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Everything posted by dieter

  1. It's a form of auto-didactic proselytizing. FYO.
  2. Most of you have missed the great literary genius behind this post. And English is not my mother tongue. Ah, the poetry and symbolism, Scot, Scat, the simple fact that a german knows the difference between a vowel and a consonant... Pearls before pork munchers, and those who abhor the meat because in the olden days it rotted before a sheep or a cow or a horse or a camel or a donkey did. A refrigerator would have changed the kosher habits and aversions of all Semitic people, their Muslim cousins and brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers included, and given them the benefits of what my favorite Lebanese Deli in Orrong Road used to call 'Kosher Ham.'
  3. Yes, strange place. I was born there, fled when I was two. Then my parents thought they were going back but forgot about the difference a consonant and a vowel or two makes. Ended up among the Scotch thistled paddocks and outside dunnies of North Sunshine ( So we're back in Scatland.) I've never recovered.
  4. Read the fine print, DC, ignore the salacious pictures, she's a Spanish National, of Mexican descent. Apparently into ice cream and concrete. So much so for being a 'Used Ice Cream' salesman.
  5. So, what's not to like about her? One less Ice cream salesman in the world? And the first husband? Well, apparently the klutz kept overcooking the asparagus.
  6. Some chose not to. We are Melbourne Football Club supporters. What would we know of the habits of the lowlifers?
  7. What would you know about Germans anyway? Apart from wanting to date one...
  8. Dats what happens when you deprive a man of the noble variety known as Taities.
  9. Yay, let's get a Court Order, shut the place down. Where will we go then?
  10. Not saying that at all. It was more a reply to the guys who give Saty a hard time for being soft on players like Trengove. Anyway, what's 'reasonable"? Also, in the end, what's there to discuss? These are the players the Demon hierarchy have chosen. Nothing we can do about that. Also, I'm very sure that not one centimeter of our discussions will change anything. That's up to the coaches, fate, fortune and the luck of the draw.
  11. Trouble is most of it is from the comfort of the armchair. I believe we ought to be able to put ourselves in the shoes of the players we are criticizing. I think Saty does that very well. In other words, we are all mere mortals barracking for a team we wish were total supermen. Some of them are, some of them aren't. I still love em. Though, yes, I did feel sad whenever the same old players who couldn't perform kept getting called up again to not perform. That's not the fault of those players though. They were doing their best. I can accept that totally.
  12. I'd rather have someone defending players than the nerds who never got a kick in their lives, other than from bagging blokes who try their best.
  13. "Quits then. You are obviously not in the mood for levity". Reply to Ernest by Mr Biff. Like this I thought he was in the mood for some levity. It made me laugh anyway.
  14. You never know in Melbourne, Saty.
  15. I think I got you when I called Lifeline once. You asked me out for a date.
  16. And how are you getting around?
  17. Couldn't agree more. The bottom line is heresy is heresy. I can feel an immolation coming on.
  18. In German we say, Ach du Liebe!
  19. Man, you wanna just talk peanuts by the sound of it. For a start, bananas are about just as boring as nuts. Wanna talk about the weather? Okay, it's nice and cool in Melbourne at the moment, though we are heading for a 38 degree Tuesday, though the weather bureau keeps changing its mind about the exact figure. Have you ever noticed that? Does it annoy you too?
  20. Yes, we have no bananas today.
  21. If he'd been born in Osaka though he wrote in German probably, by your reckoning, may not make him Japanese though.
  22. Obama did nothing but toady to Israel and drop bombs and talk sweetly. Clinton was just as bad. The damage he and Albright did to Iraq, just for starters, was way beyond the pale. Obama will be compared to the great fairy flosses of the world, full of sweet sound and broken promises ( Quantanimo, exiting Iraq and Afghanistan) while piling on the murders by Drones, not to mention his complicity in the rape of Libya and Syria.
  23. We are all blips, my friend.Some of us blip more honestly and benignly. I take my hats off to those who do. As they say in the classics, my buckin hats cover my buccaneers. Also, the terrors Alexander wrought on the world as he knew it ought to be compared to the terrors Napoleon, Churchill, Stalin and Hitler wrought on the world. I simply hate those clowns who thought it was their destiny and privilege to wreak terror. Bush, Blair, Howard, Obama, Clinton, Netanyahu, and their ilk should be put away.
  24. I had a lot of time for Michie. Felt he got the worst end of the Sub Position when it operated. I wish him all the best.
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