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Everything posted by DeeZone

  1. We are two games away from penultimate success why are we even discussing one of our leaders. Loose lips sink ships, stand firm behind the total group.!!!
  2. None of us will be satisfied, the boys have us in a state of excitement and euphoria that we have not felt for 21 years. A loss in either the Prelim or Grand final will be gut wrenching and cause much anguish and be emotionally draining, I am not contemplating a loss But no doubt will survive. We are the Best but now we must prove it.!!!
  3. Thanks EO that was a great read and I agree with above comments that it all started with Peter Jackson the architect of our rise getting Paul Roos and a great recruitment team and the beat goes on.!!!
  4. Great interview covered all aspects of Jacks career and we get an in depth view of Mark Neeld and how he set our club back 5-6 years, he punished them to the stage they were nervous about going to training. Very sad for the whole playing group in those days.!!!😪
  5. We are so blessed with the quality of people at the Dees. Gus is so thoughtful and considered with his answers makes us all so proud.!!
  6. A really great player but his brain fades have really damaged him as a Star and his Club at the most critical of times. I was really shocked when I saw the incident and the look on Jesse Hogans face following the incident confirmed to me the unacceptable nature of the incident. The Giants should impose further sanctions on him so that he actually gets it.!!!!
  7. Well done DJ that was a great early call on Fritsch his kicking was off last year as was his defensive skills, hard to believe that he could and would turn it around to such a degree in a pre-season. He looks and acts like a man who now knows where he is headed, confident, brave and dependable. Confidence and belief are a powerful serum and now knows that he belongs. love Frittata.!!!🔥💕
  8. I have watched a lot of games over the years since 1964 and we as a Team have never achieved what this 2021 team have achieved and we are the favourites at this point, that has never happened before. Our Best and Worst is now so much closer than previous years, we are never embarrassed or ashamed of this team. Two games to go boys make yourselves proud, Legend status is so near yet so far.!!!!
  9. I was very nervous for him playing in his first final but like all classy players he can absorb physicality and play his role without a backward glance, he is going to be a real beauty. Remember when Travis Johnstone played early in his career he looked fragile but always bounced up. Well done Jake Bowey you should be very proud of yourself.!!!!!
  10. Just watched the replay again a great win for the boys but we should have really torched them, we missed some very getable shots. After watching it 3-4 times I can’t help but be amazed at how long we can keep a top 4 side from scoring, we have never had a team or a gameplan that is so effective at robbing the opposition of the ability to hurt us. I feel happy and mellow and can sleep soundly in the knowledge that our boys will be resting up next week whilst the Cats, Dogs, Lions and Giants will be slugging it out. Well done you mighty Dees.!!!!!💕
  11. ANB had a breakout year in 2018 and he has increased his work rate and skill set to another level in 2021, so selfless but so important to the team. Now reaping the rewards and recognition. Well done Alex Neal- Bullen.!!!!
  12. Well the Delerium continues to flow from the mighty effort our boys are prepared to put in to help each other. Inaccurate but still won well, this team is the best that I can remember. Absolutely love this team.!! Go Dee’s.!!
  13. 6 - Clarry 5 - Max 4 - Tracc 3 - JV 2 - GUS 1 - Alex then all the rest special mention back line, Fritsch and Tommy Sparrow.
  14. Pretty spot on tonight Joeboy. Hopefully TMac picks up in the Prelim.
  15. If you miss the easy ones they will make you pay, comeon Dees.!!
  16. Just had takeaway now watching the weather and trying to chill, feeling apprehensive as I usually do leading up to a Major game. Come on Boys get off to a good start. I have my colours on. Go DEES !!!!
  17. Thanks Yze13 that has also been my families fondest memory for the past 21 years a huge thanks for that clip bought back the raw emotions of that great win and Blights toxic commentary. My wife and her best friend were crying and praying for the last 10 mins and our three daughters were jumping up and down we were so elated to be pushing into the finals. I think that last Saturday eclipsed those emotions but it wasn’t a Final.
  18. Love all the great posts, after watching the AFL Awards this morning I was feeling quite delirious such a great watch and it all rotated around our mighty team and if anyone still doubted Simon Goodwin listen carefully to our top players. All our Key Indicators are pointing towards a Premiership, how crazy happy would that be for thr entire Demon Family.!
  19. What a tough hard nut is Clarry so resilient and skilled he is quite a brilliant fierce competitor that deserves all the accolades that will come his way. We love this kid. Congratulations Clayton Superstar Oliver.!!!!
  20. Sad day for Carlton they turned the Sacking into a sad Circus and dragged out to it’s excruciating painful end.😪😪
  21. I haven’t turned my mind to Saturday night yet still enjoying the after glow of that unbelievable last quarter and in particular that last 27 seconds. I have had a lot of issues in the way that our games have been called this year but come the man come the moment and Hamish Mc called it in an inspirational way that will go down in history as one of the most significant plays of all time. Loved it.💕💕
  22. What a huge change this is for us supporters seven players nominated in the All Australian Team, I can remember the envy that I felt when the top sides would dominate the AATeam and we would hope to get a Dee into the team. This is what real success feels like it is all encompassing and hard earned I feel so happy and grateful to be a Dee supporter.!!!
  23. It all started with PJ, Glenn Bartlett then Roosy and our cultural shock learning to play hard tough footy and how to pick winners at the draft via JT and team. It has been a seven year journey and are we ready, 2018 was a taste of things to come but we learnt tough love, resilience and team first principles that will buoy us through the good and better times ahead.
  24. Sorry PW I was referring to 1964, on a still night you could pick up Adelaide in the Roxy Cafe in Merbein. Lol
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