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Engorged Onion

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Everything posted by Engorged Onion

  1. I was there too...sinking cans with a glazed look in my eyes... I am sure I repeat that on here annually. Anyways, just got gifted a ticket this afternoon to go with a Dad from school pick up who is a 'multi-generational' member. should be a fun night 😀 I think we will uber from the peninsula. Catch up for a beer :)
  2. Did Jack Watts drop himself - and get lambasted? Or do I recall that incorrectly?
  3. Does it get tiring having to explain it bi-weekly? 😍😘
  4. 100% this - his comments do not even slightly marry up with what the vision shows and how disgruntled CP is.
  5. I hear you , and do you recall that if it wasn't for injury he would have played in the GF - so clearly the FD see something that we don't from the outside.
  6. We've learned our lesson that MC is not to be trifled with! Mmmm trifle🍧
  7. If you have time could you discuss around this observation please. Goodwin is a fine coach. Great systems in place, and clearly a forensic and strategic thinker. How the MFC system has stood up without Oliver I think has been lost, or not considered in overall commentary about how we have played over the last month, Oliver IS a significant loss, his output and his s thinking and quick hands. BUT our game is not built around the feted ones in the midfield, as evidenced by the last 3 weeks or so. It is robust enough to withstand the loss of arguably* the best players in the midfield in the competition. *we know I was being diplomatic
  8. A few good things to ponder retrospectively https://themongrelpunt.com/afl-season-2023/2023/06/12/melbourne-v-collingwood-the-big-questions/
  9. I would have come, but it was 'sold out'... I suspect many others were the same.
  10. https://twitter.com/AFLxScore/status/1668168763714449408?s=20
  11. Nah, there is no evidence that other teams are more accurate in finals- if anything I’d say we will regress back to the mean with our accuracy. Not sure what the expected scores were.. surely a 6 goal win.
  12. Looking forward to an updated @WheeloRatings 👌🙌🏼🤩
  13. What were the strategic wins by the FD and what did they exploit from Collingwood?
  14. Not sure who it was but prior to Roo’s goal, should be cited for going the man (McVee) in the centre square. Also, for those that thought we would lose, it’d be nice to get a sense of what we did well today against the undeniable premiership favourites. Looking forward to the post match reviews. 🙌🏼💙❤️
  15. Have I missed something here? 🤷‍♂️😆
  16. Imagine the supporters response if Goodwin (or any coach) held a presser in such an emotional manner. It would be hilarious...and a damned indictment, and they'd suggest he wasn't fit for the job to make useful decisions on behalf of the club.... On reflection, I think there is something in that for all of us 😆🤷‍♂️
  17. Good on you for defending freedom of speech. No one's saying that people can't say negative things... people just get the frustrated over the repetition, particularly if we're optimistic. I suppose its the exact flip, if you're more attuned to focusing on the negatives, it's a bit tiring hearing those optimists provide rationale and explanation for their perspective. Either way, we're all 'realistic' eh! A loss and I will buy into all my [censored] that we're not good enough and that Collingwood specifically have a game plan that causes us issues. Knowing intellectually that whether we win or lose today has very little baring of what will happen in 2 months or so time... but emotionally I know, I like to look for patterns to prepare myself for the worst... Go Dees ❤️💙
  18. Odd comment from the accredited coach that is Daisy… ‘we don’t want to see those technical free kicks paid in such a big game’. Right, so free kicks are open to interpretation as to whether theyll be given, considering context of the game and other contextual factors. Good to have clarity…
  19. I’d love to quote myself about some thoughts a few days ago re: McKay’s choice to snap around his body and it reinforcing his anxiety..
  20. Many views, but mostly I like to think this is about messaging from the media outlets, preparing the great Collingwood unwashed for a loss. It’s either that or our game is now more transparent… 🤷‍♂️😊
  21. It's more about if we're not winning it doesn't fit the expectation that we won a grand final with the list, thus... a) coach doesn't have plan B b)other coaches are stagnating c) not hungry enough d) bathwater e) if you're standing still. you're going backwards and I demand we do more with the talent that we so obviously have. which fails to take into account a) how even the competition in, with player, coaching and ancillary staff resources spread across the league b) nuances in training c) the impact of injury (acknowledge in media or not) on personnel on a weekly basis across a 6 month competition. etc etc
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