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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Would he? The bloke is unproven at AFL level, where as we know what we get with Brown. I see the reasoning behind wanting someone like Sokol, but nobody picked him up. That's telling.
  2. Don't know a whole lot about him, but it seems like an astute pick at the minute. We've gone tall, small and in between with our picks. Makes plenty of sense to me.
  3. I wouldn't necessarily be against selecting him, however you get the feeling that we might just go with best available with our final pick. It seems like there is still some serious quality on the board for us to choose from, so I'm intrigued to see what we do with it. With Kossie on board, and Bennell potentially waiting in the wings, we might feel like we don't need to select someone like Taylor.
  4. I may be wrong, but I believe he is related to Nev Jetta. So he may end up living with him to begin with anyway. Absolutely ripping pick, though. He may take time to build his tank and find some consistency, but he will light up the G on a regular basis when he gets a run in the senior side. I can't wait.
  5. Just goes to show that, while it's natural to have reservations, it's downright stupid to get angry about it. These kids need time and they deserve to be given time from the supporter base before we knock the decision to draft them.
  6. X-factor, goal sense, loves smashing blokes and can turn games in minutes. Massive reach? You need to reach for the tissues. This bloke will win games off his own boot.
  7. Nothing has won us premierships for 50+ years. Just ask SWYL. Why can't we buck the trend? I think the upside that Jackson has outweights what someone like Young or Serong bring to the table. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. We'll just have to see.
  8. I'll be honest and say that I wasn't all the enamored with this selection a few weeks ago, and I'm still warming up to it. But it just seems childish to knock the club or the pick until we see the outcome, which is still a fair way down the track.
  9. Listen, regardless of how we feel about this pick right now, the least we can do is get behind the kid. He clearly has some attributes that can make him a star and, until we see him in a few years time, I think we can at least try and hold off on the wrist slashing.
  10. Unless we already realise that Preuss will be nothing more than handy depth. This bloke has the capacity, with the right development, to be an absolute star.
  11. What do you want the bloke to do? Cartwheels? Pull the back of his jumper up to show a Dees tattoo at the small of his back? Jesus.
  12. If you look at the top 10, there aren't many pure mids outside of Rowell and Anderson. Many are forwards/backs with the ability to potentially push into the midfield. That's how I see it anyway. Luke Jackson now has the best possible players to learn from in Gawny, and I'm excited to see him develop.
  13. I do wonder if we can coax someone into a swap like that so we get two inside 10-20 as opposed to 10 and 28. I've read somewhere that, if the Crows pass on McAsey, it might open up those opportunities more when the picks come around to us. While I'm more than happy with Pickett, I still think there is plenty to play out before we draft him.
  14. I want to select him now just to annoy those who don't want him, and then remind them of the fact until the season begins. Get it done Jason Taylor.
  15. Is it? I thought the first round was tomorrow night and the rest of the draft was done on the Thursday night...?
  16. I still think we're in for a few surprises. There is every chance someone like Serong makes it through to us, and then we have a choice to make, one in which I'd be inclined to believe is to take Serong. Then we could potentially looked to 'trade up', using pick 28, to land Pickett who also has the potential to slide a bit. While I get the feeling we're pretty much locked into Jackson at 3, I think there are still a variety of options that could play out at 10.
  17. I say go for it. The kid has the potential to be a match winner. Loves to tackle, gets to the right spots and loves a goal. I don't give a stuff if we take him at 10 as opposed to 28. If we believe he can be a big part of our forward line for the next decade then who cares where we select him. Get him, develop him and watch him smash blokes and kick goals every weekend.
  18. The final paragraph of my post explained it...
  19. I think we would all love a Judd or Dangerfield, but let's be realistic here. Those guys don't grow on trees. It seems as though the club potentially believes that Jackson can play senior footy next year, and if we select Pickett at 10, we would be right to assume they believe he can play senior footy in 2020 as well. Those guys you mentioned are entering their primes. No doubt about it. But, outside of Max, they all still have plenty of footy left in them and Jackson will have more than enough time to be part of that push for a flag.
  20. We've had mixed results. Yes, the jury is still out on the Weid, while we've reached for others like Lucas Cook and Luke Molan when we didn't need to. However, even though it was the mini draft, we nailed the Hogan pick, plucked an AA ruckman out of the third round of the draft, got Tom McDonald with an even later pick... and so on. While I'm only just beginning to warm to the potential selection of Jackson, I can understand the reasoning. As much as we want to, Gawny can't play forever. We can see the influence he and guys like Grundy have and we can draft Jackson and give him time to develop into the player we want him to be.
  21. Yeah, I wouldn't put a whole lot of credence in what norm is saying. Totally different types of players. The only aspect I agree with is that he's not a Top 3 pick. Someone to look at with our second pick? Possibly. It's relatively clear that we want to draft a small forward, and you would expect us to do it with either pick 10 or 28, or we trade 10 for two picks in the middle of the first and do something there.
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