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Everything posted by Mach5

  1. Reminds me of an old sketch about a deranged Carlton fan who changed his name by deed poll to Juddy Fevola... middle name EddieBetts.
  2. With May clocking the big 3-0 and his propensity for pinging hamburgers, I could see JVR spending time down back before getting a go in our forward line.
  3. I want to dislike him, but I don’t. And I find his vulnerability to be endearing. I really hope the young fella is able to manage this and still have a long and prosperous career, and be an inspiration to others.
  4. I think you missed it. Byrnes will be an assistant coach at Geelong to my understanding.
  5. I recall that in the last couple of years a poster relayed that an unnamed recruiter had told them they would not draft Sparrow under any circumstances. I now wonder that characteristics lead to such a conclusion. Happy for someone else to attempt to find the post, but buggered if I can.
  6. I’m similarly suspicious, but could it be due to needs?
  7. I think you need a cuddle mate. A+ for effort though.
  8. Your obsession and over-analysis of my posts is flattering! Thanks for your insightful input as always. If hoping one of our players is better than bloody Andrew Mackie (of all players in the history of the game) is a crime, lock me up. Heaven forbid.
  9. He was a handy contributor, but he didn’t carry those sides.
  10. Stats look good, but at the end of the day he was still Andrew Mackie.
  11. Bugger. Hope not many missed out. Didn’t think they’d cap it, although there’s probably some sort of covid restriction on numbers.
  12. Andrew Mackie did cross my mind. Hopefully better than him though.
  13. I remembered this post & had a little chuckle to myself as we took JVR! Little did he know...
  14. Great to hear someone else saw it! I remember saying to someone in his first season that the way Fritsch moved reminded me of Tulip, only to receive eye rolls in return. Part of the reason I was happy to see him move up the field later, but no one can deny his place is in the forward line now.
  15. I know what you’re saying, but I also don’t think they’ll ever do that. I feel like the romanticism of the father-son system will ensure it stays in place, and as long as a team is willing to pay the requisite price, the league will allow them to secure the son. It may be the case that the price rises, but I doubt that also.
  16. Not just that, plenty of development and momentum missed by the boys in VIC. And less recent exposed form to make harsher judgments on. Plenty of kids get downgraded because repeated viewings expose flaws in their games. The VIC kids have the luxury of potentially hiding flaws that could see them slide.
  17. It’s also worth remembering that we very likely have Kalani White coming in as a father-son selection in a couple of years. He’ll be huge.
  18. Because by acquiring an extra 3rd & 4th round selection, we now have picks/points ammo to trade with whichever club has F/S or NGA selections next season, to drag us back into the 1st round. Made more difficult by NGAs being pushed out to >40 in 2022 though.
  19. I think we’ve managed to find and exploit a loophole, that very well could be closed up now. By having a father-son that we were confident no one else would bid on, we were able to keep trading out our next pick provided another club wanted it, and thereby creating a new later pick to select WoJu at. Brilliant.
  20. Painfully slow, but still some decent prospects surprisingly available. Howes, Taylor, Warner all seem solid types.
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