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DistrACTION Jackson

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Everything posted by DistrACTION Jackson

  1. Apparently Bailey is under an injury cloud as well.
  2. I believe he also had both hips operated on around the time he was drafted and that resulted in him losing a bit of speed.
  3. Kolt is also more a like for like replacement for Kozzy, where Woey isn't
  4. I think he does. He is actually quite similar in size to what Rozee was in his first season.
  5. This is the major issue and the reason so many fans are frustrated, myself included. There is no consistency to the MRO or the tribunal findings and also the way the media and the AFL questioning is from case to case. 7 months ago Maynard performed one of the more dangerous acts I've seen on a footy field, which resulted in a player retiring and gets nothing. Pretty sure there were still rules around showing a duty of care at that time, so not sure why it wasn't applied in that case. We now find ourselves where an incidental contact, while dumb from Kozzy it wasn't a dirty act and was made with very little force gets a 1 week suspension. In the same weekend Fogarty runs straight at Fyfe and launches himself at him with a clenched fist, misses the ball by a mile and punches him in the throat. This is assessed the same as a glancing blow from Kozzy. Then last week Rivers tackles Rozee, who throws himself to the ground (arms free) and the MRO issue a fine. The next weekend Toby Greene dumps Mac Andrew into the turf and it's nothing to see because - his arm was free. WTF is wrong with this competition and their adjudication. The MRO needs to be a panel of people, not one bloke who has shown himself to be inept. I would also be comfortable if the AFL said, he will have a 3 man panel deciding each incident and there's no tribunal option, their decision is final. It's the AFL's competition they can suspend anyone they want, why does there have to be tribunal involved if they have a panel who can discuss and make decisions.
  6. If you just looked at that photo and nothing else you would think it's worth 3 weeks, but a photo doesn't tell the whole story and just captures a split second. If you watch the video in real time he goes to smother the ball and then clips him very lightly, which you can't tell from a photo. The media have been running with that photo because it suits their narrative.
  7. @binman would love to know more about your stats regarding teams on a shorter break and how that effects performance? Do you have a % number or something on how many teams with a longer break win the game? How do you think our 7 day break v Brisbane 6 this week will benefit us?
  8. They will have to argue low impact (which it was), but also that the action did not have the potential to cause serious injury, which I think you can definitely do as Kozzie didn't have much momentum and realistically could've hit him even harder if he wanted. Not defending what Kozzy did, but those are the facts whether you like the way he plays or not. It will then be up to the tribunal to decide if they agree or not. Hopefully the lawyer we get does as good a job as Maynard's.....
  9. Great work calling out Dermott. Can't stand that bloke [removed].
  10. I reckon they are going conservative. Pretty sure Turner is 2-3 weeks ahead of their original timeline.
  11. That's ridiculous, it was not a dirty act at all. I will be unfollowing those clowns.
  12. I'm comfortable with Kozzy having a week suspension if the AFL decide they want to be ultra strict on head high contact, but this idea that the impact was 'medium' is ridiculous. It was low impact. I don't understand why they didn't change the gradings for head contact to: low impact - 1 week / medium impact - 2 weeks / high impact - 3 weeks and then severe straight to the tribunal for 4+. This 'potential to cause injury' wording just confuses everyone and muddies the waters. Fogarty should have got two weeks for that hit which was essentially the equivalent to Peter Wright except Cunningham got knocked out and Fyfe didn't. This is probably a bit to common sense though for the AFL to implement.
  13. That Fogarty one was a shocker! Ridiculous it gets graded the same as Kozzy. Just shows how broken their system is.
  14. That may be true, but just explaining to people how the MRO is meant to work. They should be assessing each action on its merit and not taking into account prior history.
  15. They don't take past record into account anymore other than for fines.
  16. Weeks is incorrect. Will be max 1 if anything. When you apply the matrix it is careless conduct, high impact and then either medium or low impact. That's either 1 week or a fine. To get 2 weeks it would have to be deemed as high impact, which it is not anywhere near.
  17. Just re-watched the highlights and paid particular attention to that Rivers push. It was one of the more blatant pushes I've seen! They did not show it once last night in a replay so had to watch the highlights to see it!
  18. Potential to cause injury.... yet someone retires someone and they don't use it...
  19. That was a f'ing disgrace.... And not one mention from Channel 7 showed who they were barracking for on the night....
  20. Asking for 4! c'mon mate that's ridiculous. Even if that was Maynard I would not be calling for 4
  21. To anyone having a crack at Kozzy saying he needs to change, I have seen numerous occasions this season where he was running towards a player and pulls up at the last second, so he has definitely changed the way he goes about it. This incident was a bit different to the previous bumps, given he was going for a spoil and then made glancing, side on contact. Will either be a 1 week suspension if deemed medium contact or a fine if deemed low. Going off the Max King one the other day which was similar I would say they will grade as medium, but who knows with the MRO.
  22. Oh yeah we definitely get screwed compared to Blues and Pies.... just depends how screwed.
  23. I think we definitely do.... which is probably why we finally get a home game v Geelong at the G and no travel down to Kardinia! Think they've requested this for 20 years straight....
  24. I remember listening to this on the radio as the game wasn't televised in Perth! Different time back then when you couldn't watch every game!
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