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Bay Riffin

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Everything posted by Bay Riffin

  1. this superbly summed up what we don't do well and why I think Thomlinson will be valuable. He naturally takes up the spare ground and stops easy ball on the outside. a lot of winning is what happens off the ball and cutting off easy options, so the opposition has to take risks. Langdons pace and outside run will help as well.
  2. One averages 25 disposals , the other is a one trick pony with poor awareness, average kicking skills and very poor handballing skills.
  3. This just got interesting. we have to talk to him now. would love to see him on the 'G.
  4. what about the upgrading to pick 4 to get Oliver ? numbers can be important.
  5. anything to upset Carlton is worthy of consideration.
  6. We lost pick 26 in this weeks draft. We have no second and third rounder.
  7. He’s a Gun at throwing out valuable second rounders for nothing.
  8. I don’t get it. It’s backing ourselves to be top of the table !! We can come 7th and we will definitely still lose. I cannot get it. Even if we do really well next year we still lose. Explkain that to me ?
  9. It does show how ridiculous this trade is. Even if north fail to choose anyone good and we do it’s still will not make sense to me. This first ronuder cost us a first and second rounder, which buys you an A grader. Just stupid.
  10. You think? This trade looks ridulously one sided. We have no second rounder for no reason and It’s quite reasonable we finish back in the pack next year, with North benefiting greatly. For the board to agree to do this gives me little faith.
  11. because you can turn at 20s pick into Melksham, Hibberd, Forst, Fritsch types. They are definitely worth something. Its like you are saying their is the first round then the rest is a lottery.
  12. This literally looks like the worst trade of picks I have ever seen. We gain pick 8 and hope we beat pick 8 next year by jumping up 7 places (i.e become 10th) just to draw even, THEN throw in a second rounder ? then a third rounder? Absolutely ridiculous trading. please tell me this is not true, 3 picks for 1. There has to be a v good 2nd rounder pick coming back
  13. tore us apart at the 'G this year. Thomlinson likes the 'G as well
  14. basically for Hawks second rounder next year. fair deal.
  15. well pick 6 and a second rounder is rejected. so we'd need two top picks to get the job done. Freo are impossible under Bell.
  16. one of the best kicks in our side, and better decision makers but agree with the rest.
  17. Do remember this is one of their top 5 players. Probably the equivalent of Harmes in value. Not elite but much valued. What would you accept for Harmes? Imo if we give up just a second rounder for a top 5 player who is only 23 years old, we are laughing.
  18. I like this acquisition. What many supporters don’t mention is were are average in the air. Both marking and punching. He rates elite in marking for his position. And that can only help us.
  19. Throw everything at Papley? Who’s left ?
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