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Captain Todd

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Everything posted by Captain Todd

  1. Dropped into training last morning and the sun was well and truly burning the yard arm. Th guys had a fair bit of sweat going. Its not any better today. Gus and Spencer were wrestling at the opposite end. Goal shooting was happening and they were spread along the arc, Kent was revving the boys. Gawn was dropping them on his foot in a pretty good way, maybe we'll see of that next year. Kent looks fit and happy. The guys look like a team with a good camaraderie. Salem is primed for a big season and without the expectation, should be a good one. It was great to see quite a few people there. You can feel it changing, we are going to smash some teams next year.
  2. Its a great start if they can all get on the park. Let's hope it happens and Frost scares the $$$$$ out of a few forwards! That photo was enough to scare a few.
  3. When will it be common knowledge that these 900 or so players are NOT role models, they are young men with a talent for playing football. They are a microcosm of the community, with all its great attributes of leadership, honesty, integrity. It also has it's issues, and drugs and violence are unfortunately part of it. The AFL and clubland can educate and support, it is up to the young men with the talent to show what sort of men they want to be.
  4. It is good to read that "the saviour" tag from one or two draftees has been reduced from the last five years. With quality recruiting and a handful or genuine talented youngsters, we are not relying on Watts or Scully and Trengove to get us up the ladder. It takes a decent rotation of 12 midfielders, coming from half forward and half back and the bench to be competitive. Looking at the players today and the pressure is shared, no longer on Watts' head and shared between a few. Salem, Viney, VB, Gus, Petracca, Oli, Bugg, that is half our rotation delivered in less than 3 years. Watts, Jones, The awesome Bernie Vince, Kent, Tyson, they have the older heads and will lead these guys. Add the mid age recruits and it makes it more plausible and hopeful. It was hot out there today and breaking a sweat was par for the course, even for those not running!
  5. The Mustang is a good car, its fast and sounds great. Build quality is typical, plastic feeling of dash and centre console, gaps in panels and poorly fitting parts. However, it is fantastic to drive, I drove one for a week in CA in March this year and it is fast and fun. I got a brand new convertible 1000 miles on the clock and drove highways, city and country roads, top down, the exhaust sound is fantastic as it gets up to speed. The soft top works well and is easy to use. It easy to understand why they sold out so quickly. The same thing happened when Lee Iacocca back in 63/64 (depends when you want to believe it was really released,................. prebuilding). The best thing about it was it was fun! Why couldn't the local car companies make something like that? Then their production numbers would go through the roof. Build something that people will aspire to own and drive. The local car companies design decisions to offer boring base models in white, dilutes the brand of the car and makes the top end variant models less attractive. When a tourist is picked up in a base model Camry from the airport, its not showing the best that we can do. The top end variants are world class, put every option in every car, put our best foot forward and compete. The workers will be proud of the product and so will their families and the community. Not just another industry that no-one really cares for and the government won't be able to do what they have done. When C Class Mercedes sell more than locally made Falcons, it shows its not a price decision for the end user. The declining production numbers of locally made car, made it harder to subsidise. It is a shame it is going away as not everyone has a university degree and there are some people who just want a job on the production line.
  6. Is that the best you can do? I'm not a total novice, he is one our best if Neeld didn't screw him over with his mistaken Human Resource mgmt skills, he'd have the confidence of someone who'd never fail. He's now got the size and the belief of his team mates. Watch him, he is better than eledio
  7. Welcome to the MFC Weiderman!
  8. Just need a few more backyard cricket games! And don't let Vince win
  9. Hi everyone, first time blogger, long time reader. Watts is a good player and no-one that we'll draft will replace his ability which is why they can't trade him. Top 10 draft player never meant champion, look at the draft results from the last 15 years, what it does mean is he'll be a good 10 year player. That is all, a good servicable player for 10 years, he's a loyal clubman and deserves the respect that the kind of work and blood and sweat and beers that we puts in. He's lightning quick and will be better with a better midfield around him.I've seen him tackle, swerve, avoid and hit every target in a game only for the next player to turn it over. We should get off his bat and encourage them to do better. Son of Todd has that exact attitude and it is fantastic. we just need a few more to turn it on!
  10. Seen this guy play and at training,he is a gun! Got tired toward late last year, however continued to try and put the effort in, when he continues to get bigger and the tank increases, he'll continue to be fantastic. Talk it up dees
  11. Harmes at CHF & Forward Pocket Our midfield with a few more depth players Viney to rip them apart, attitude, talent and he wants it!
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