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DistrACTION Jackson

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Everything posted by DistrACTION Jackson

  1. This is true, as long as there is compensation. I think our list management and drafting team are one of the better ones, so will back us to have a good strategy in place.
  2. The main issue the MRO have is they had to deem it as 'medium' impact to get a week suspension with the matrix they used. I totally agree with the tribunal that it wasn't medium impact, which is why they need greater powers outside of this matrix for certain acts i.e. deliberate kicking, spitting, biting, eye gouging and I would even go as far as to say pinching could be thrown in this. It's all just BS acts on a footy field.
  3. Irrelevant in my view given he deliberately kicked someone. But happy to agree to disagree.
  4. I wouldn't personally. I'd accept it and move on and tell the player to never kick someone again. I had no issue with Sicily knocking McGrath over given they were coming at him, but kicking in any form is a dog act. In my view biting, spitting on or kicking a player should be automatic suspensions. No place for them in the game.
  5. 100% agree. The level of impact is irrelevant, kicking is just a shocking thing to do.
  6. I've listened to both episodes of Benny Gibson's podcast and it has been really good! Also won the signed Kade Chandler poster so that was also pretty cool 😆
  7. The one thing I hate about Cornes I noticed yesterday is that where Buckley was trying to be really positive and optimistic about Oliver, Cornes almost dismissed this and was basically saying he is likely to fall again. Thought it was a disgraceful thing to say, basically hoping someone has personal issues again so that you can talk about it.
  8. Yep different year, same dribble. Our crowds are in line with our member numbers, probably actually batting a bit higher as a percentage.
  9. Sam Maclure is probably the most hated journalist in Melbourne. He speaks absolute nonsense and is there just to try create headlines, a bit like a Kane Cornes but even worse. I actually think the word 'journalist' doesn't actually cover him as a professional, as it is demeaning to the other people doing a great job.
  10. I'd say due to the heat a lot of people who had the ability would've been in the bar areas! I couldn't make it unfortunately due to a prior commitment, so put my hand up as one who couldn't make it!
  11. When we have the full compliment to pick from our forward line is good enough to win a flag, given our midfield and defence. The big question is continuity and injury, with some luck we are every chance this year.
  12. Is anyone else having issues booking tickets with the replacement barcode? I just can't get the tickettek site working.
  13. 100% agree. Kicking someone purposely is a no no. I think 1 week is fine given the force he did, but if he got let off I'd be pretty annoyed because it's just something that can't be accepted.
  14. Think it was more to do with the Toby Greene incident... but still happy when he gets booed either way
  15. I think player managers and the AFLPA will be pushing hard for the Brayshaw money to not be put under the salary cap as well. If it is, clubs are going to become extremely careful with signing long term deals and this would be a bad result for them.
  16. I'm hoping we go with: Outs - Bowey, Schache & Spargo In - Pickett, Fullarton & Hore B: McVee May Lever HB: Hore Tommo Rivers C: Windsor Viney Langdon HF: ANB Fullarton Pickett F: Fritsch JVR Chandler R: Gawn Oliver Trac Int: Sparrow Howes Billings Salem Sub: Laurie
  17. Sydney are extremely inexperienced on the inside.... so Oliver and Viney will dominate.
  18. I'd go with Chandler personally, but could also see Laurie. No chance on Billings surely!
  19. I personally think there was a fairly big difference between the two acts. Viney had his eyes on the ball and it was in dispute and only looked at his opponent in the last split second and then braced. Brayshaw was running with the ball, so Maynard actually had eyes for Brayshaw the whole time and ran directly at him. Maynard left the ground and had a lot more time to make a decision.
  20. He's a shocker Eddie. So many things he has done and said over the years is disgraceful. The Adam Goodes one is the first that springs to mind! Genuinely racist.
  21. 100%. I love his aggression, but he risks missing big chunks of the season if he keeps attacking the man like he does. Focus on the ball Koz not the man.
  22. But the argument then becomes, the bump occurred after the initial action to smother, so cannot be seen as a 'football action'. The way it was prosecuted was so weak, but my line of questioning would've have been around from the point your arms were outstretched in the air looking to smother your next motion was to turn your body and drop your shoulder into Brayshaw's head. One option you had was to put your arms out in front of you to lessen the blow to Brayshaw, why didn't you do this instead? This idea that it was a football action is nonsense, it was a split second decision and he got it wrong but wasn't penalised.
  23. Seeing as the 'experts' very rarely get it right I am happy with these
  24. Baptism of fire! Guess we will learn what he's about early. Heeney can do unbelievable stuff, but can be inconsistent.
  25. Dangerfield would be pretty much identical to Trac in his kicking skills. That's why I have Dusty ahead of both. His kicking skills are sublime.
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