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Everything posted by Dante

  1. If anyone thinks the Ticketek are efficient then check this out. I ordered 6 tickets and they were are all to be in the Olympic stand, well I received 12 tickets half in the Olympic Stand and the other half in the Southern stand, unbelievable.
  2. I think the ABC trawl the internet looking for matters that they can get outraged over.
  3. Sad loss and I feel for his kids and other members of his family. He was a good guy and helped me when I was going through a bad time, we only met once for coffee but he gave me some advice on how to handle the situation I was in, similar to his. We kept in, infrequent contact, and last time he messaged me he was rather upbeat, but that was a couple of years ago and I guess things change and can change quickly when dealing with that awful disease. RIP Mark, hopefully the boys can win a flag and if they ever do I'll have a glass with you.
  4. Does having a stutter make you introduce your wife as your sister, or calling the race for the Whitehouse the race for the Senate, or forgetting where he is, countless times? There are many more but Im sure you get my drift. Tis a pity that they can't get someone under 70 to run for President.
  5. What should he have done? What power did he have to close down the States like the Premiers of Australian States did? Wouldn't it be the State Governors that wield this power? What do you think Joe will do to stop the deaths? Give me an example.
  6. What sort of a racist comment is that?
  7. So is your comment that all Trump's supporters are redneck racists, just gut feeling or a racist comment?
  8. Who ran it if not Obama? Joe was missing in action, particularly after bedtime, I'd say that Obama was more visible that Joe ever was. I doubt that the Democrats would trust Joe with a sustained campaign. Personally I don't care who won, other than it's obvious that Joe has the early stages of dementia and will struggle to remain coherent for much longer, sad to see a politician that's drifting off to the land of sundowners. Also his dealings with his son and the acceptance of underhand payments was conveniently swept under the rug by the media and social media. Harris will be in power before the first term ends and will lose office and never be elected at the end of it. I don't think she is the most popular Democrat in the ranks. I'm just glad its all over, I am sick of the whole debacle.
  9. Votes 2016 Clinton - 65,853,514 More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential ... and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia Trump - 62,984,828 Trump polled over 70 million this time so i don't think that his supporters shifted away from him. He now has the honour of having the highest number of votes for a losing presidential candidate. I'm not a Trump fan but I'm not a Biden fan either and doubt he will last twelve months, so it will be Harris as President for the majority of this term, unless he can get Obama to run the office for him the same way he ran his campaign, What I hate is the way any Trump supporter is labelled a Redneck, Racist, uneducated white trash, this in itself is racist, you don't have to be coloured to suffer racial abuse, not on this forum, anyway.
  10. Why is their position 10 Times worse and how did you arrive at 10 times. What is the difference to our set up, should we change ours, and what would your system be? You obviously have an issue with Catholics and certainly the fact that you call people redneck yokels means you have an issue with working class people. Do they have to have a college degree to have any rights in your view.
  11. Perhaps you should read her record as a judge in California, look it up.
  12. If you'd said that about a woman who wore a lot of makeup you'd be howled down, do you see the irony? Probably not.
  13. NSW 6 Senators 8 Million people Victoria 6 Senators 7 Million people Tasmania 6 Senators 300,000 people Your point being?
  14. Graeme Watson dead: Australian Cricket great remembered by Ian Chappell Graeme Donald Watson
  15. If you can afford it I guess you just pay your membership and give the club some financial support, in these trying times, It won't always be this way and when this finally passes over the clubs that have received the most support from their members will come out in the best shape. I can afford it so I will continue to pay, but I'm sure there are those that simply don't have the funds to continue with their monthly payment. We all get enjoyment (?) watching our club play, so if we have the opportunity to help keep them afloat, I guess we do it, but not at the expense of putting food on the table.
  16. On another matter, I saw Jake Lever doing a solo of the Tan the other day, he looks fit albeit really thin.
  17. Perhaps we should annex off the bottom part of Western AUSTRALIA, Perth and below and divvy up the rest between South Australia and the Northern Territory. Or rename it North Western Australia.
  18. If you get the chance to listen to the Premier of WA's press statement it's worth a listen. I never realised that they weren't part of the greater Australia.
  19. https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/an-impossible-needle-to-thread-two-questions-corona-critics-should-ask-themselves/news-story/bd217bdc36bcddf24aace15bb20f0894 "Now as anyone who knows me knows, I’m not exactly the head cheerleader for this government but I am quite fond of Australia. And it’s hard to shake the sense that for some it doesn’t matter what the PM does, they are actively willing him to fail. Sometimes there is a fine line between predicting disaster and praying for it. Personally I have grown quite attached to my life and my house and so I wish him every success in tackling anything that threatens either." Joe Hildebrand
  20. https://www.theage.com.au/world/asia/the-war-within-the-war-over-coronavirus-20200327-p54ee0.html Let the blame shifting commence.
  21. https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/inside-morrison-s-expert-medical-advice-circle-20200327-p54ekq.html
  22. I have to agree with that. Too many trying to score political points and forgetting the issue at hand.
  23. I watched the first quarter and then turned it off. We looked insipid and incapable, and I think it showed that to the opposition, they were effectively laughing at us and treated us with disdain. It was embarrassing. The coach, the plan, the players, something has to change. The Club is fighting for its life and that effort(?) won't help, we have been serving up the same [censored] for years and something has to give. We need Roos back, for five years, to end this apathy that is shown by the players.
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