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Posts posted by titan_uranus

  1. don't you think that alot of the current nicknames for afl teams have been born out of history, rather than made up for comercial reasons? we are the melbourne football club. as are the carlton football club, etc. the 'demons' nickname is a monika that stemmed out of history, like the redlegs, the fushias and the invisible whites before that. i say let the GCFC grow their own nickname, so that it means something when it eventually sticks.

    Yeah I guess so. But the board could have at least had some better ideas.

  2. I still can't believe that Gold Coast Suns never even got a mention as an option.

    I'm not saying it's the best or even putting my word in for it. But it surely had to be considered, what with being the number one positive thing people associate with the Gold Coast.

    I don't really understand why any nickname idea has to be associated with the Gold Coast. Look at the existing clubs. There aren't too many Lions in Brisbane, or Hawks in Hawthorn, or 'Blues' in Carlton. What I'm trying to say is there isn't a necessity to have a nickname that goes with the location. So, for some examples, it could be the Gold Coast Kings, or Gold Coast Chargers. Really, anything's better than the Gold Coast Nothings, as they have now become known.

  3. I have a vague memory of some weeks having 3 teams having a bye.

    I assume this would come into play somewhere.

    The AFL won't want just 17 rounds, their main reason for establishing another team is to build television revenue. Because, you know, Gold Coasters all love their footy.

    But generally they're going for a, more games, more money approach.

    I think there'll be 2 byes per team, but can't really be bothered figuring out how it would work

    Ah, I didn't think of 3 teams having a bye each week. So I guess there'll be more than 22 rounds.

  4. When the Gold Coast team arrives in 2011, there will be 17 teams, meaning that one club will have a bye each week, right? So, given that each club will have the same amount of byes, does that mean that there can only be 17 rounds of football? I mean, there couldn't be more, because then some clubs would have more byes than others. So does that mean that each team will play each other team once, with one bye, and then finals?

  5. I think the Dogs made a severe tactical error by announcing that they were virtually finished for the home and away season once they were locked in to the top 3. No coincidence that, as the certainty over their position on the ladder firmed, their form went down the gurgler. What's worse is you would think that they'd been preparing for this final for 6-8 weeks now, and came with a whole bunch of crap match-ups and a game plan that didn't work. They're gone. Might not beat their opponent next week.

  6. sounds good to me. But how come the MFC poll was 50/50 ??????????????????????????? ridiculous

    I'm guessing the club did this as a test to see what people thought, but the only way one of those jumpers was going to be announced was if there was an overwhelming response to one of them over the other. Like maybe 80-20 or something. I reckon it would have been something like 55-45, which for the club probably wasn't definitive enough.

  7. I got my response yesterday afternoon (so about 24 hours, no complaints there), but not from Martin Cox, but from a receptionist...

    Anyway, the response was:

    "Thank you for your feedback, and continued support of the Melbourne Football Club. As you may be aware, the AFL criteria is extremely specific with regard to clash guernseys.

    We are required by the AFL to have a lighter colour as determined by them, in order to avoid any clashes. Based on the results gained from the the recent guernsey choice poll, we are attempting to negotiate and produce a guernsey that pleases a majority of members and supporters.

    We will be keeping members and supporters up to date and involved in the process as it continues, and as our negotiations with the AFL continue."

    Completely ignored my question as to whether white was the club's preferred colour, which kinda angers me, but I can understand them not having enough time to respond to all the emails.

    I had thought that there was a good chance of getting a red jumper, but now I'm not so sure.

  8. Unlucky given his second half of the season. He was one of their best.

    Yeah, I would have thought there were worse players on their list than Armstrong. Oh well. At least he has a premiership medallion.

  9. 1) Morton/Rivers, 2) Bate/Neitz, 3) Petterd/Garland, 4) White/Valenti

    5) Whelan/Miller, 6) Frawley/Newton, 7) McNamara/Sylvia, 8) Carroll/Holland

    9) Cheney/Wonaeamirri, 10) Yze/Maric, 11) Dunn/Wheatley, 12) Green/Bruce

    ps: how ironic is it that Holland and Carroll are together..

    I agree with these.

    Love Cheney/Aussie. Check out the yellow nose...

  10. Players who have gone nowhere or backwards:


    Dunn (although he has had a change in playing style, he could be a lot better than he is)









    Petterd (through injury, but boy he was horrible rnd 22)

    Jones should be in that list. But I agree with who you've put there.

  11. Have just emailed the club. I decided to ask them, straight up, whether the club is happy with white (or any other third colour) to be included on the jumper, because of my suspicions that the club is pushing for a white jumper. Suggested bub's red design with blue insignia and blue panels as an option.

    God I hope we can get this to work.

  12. received from the club this morning...

    Hello ........(Me),

    Thanks for your email. After the vote on our website was split exactly 50-50, we are now working with the AFL to determine a clash jumper design that is unanimously supported by our members, and a predominantly red design will be discussed.


    Martin Cox

    Marketing Co-ordinator


    Things are looking up :)

    Oh good. I just read True Believer's response on another thread, and got stuck into that for bascially dismissing the option of a red jumper.


    to further emphasise just what a crock of sh!t the AFL talk. This is as we all know the back of a jumper belonging to a certain team north of theMurray. Who by the way HAVE NO CLASH jumper !! apparently not needed.

    So if a red back is good enough for them..surely for us too !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great point. Maybe someone should point that out to the AFL/Melbourne

  13. The other criteria enforced by the AFL surround the length of time a jumper must be used and it's colouring. Dark playing strips need a light coloured alternative, as in the case of our silver jumpers and an "alternate" jumper must also be used for a minimum of two years. Unfortunately, the AFL will not allow Red to be the predominant colour. The AFL have determined that the MELBOURNEfc home strip clashes with Brisbane, St Kilda, Essendon, Fremantle and Carlton. This clash occurs mainly due to the dark back of our jumper and those of the clubs listed.

    Weak response. I'm guessing this is the stock standard that we'll all get in response to any email about the jumper. I now believe that it is the club that wants the white strip. The statement 'Unfortunately, the AFL will not allow Red to be the predominant colour' is incorrect, as has been mentioned numerous times. I'm sure people have sent the club comparisons between a red alternative strip and all these jumpers. There is no clash. I think our pleas are falling on deaf ears.

  14. Yeah I dunno if Essendon's fitness managers are of the highest quality. I notice too that Bohdan Babijzcuk (am I close?) has been moved into a part-time role. I wonder whether that's his choice or the club's. I have to say, given what seemed to be a lot of hype around him when we first got him to the club, I can't say I notice any significant improvement in our fitness.

  15. Explain why?? I don`t get how someone like vossy needs time as an assistant.. Also his been in a coaching program since hanging up the boots.

    Knowing how the game works doesn't immediately mean a person will become a decent coach. On game day, Voss may find he doesn't have enough experience to know how to deal with in-game issues. I'm not saying he's definitely the wrong choice. I'm just saying I think they've rushed into what might not be the best choice.

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