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doc roet

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Everything posted by doc roet

  1. Good god
  2. Need to take this team down to st kilda beach at 7am for a training session.
  3. Tracks interview. He's grown up so much. A pure pro now. So proud of him.
  4. Great calming post.
  5. The touched may goal review wtf
  6. Come on dees hit em hard
  7. is frisch playing?
  8. about time we got one after the siren for a change
  9. Based on that decision, (Kozzies suspension) I'd be expecting at least half a dozen incidents a game to be looked at. How many times in a game, that is played at break neck speed, is there a action by one player that has the potential to cause injury to another. I'd say nearly every contested ball there could be an incident whereby a player makes accidental contact with another's head or face. It's football for God's sake, not basketball.
  10. Raising of the elbow was probably a nerve reaction after Kozzies bicep muscle was struck by Soligo face.
  11. Come off it , he had his arms out to try to smother, saw the contact coming, put his arm down to protect his side/ribs.
  12. If it wasn't for ANB we'd be gone
  13. Same here, so painful. Took me about a month to be able to turn over in bed. Don't know how these players come back so quick
  14. coached by a germ
  15. Yeah nah
  16. 03 yes
  17. It's such a beautiful thing.
  18. No Collingwood, you can't run straight into a player front on. Dumb fuxxxrs
  19. Certainly hasn't the "moves like Jagger" more akin to the moves like Joe Biden.
  20. I am so looking forward to this game tonight in anticipation of a pies loss. I want so desperately to see them get done. My preference would be after the siren, but wouldn't knock back a 10 goal loss either. If the game starts to blow out pies way,TVs going off. I want to see them and their supporters hurting. I have even gone to the point of looking who they have next ( brissy in Brisbane) and feeling good about that. I think I need help.
  21. Such a beautiful thing.
  22. No worries, Maynard will bring some flowers around again, and all will be ok.
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