will be devastated and non-supportive of the Club, I'd suggest. Any unsuccessful game, series of games, longer poor elements of the fixture from the MFC point of view must be met with a ruthless and sacrificing Board decision to rid us of an unsuccessful Coach. Last legs, in other words, for Goodwin.
  21. Agreed. I'd heard at the time of his recruitment (two seasons ago) that he had talents above most, mobility and courage. I'd wish him well with his recuperation, of course, but not discard him - he does deserve a chance to show what he's got for us - and several previous onlookers were most impressed with such talents.
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