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Everything posted by dieter

  1. Is this a fact? Was he talked out of it?
  2. I've just finished watching the replay. If ever there was a game we should have won! I liked the work of the backline, they are more coordinated now that Oscar is playing. Jetta is not playing as well as he has and I'd reluctantly give him a rest. Lockhart will be an asset. Brayshaw is a worry, as is Pickett.Pickett simply isn't getting enough of the ball. I really liked Weidmann's attack on the ball, hated his kicking - no doubt, he hated it even more. I liked Jackson. He is looking like a player. Hannan was quiet, Fritsch was quiet. Harmes was awful. Out: Harmes, Pickett, Jetta IN: Tom Mac, Neale Bullen and Rivers.
  3. How much you wanna bet? He'll be out of Hawthorn at the end of the year. His brand is expired, it is obsolete, it is Pre Corona....
  4. The wheel turns. Clarkson made hay while the sun shone on his part of the paddock, using a formula which provided success. Part of the trouble with importing talented players to fill roles is that when they age there's a huge experience gap. Another factor is sentiment, in that surely it becomes difficult to shove players you've 'imported' into the waste bin. IT's interesting that Clarkson was able to do it to Hodge, Lewis and Mitchell, all players who started with the Hawks, but he hasn't been able to cut the Gordian knot with players he has imported. It would be fair to say that Frawley, Puopolo, Bourgoyne and Wingard are past their use by dates, that Hawthorn might be a better side had he groomed younger players to replace them earlier. And for all the talk of Hawthorn's success, the bottom line is they haven't won one since 2015 and have arguably been on a sink to the bottom of the sea journey since then.
  5. What the? How soft is that???????
  6. Did anyone see what he was fined for?
  7. I don't understand the 'unlove' for Melksham. We are not privy to what his role is, what the coaches want from him, and every possession he had was a winner. Get off his back.
  8. JUst watched the replay. Very convincing performance. The only downside I could see was Brayshaw and VandenBerg's disposal. A really well-balanced side.
  9. 6: Gawn 5: Petracca 4: Oliver 3: Viney 2: Weidemann 1: Oscar MacDonald
  10. I was brought up in Albion, Footscray territory. I was probably the only Melbourne supporter in the whole postcode. In 1964 Ted Whitten turned up at our house to deliver a Budgie in a cage because I had won a ridiculous competition where you were to predict the actual time the 2.30 from Sydney would land at Essendon Airport. I recall trolling through a telephone directory at the Scoreboard at Selwyn park - home of the Sunshine Football and Cricket Clubs, both of which I played for - and using the phone in the scoreboard to ask the operators at the airport what time the plane would land. How scientific is that? They said, 2.30. The plane landed at exactly 2.30. Luckily I wasn't home and the budgie and cage were delivered to our neighbours. The budgie did nothing but eat and fill the cage with crap and all my mother did was nag me to death to clean the cage out. I took a simple option one Saturday morning, I simply turned the cage upside down and the crap flew out and to my great relief, so did the budgie.
  11. You have history on your side. Europe, for example, is full of these ethnic and religious prejudices and hatred, mostly of 'foreign- speaking' neighbours, but almost universally of Jews. It's the ugly side of the human situation. What I find disturbing, is that the notion of the 'inferior' or 'bad' other seems to be ingrained in all of us. I note how quickly prejudice and misinformation about the Chinese has risen to the surface recently, how quickly we condemn Muslims, how easy it has been to ignore the massive injustice we have perpetrated on so-called 'Boat People'. Most pernicious, is the condescending and almost lethal attitude to the original inhabitants of this country called Australia. I have encountered and heard so much racist bilge and bulldust about them and nowadays I lose friends and make enemies by asking the bulldusters to question the attitudes they were born into, to question the 'history' which mostly distorts the real story of these people.
  12. Ray Smith, a half back in the mid seventies. Clark, a great player in the early nineties until he was injured.
  13. I may have not made myself clear. I wasn't 'deducting' points for his mistakes, nor was I blaming him for a smaller winning margin. It came from a sense of amazement that someone who is usually so clear and clean with his disposal could do clanger after clanger, repeatedly. That most players fumble, drop marks, kick to an opponent, get out marked, outsmarted at some time is a given. Petracca, for instance, made three blues in about the first five minutes, including the fresh air miskick in the goal square. I didn't watch the game, only the replay, but I recall the comment 'Petracca having a shocker' early in the Game Day Thread.
  14. Had Petracca not had a bad dose of the kicking yips we would have won by a much greater margin. Like I've said, I like the boy, he is an ace.
  15. Thanks for that. Just read it. Interesting read.Regards.
  16. I also loved the fact that whenever Bennell had or went near the ball the 'Class' barometer went through the roof. He is a very, very gifted footballer.
  17. Many questions, Jnrmac. The fact it needed a 'report' raises the question of smoke and fire in the first place. Secondly, it may raise the question of how many white fellas died in custody. I'll bet quite a few bottles of red the figure is miniscule in comparison. My main problem is that we're talking about a 'Legal system' designed and run by an establishment which caused the imbalance of prison populations which - as in all Colonial countries - has a huge proportional imbalance. It's also the same Legal System which allows Pedophiles like Pell to walk free.In other words, brother, it may well pretend to be a Legal System, but it's simply a continuum of the notion of White, Moneyed Privilege. It is as far removed from the concept of justice and equality as we are in kilometres from the North Pole.
  18. Please sign me up as a fan of the mighty Oscar. For the record, I always have been.
  19. Then again, there's Linda Price, an Alice Springs Politician working her way up the greasy Liberal pole, who is of Aboriginal descent, who claims most of the four hundred and whatever it is Deaths in Custody since 1991 were due to ------'Natural Causes.' And, I bet she also agrees with the Scomeo, that there was NO Slavery!!!!
  20. Brilliant hit the nail on the head stuff, BInman. !!!!!
  21. I agree with you entirely. I have a saying: scratch a Ukrainian, find a potato. Scratch many Australians, find a While Australia Policy.
  22. So far, Melbourne is the top-scoring side this round; one game to go.
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