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Everything posted by Brownie

  1. It's like our forward line is made of rubber. Our field kicking out of defense is breathtaking.
  2. Geez just got on Richmond at $1.50 Happy to lose the money but geez that's good value considering our form.
  3. Maybe the whole team needs to play 2 games per weekend while we get our touch back and refine our game plan! ?
  4. Malthouse is right. Chugging the bathwater again
  5. The same was said of the likes of Frawley, Dunn and Garland over the years. When the ball keeps bouncing out of our forward line like a slingshot, any defender is going to struggle. Our game plan is rooted
  6. Membrey seemed to have a different defender every time. There's just no system or structure back there.
  7. Nash. We were doing that pretty well early last year too
  8. https://images.app.goo.gl/Ke5rM6mGgte2H7QR8
  9. Get Dunn Garland and Frawley back. They know how to play this brand of football!
  10. There's a great little show on the ABC -you can't ask that. Ask the people who are on the receiving end. Not a white bogan male. Indigenous Australians https://iview.abc.net.au/show/you-can-t-ask-that/series/1/video/LE1517H008S00 African Australians https://iview.abc.net.au/show/you-can-t-ask-that/series/4/video/LE1817H002S00
  11. I agree completely. I watched a replay of the final against Geelong a couple of weeks back and he was calling Angus Agnes. Segment should be renamed "tool in the sheds"
  12. Thanks @DeezNuts I thought Frost did a great job on Franklin but a few times that buddy got away from Frost, Salem was there to cover. Always hard to tell on TV but did the two of them seem to work together more effectively to cover him this week? Still thought Omacs got a way to go.
  13. This 'buy in" talk just reeks. As some have commented, even the body language of our leaders seems off. It's intriguing and depressing. I'm usually really optimistic coming into games even over the crap of the last 10 to 20 years. Right now I'm not buying in either. I've never been been so disillusioned. Maybe it's because we started playing so well last year and now we're playing worse than the suns ffs
  14. TMAC is flat out running at the moment. He looked really sore on Friday.
  15. As mentioned previously. Bring back Rawlings before he is poached!
  16. I swear we couldcopy and past posts from this time last year. Massive lapses where teams kick 5 to 7 goals against us in a row. Ball getting over the back of the press. We seemed to have learnt nothing
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