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leave it to deever

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Everything posted by leave it to deever

  1. Not sure if Scott had anything up his coaching sleeve to spur cats on. I mean its not like he wants to remind them of our comeback.
  2. Nice. Dont panic.
  3. Bizarre that the cats missed top spot by a kick. They are facing their second final losing three out of their last four games. Oh well.😁
  4. I hope we dont get many port fans at our game. I dont want that booing We must be ports most feared team.
  5. Hawkins just one goal. And no influence up the ground.
  6. Gws will beat Cats if they get up. Where do Cats play next?
  7. Cats look slow and they are. Dogs seem the same. About seven weeks ago we were no different. Ten weeks ago port were struggling. Its all about form. You cant maintain constant wins and smashing performances in this close season Lucky our slump is over and we are back to our best. Cats and dogs had their slump at the wrong time. Port on a winning streak and chock full of confidence and momentum.
  8. And always seem to have Swans measure.
  9. Hes on fire tonight.
  10. This doesn't look like the Port we beat. They have gone up a gear.
  11. We must have seriously damaged cats pyschee.
  12. Port breaking tackles too easily as well.
  13. Umps fighting a lost cause.
  14. Port doing what cats did to us without umps helping.
  15. Cant see cats winning this in anyway. They look slow.
  16. Free anyday of the week.
  17. Gee cats look off.
  18. Maybe the booing works. Drives me nuts .
  19. Didnt expect cats to dominate frees.
  20. Umps really struggle judging 15m.
  21. Geeeeeee Laid down softly
  22. Olir Olir showing his AA status.
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