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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. l may be too. any procedure involving the knee makes me nervous especially when its something odd like a cyst. hopefully our training reports are a little more transparent under burgo
  2. Bit left field but former demon Cameron Johnstone was/is a handy kicker for the Philadelphia Eagles
  3. MFC's official training photos are on the improve, but not sure why they would include photos of players drinking water. Last time l checked you get zero Champion Data points
  4. thanks for the reports everyone. much appreciated. like the stat indicating numbers training on the list but would also be great to get a stat on the number of our starting 22 that are doing match practice / match simulation also as this shows how progressed our key players are in the more advanced phase of their training work. awesome next level reports everyone!
  5. A few clubs chased him as they did Burgess so well done to the club on getting high quality staff. The structural changes pert and mohoney have overseen have been excellent. Probably just missing a gun senior assistant that other clubs tend to have but otherwise looking set for 2020
  6. great topic for discussion. l went into the rooms after our win against Footscray in 87 to make the finals and got Robbie flowers signature on my record. my favorite day at the footy. exhilarating finals series' under northey. who would have thought Dean Chiron could play a role against platten, but northey could get them playing out of their skin despite having less talent then the daniher era
  7. Viney for captain. Worst case co-captain. Sends a poor message to players that we change our captains on a whim. Our recent history in this regard is poor. What happens if Max repeats his 2017 season where he admitted later that he wasn't doing everything he could to get back to form, do we then replace him next season with a fit Viney after he wins the B&F !?!? Need to back in your young captains, provide support, and help them develop their leadership
  8. A harsh call l agree. l do appreciate the reports as well. This seasons reports are next level and have the stats about numbers in rehab and training etc to back up opinions. On reflection, my comment was directed more at one poster that l think deliberately misleads in reports to paint a rosy picture which l find disrespectful. PS stand by the fact it isn't that hard to identify the worst preseason our club has had in years if you have been to see other preseason to compare with
  9. Spot on. Elite sport requires elite preparation. Doing enough to get across the line to play isn't going to get it done when others have a heap of km's in their legs. I posted my concerns about last preseason when it was obvious we would struggle: 15/2/2019: Not a bad time to be leaving by Misso given that we will reflect on all the injured / rehab players we have at the moment and those that re-injure if we don't make the finals this year. A real possibility unfortunately for those of us that are realists 21/12/2018: Of the 26 [in training] l counted roughly 8 that would be in our starting 22 which includes May. ... Numbers training are a continuing concern though
  10. wasn't that hard to pick at all DS if you have been to a few training sessions before to compare with. if seasoned track watchers can't distinguish between the worst preseason a club has had in a long time and other preseasons then they are deliberately turning a blind eye or don't know much about the game
  11. some people see themselves as an extension of the mfc PR machine and act accordingly. only criticising club individuals and decisions when it is safe to do so or not at all
  12. rubbish, l went to training and quickly realised we would not achieve the heights of 2018 after a couple of sessions and posted a few times accordingly. all you need to do is count the number of starting 22 players doing match simulation / match practice to realise we were stuffed. would be great if that stat was/is in each of our training reports
  13. My experience has been that its very hard to shift the 'membership' needle within a season even if a team gets off to a flyer. So there won't be any membership records next season whether we make finals or not. Brace yourselves for another tough season financially. All going to plan the cash will start rolling in during season 2021, after we make finals and acquit ourselves well in 2020.
  14. pokies are disgusting, we were right to get out, but equally we should have grown revenue to cover ourselves by now. we have had worse years on field without losing so much cash. also don't like the way it was communicated suggesting debt was down just because they held on to the cash from the proceeds of assets. too much spin for my liking, they just need to own the loss and talk about how we rectify it going forward
  15. think l understand what your saying, but all clubs are funded by sponsorship to exist and compete at an elite level. we can do more than one thing at once
  16. l don't believe we get naming rights revenue and if we did it would have to be shared with the storm, rebels and victory l suspect
  17. that certainly is the case but not having our own training/admin facility has/is a massive missed opportunity. each year that has gone by has cost us a few mill p.a. in missed naming rights revenue e.g. ricoh centre, ikon park, holden centre, gmhba stadium, city mazda stadium/ Swinburne centre, linen house/rsea oval. That revenue would provide stability and make us less reliant on onfield performances
  18. Don't forget - we will be getting a few million bucks pa for the naming rights to our new training and admin facilities. Collingwood gets $3+ mill pa. Now all we need to do is design and build the thing
  19. With 2 genuine wingers we should find the midfielders will spend more time rotating through the forward line instead of propping up the wings
  20. a hunch is based on intuition, you can take it or leave it like most of the opinions in this forum! time will tell but the silence from the club if deafening.
  21. firstly, a hunch is based on intuition and less about facts so you can take it or leave it! in any case, players with no obvious injuries that do long stints of light duties is a sign of something is not quite right. keeping in mind he has had all preseason to get his head and body right. if he still has concussion issues or has been told another concussion may have major consequences then the player and club (if in agreement) will naturally negotiate terms for the remainder of the contract. until then keep turning up to training so your contract isn't broken in case something falls through but play it safe on light duties.
  22. There is no way in the world we looked a million bucks last year in training with the reserve team basically doing the vast proportion of the 'football' type training drills early and many senior players stuck in rehab / walking / bikes or resting. Was obvious very early on that 2019 was going to be difficult and we wouldn't be able to match the performances of the year prior, unfortunately it was worse than even l thought at the time
  23. All l need to do is think back to crunch finals matches against geel and hawt in 2018 where he drove the team forward with huge tackles and pressure with no match practice in the lead up and lower midfield minutes. Injury would be the only reason you would replace jack and even that doesn't make sense but don't trust me read player ratings for yourself. Top 3 mfc players in both crunch games Jack Viney: 9: Couldn’t have asked for any more from a guy who hadn’t played a game for 62 days. Won 20 disposals and didn’t give an inch with 11 tackles. JACK VINEY: 8 Like one of those energiser bunnies, just wind him up and watch him seek and destroy. Imagine what he would be like in finals when fit ! We forget too easily sometimes.
  24. For me, a yes to any training update which has the natural bias of the reporters whether respectfully positive or negative. Can we afford to be picky? No to misleading reports. Remembering that this time last year we were being told the mfc were going to make the top 4 when no one was on the park training
  25. With KK he appears to be fulfilling his contractual obligations until extra medical reports come through and / or mfc and perhaps even afl insurance sort out a payout where club and player probably manually agree that its unsafe for him to continue. mfc also probably looking to get an extra player on the list if it happens. As l said its a hunch but seems to be following a familiar path.
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