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Timothy Reddan-A'Blew

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Everything posted by Timothy Reddan-A'Blew

  1. Grate (sic) follow-ups to this everybody. I'm surprised, though, no-one has speculated that Trac's issues are over his celery. Or maybe he's still ginger from his injuries?
  2. (to yours, D-c, as representative of several others, and sorry, all, if mentioned elsewhere) Young Ned Moyle, languishing in the Suns Twos, and who doesn't mind productive time in the forward line, evidently, would have seen something he ought to have liked, first hand, on Saturday, in a 'team-and-mentor' package.
  3. Surely someone has something to say? Since 4pm-ish on Saturday? (Footnote: Goody's unambiguous presser statement that keeping Petty, Turner and Van Rooyen together has been a deliberate approach, for '10 weeks', to create what finally blossomed (and is clearly expected/intended to continue to flourish) on Saturday. So, also, Jefferson really does need to kick the door down)
  4. Jack, you ought to collate your Before and After pieces, perhaps with clippings of those little graphic media tipster summaries (e.g. Friday's Age - 0 to 14 against us 😄), somewhere for posterity.
  5. Boys going bananas in the last quarter.
  6. That's cos of everyone's unusually close focus on the *cough* 'football' at the moment.
  7. C**k up! https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/1628768/live-stream-port-adelaide-v-melbourne This turns out to be North v Hawthorn! Our game is tomorrow at 11.30!
  8. Bring On The Girls. 🙏
  9. @Demonland, can we have a 'Paywall!' button?
  10. 'Leppitsch in' or 'McQualter out' 🤔 😁
  11. Re discussion of TMac herein: In interview he made the clear observation that he had changed his attitude for 2024, with a purpose in playing on (reasonably successfully it now seems) - and his ongoing guide through the year - being 'to have fun'. So, a decision to continue will be his more than the Club's, I suspect, and the question will be, 'Can I expect 2025 to be fun?' (indeed, 'Am I having fun at the moment?')
  12. I like this. I guess it's common across the competition? Do you think? https://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/1628030/aflw-pre-season-matchday-prep?videoId=1628030&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1723600800001
  13. Thanks, 74. This forum is at its best, and most attractive, when positivity and creativity, and also objective regard for our players (and let's no forget humour, too!) are to the fore. I hope something is arranged to make the night more of a drawcard than it might otherwise be.
  14. Lots of great posts here. This one captures my feelings well. I'm sure I remember early on in his career 'future captain' being written about him. He's had much of what is needed for that but he came up against some stiff competition when he reached the suitable time in that career!
  15. Please tell me we are! And thanks everyone for the original and 'years later' posts, rightly lauding 'Gawnie' (sic!)
  16. 2:01:54 for Jess (and placegetters broke 2 min) Extraordinary effort! Deek's 1981 world record was 2:08:18.
  17. ...though I see I've been beaten too it (sort of...😒): https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DPZez06NVLuY&ved=2ahUKEwi4xMeQgemHAxXfxzgGHTg8GsoQwqsBegQIEBAG&usg=AOvVaw0LZr1tjdhoRSqW5aS1toAh A 'different' mind comes up with linking banjo and techno 🤪
  18. Just watched it. Ouch. And more than 'nowhere'; it was to a Swan!
  19. ...including the Grundy tap to him. Regrets? I have a few.
  20. That's my instrument, universally the butt of jokes. Such a refreshing, positive sentiment, Lexi. Can I do it, then? Huh? Huh?
  21. Tom Morris to Arden Street: 'What if I wrote you were luring Jack Viney to Arden Street?' Arden Street: 'That's interesting.'
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